The Effectiveness of English Language Teaching Implementation

2. The Effectiveness of English Language Teaching Implementation

In the previous section, the researcher has described about the implementation of English language teaching in six aspects, they are: 1)The objective of the teaching; 2) The syllabus of the teaching; 3) the types of teaching and learning activities; 4) The teacher’s roles; 5) The learner’s roles; and 6) The roles of teaching material. After describing the implementation of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012, the researcher tried to find out some evidence which can be references to identify the effectiveness of English language teaching implementation. The researcher found some phenomena in the field that accord with that.

One of preeminent things was teacher’s enthusiasm. Teacher WA as an English teacher at B class was an enthusiastic teacher. It was proved by her performance in doing her roles as a teacher. She also had a spirit in teaching One of preeminent things was teacher’s enthusiasm. Teacher WA as an English teacher at B class was an enthusiastic teacher. It was proved by her performance in doing her roles as a teacher. She also had a spirit in teaching

“...Saya selama ini mencari dari web dan juga artikel, kemudian paper yang dari internet, yang dari TEYL, misalnya seperti itu. Jadi tidak ada yang dari pemerintah, belum ada. Nah tetapi itu malah menjadi sebuah ladang bagi saya untuk berkreasi jadi lebih bisa.. oya, kalau menurut saya anak-anak itu harus bisa ini, oke, saya baca bukunya, kemudian bikin sendiri yang seperti ini dan itu bisa saya jalankan, tapi saya tidak tertekan, maksudnya dalam artian tidak harus bisa ini harus selesai. Tidak. Bagi saya yang penting anak-anak itu bisa. Kita kejar sebisanya bukan silabusnya itu harus selesai”. (Interview with English teacher, WA (10), on October 15 th 2011)

Besides having enthusiasm, the teacher was also creative in arranging the English language teaching process in the classroom. She used variety of activities in teaching English. The teacher used many techniques in English language teaching process. It is in line with the teacher’s statement as follows:

A : Kalau bentuk-bentuk kegiatan itu apa aja? WA : Aduh.. banyak sekali. Apapun yang terpikir. Jadi kalau, kalau saya, misalnya mau mengenalkan sebuah materi baru itupun caranya juga macam-macam. (Interview with English teacher, WA (13), on October 15 th 2011)

The clear explanation is mentioned in previous point, the researcher found some types of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, they are: doing computer program, singing a song, games (number games using flash cards), and listening to the story (by teacher) supported by pictures.

Furthermore, the teacher also gave a clear presentation during the English language teaching process in the classroom. The teacher demonstrated the use of English correctly and clearly so the children could catch the teacher’s instruction Furthermore, the teacher also gave a clear presentation during the English language teaching process in the classroom. The teacher demonstrated the use of English correctly and clearly so the children could catch the teacher’s instruction

“Karena ada classroom English, kalau misalnya anak-anak rame..Quiet please!. Kalau duduk.. Sit down!. Itu kan penggunaan bahasa yang tepat, mereka langsung tahu. Bahkan disini kalau mereka lagi, misalkan di lab komputer, mereka lagi, mulai saya akan menerangkan, Hands off.. Don’t touch.. gitu-gitu mereka sudah tahu, langsung tangannya lepas begitu. Itu penggunaan bahasa yang tepat” (Interview with English teacher, WA (07), on October 15 th 2011)

“...Selama bercerita, guru WA memperagakan beberapa gerakan hewan. Juga menunjuk beberapa barang yang sesuai dengan warna hewan yang bersangkutan. Misalnya: Grey itu seperti celananya Andra (sambil menunjuk celana Andra yang berwarna bau-abu) Lion warnanya brown (sambil menunjuk celana Rasyad) Rabbit warnanya apa? White (sambil menunjuk baju siswa yang berwarna putih) Kalau dog, black and white (sambil menunjuk beberapa rambut dan baju siswa) Butterfly.. red dan yellow” (03) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

The teacher usually used some English structuring comments in greeting and giving instructions to the children. In every English lesson, the teacher always use it in getting interaction in the classroom. Some of them are good morning students, how are you?, count, sit down there, put down there, hands off, clap one, clap two , etc. According to the researcher’s observation, those greetings and instructions always apllied by the teacher in opening and teaching process.

