70’ 5’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG

109 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 06

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their cause or effect respectively. Let’s play a game. Please form 2 groups. One group will be called cause and the other will be called effect. Cause group will get a cause prompt? Effect group will get an effect prompts. You have to ind your cause and effect group respectively. Are your ready? Let’s begin. Good job Round of applause, everyone. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Active Conversation • Siswa diminta untuk bekerja secara berpasangan. Lalu masing-masing membuat sebuah percakapan sesuai topik yang telah ditentukan. Guru menekankan bahwa percakapan tersebut harus mengandung kalimat-kalimat yang menunjukkan cause dan effect. Kemudian siswa tampil membawakan dialog yang sudah dibuat. • This section focuses on speaking and listening. Students will create conversations with their partners. The conversation should consist cause and effect expressions. After it inished, they present these conversations in front of the class. Okay, class, it is time to converse actively. Choose your partner. Everyone has a partner? Good. Now please go to the Active Conversation section of Chapter 6. You have to think of 2 endangered animals and then write a cause 110 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 06

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Kegiatan Penutup Closing • Guru mengulas kembali apa yang sudah dikerjakan selama awal pembelajaran hingga akhir pembelajaran. Guru meminta siswa melakukan releksi terhadap semua kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. • Teacher reviews what they have done so far and asks the students to do relection. Ok, Class How was today’s activity? Did you enjoy it? Let’s do relection on what we have done so far Very well Let’s stop here. Bye I will see you next week and effect conversation about their extinction and how we can prevent it. Make sure to use cause and effect signal words in your conversation. Are you done? Who is done? You have 5 more minutes to inish it. Now it is time to present your conversations. Please come forward and act out your conversation. Your friends will listen to the conversation Excellent job Keep up the good work 111 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 06 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER II Pertemuan ke-7 2 × 45 menit PROSEDUR INSTRUKSICATATAN WAKTU A. 20’ Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa, menanyakan keadaan, dan lain-lain • Guru dapat memulai kegiatan dengan sebuah permainan. Kelas dibagi 2 kelompok yaitu Cause dan Effect. Kelompok Cause tugasnya membuat kalimat yang memuat ungkapan cause. Kelompok Effect membuat kalimat yang memuat ungkapan effect. Permainan dimulai, salah satu perwakilan kelompok maju. Siswa dari kelompok Cause memberikan kalimat ungkapan cause dan siswa kelompok Effect membuat ungkapan effect dari kalimat tersebut. Waktu untuk menjawab adalah 50 detik. Kemudian bergantian kelompok Effect menyampaikan kalimat ungkapan effect, siswa kelompok Cause • Teacher greets the students as usual and prays together before starting the class. Hello, class, how are you today? Let’s pray before we start. • Teacher can start the class with a game but asks the students to make sentences for the game. Divide the class into 2 groups Cause and Effect. One group will make cause sentences and other group will make effect sentences. Once they are done, the game will begin. One student from each group will come forward. They will ask each other the questions, the Cause group will give a cause and students, from the Effect group have to create the effect. The Effect group will give effect and students from cause group have to create the cause. The group which is able to complete more sentences wins. I am thinking we 112 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 06

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