70’ 10’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG

10 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 01

B. 70’

• Using Visible Thinking Technique Think, Pair, Share students will solve the problem given in Active Conversation, i.e how they will offer and suggest to solve the problem between two friends. Think Pair Share involves posing a question to students, asking them to take a few minutes of thinking time and then turning to a nearby student to share their thoughts. Today, we will be using a very interesting technique called Visible Thinking. Do you know what visible thinking means? Yes, you. • Write all the responses on the board. Visible Thinking is a method by which you can see the process of thinking clearly and which will help you the ideas concrete as you discuss them. • The students will work in pairs. Ok, class, we are going to work in pairs. Please choose your partner. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Active Conversation • Dengan menggunakan Visible Thinking Technic yakni Think, Pair, Share, siswa diminta memecahkan masalah yang disajikan di bagian ini, yaitu siswa diminta memikirkan kalimat tawaran atau saran yang tepat untuk mendamaikan dua teman yang sedang bermusuhan. • Siswa bekerja secara berpasangan. • Setelah selesai menyusun percakapan, masing-masing pasangan melakukan percakapan di depan kelas. • Guru menilai penampilan masing- masing pasangan berdasarkan rubrik penilaian. 11 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 01 Open Chapter 1 of your book and let’s go to the Active Conversation section. Please read the activity. • After inishing the conversation, each pair should present it in front of the class. We will be using a visible thinking technique called Think, Pair, Share. This is how we will do it. Think- of all possible solutions to the problem. Pair - discuss all the solutions with your partner. Listen to your partner’s solutions. Share-Together choose the most appropriate solution. Share your solution with the class. • Teacher grades each performance based on the rubric. 12 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 01

C. 10’

• Teacher reviews what they have learnt, and asks the students to make a conclusion. Well done everyone How was today’s class? What did you ind easy? What did you ind dificult? • Students do relection Ok, class now let’s do relect on what we have done today. Any of you wants to share your feeling about today’s activity. Please share it. Thank you • Teacher ends the lesson by praying and saying good bye. Thank you class for showing enthusiasm. Let’s thank God for all what we have achieved in today’s learning process. I will see you next time. Kegiatan Penutup Closing • Guru mengulas kembali apa yang sudah dikerjakan selama awal pembelajaran sampai akhir. • Guru membuka diskusi untuk melakukan releksi terhadap semua kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. • Guru mengajak siswa mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan atas semua pencapaian yang sudah diperoleh selama proses belajar. 13 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 01 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER I Pertemuan ke-3 2× 45 menit PROSEDUR INSTRUKSICATATAN WAKTU A. 10’

B. 60’