“...Guru WA menyapa dan menanyakan kabar para siswa dengan menggunakan ungkapan “Good morning students.. how are you today?”, lalu para siswa menjawab “Good morning miss.. I’m fine...”. (01) “...Guru WA menyapa dan menanyakan kabar para siswa dengan menggunakan ungkapan “Good morning students.. how are you today?”, lalu para siswa menjawab “Good morning miss.. I’m fine...”. (01)

Wholly, all of English language teaching processes in the classroom are conducted by the teacher by using syllabus as a reference and lesson plan to manage the sequences of classroom activities. Orientating to the syllabus helps the teacher to work the English language teaching to not get out from the criterion material, so the English language teaching process does not deviate from the standard material what should be taught. For example, in the first semester, the material containing of some subject such as introduction, animals, colors, numbers, and fruit (See appendix V.1: Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First Semester).

Because all of English language teaching processes are handled by the teacher totally, the teacher has some important roles done in the English language teaching like an organizer, a controller, a guide, and a motivator. As an organizer and controller, the teacher arranged what will happened in the classroom. She controlled the students’behaviour in learning process since the class started until ended. It is proved in all English language teaching process in the classroom.

“Sesampainya di ruang komputer, guru WA segera menyuruh masing- masing siswa untuk menempatkan diri pada tempat duduk yang tersedia di masing-masing komputer. Dengan tegas, guru WA menegur siswa dengan ungkapan “do not touch”, karena ada beberapa siswa yang langsung memainkan komputer tanpa menunggu perintah guru. Para siswa segera menghentikan tindakan mereka dan mengarah kepada guru WA yang mulai menjelaskan cara menggunakan program yang akan digunakan untuk belajar angka pada hari itu. Setelah selesai menjelaskan petunjuk penggunaan program tersebut Guru WA mempersilakan siswa untuk mulai mengerjakan task-task yang disajikan oleh program tersebut...” (04)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

English language teaching in the classroom, so that the process can be enable the student to learn and achieve the goal of teaching itself which oriented in the student competency as stated in the syllabus.

“ Standar Kompetensi : Setelah menyelesaikan tema atau pokok bahasan yang telah ditentukan ini, siswa mampu memiliki keterampilan awal berbahasa Inggris lisan. Keterampilan berbahasa meliputi menyimak dan berbicara”. ( Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester)

Then, the teacher did not always be a tutor, but sometimes she acted as a guide. If there is a difficult faced by the students, she was ready to help and guide them to solve the problem. The teacher gave opportunity to the students to answer the task but still in the teacher’s guiding. The teacher helped students to remember and think independently in guiding them to answer the teacher’s task.

“...Terlihat ada beberapa siswa yang kesulitan, sehingga guru WA harus membantu mengingat kembali dengan cara membimbing siswa berhitung dari 1 – 10 dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris...” (03)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

“...Guru WA menunjuk beberapa anak sebagai perwakilan kelompok untuk mengambil kertas yang bertuliskan nomor yang disebutkan oleh guru WA pada meja lawannya. Beberapa anak sempat keluar dari kelompok untuk membantu temannya yang ditunjuk oleh guru. Namun, guru WA membimbing siswa untuk berpikir sendiri dan tidak boleh dibantu oleh teman sekelompoknya...” (02) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

The teacher also took a role as a motivator. She motivated the students by giving acknowledgment for who can answer the question correctly. For example, the teacher commend her students by saying “Good” to the students which do the task well. The teacher also gives reward to the students to stimulate them to learn well and try better.

“Sebelum guru WA memulai pelajaran, guru WA menjelaskan bahwa “Sebelum guru WA memulai pelajaran, guru WA menjelaskan bahwa

On the other side, students only received what is taught by the teacher. Even sometimes they did not realize that they were learning. The teacher gave statement about it.

“...Tapi juga, mereka kan sering nggak sadar kalau mereka belajar. Gitu lho. Apakah ini tadi mereka sadar mereka belajar? Nggak, rumangsane mereka hanya mengira diceritain gitu tok... Bukan karena saya lebih menyenangkan, tidak. Karena mereka kan taunya saya sering mengajak main, memberi cerita, ngajari nyanyi. sehingga mereka lebih dekat, bukannya mereka menganggap saya orang baik atau bagaimana, tapi karena mereka lebih senang aja”

(Interview with English teacher, WA (22), on October 15 th 2011)

In fact, although they did not realize what they were learning, but students always enjoyed all classroom activities brought by the teacher. Teacher RN also added some information, she said that students look happy and enthusiastic in joining English classroom.

A : Anak-anak seneng ato? RN : Seneng.

A : Berarti mereka belajarnya antusias gitu ya? RN : Ya. (Interview with head of B4 class, RN (07, 08), on September 24 th 2011)

Finally, it can be concluded that there are 9 evidences found by the researcher as the phenomena to identify the effectiveness of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012, they are : teacher’s enthusiasm, the use of variety of activities, clear presentation during the English language teaching, the use of English structuring comments in greeting and giving instructions to the children, learning of criterion material, the role as an organizer, a controller, a guide, and a motivator and also the lack of criticism in classroom shown by the comfortable

In the research findings, the researcher has discussed some aspects concerning with the implementation of English language teaching involving the objective, the syllabus, the types of teaching and learning activities, the teacher’s roles, the learner’s roles and the role of teaching material in English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012. In order to justify the research finding, the researcher tries to discuss it with the other relevant references. This discussion is concerning on the effectiveness of those implementation.

Based on the result finding, it can be concluded that the implementation of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012 is effective, because the implementation of English language teaching has fulfilled all the categories of effective teaching.

According to Williams and Burden (1997: 47), there are nine key factors contributing to effective teaching as follows: 1) clarity of presentation, 2) teacher enthusiasm, 3) variety of activities during lessons, 4) achievement-oriented behaviour in classroom, 5) opportunity to learn criterion material, 6) acknowledgement and stimulation of students ideas, 7) (lack of) criticism, 8) use of structuring comments at the beginning and during lessons, and 9) guiding of students answers.

Those categories can be clearly seen on the implementation of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012. There are 8 evidences that in line with Williams and Burden’s theory, they are: clarity of presentation, teacher enthusiasm, variety of activities during lessons, achievement-oriented behaviour in classroom, opportunity to learn criterion material, acknowledgement and stimulation of students’ ideas, use of structuring comments at the beginning and during lessons, and guiding of students answers. One category, (lack of) criticism, can not be found directly, but indirectly there are some evidences that support that term.

teacher gives a clear presentation. The teacher demonstrated the use of English correctly and clearly so the children could catch the teacher’s instruction well. Moreover, in conveying the material to the students, the teacher also gave modelling and used real example. The teacher did not only tell the story but also model the figures of the story and point some things to give the clear example.

Secondly, the English teacher of B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta, teacher WA as an English teacher at B class was an enthusiastic teacher. It was proved by her performance in doing her roles as a teacher. She also had a spirit in teaching English to her students. Although there is no prescriptive syllabus for kindergarten teaching and teacher has to arrange syllabus by her own perspective, but she has a passion to learn more about English language teaching for kindergarten students. Instead, the teacher thought that it is like an opportunity for her to develop the creativity in teaching her students. Moreover, teacher WA tried to seek the information about the standard syllabus for English language teaching in kindergarten to be implemented in the classroom. It is because she has a high expectation for her students to be able in using English.

Thirdly, the teacher is also creative in arranging the English language teaching process in the classroom. She used variety of activities in teaching English. The teacher used many techniques in English language teaching process, they are: doing computer program, singing a song, games (number games using flash cards), and listening to the story (by teacher) supported by pictures.

Fourthly, all of English language teaching process is handled by the teacher totally. The teacher does some important roles in the English language teaching process. One of them is to be an organizer and controller. As an organizer and controller, the teacher arranges what will happened in the classroom. She controlls the students’behaviour in learning process since the class started until ended. It is proved in all English language teaching process in the classroom. The role of teacher as a controller helps the teacher to get effective Fourthly, all of English language teaching process is handled by the teacher totally. The teacher does some important roles in the English language teaching process. One of them is to be an organizer and controller. As an organizer and controller, the teacher arranges what will happened in the classroom. She controlls the students’behaviour in learning process since the class started until ended. It is proved in all English language teaching process in the classroom. The role of teacher as a controller helps the teacher to get effective

Fifthly, all of English language teaching process in the classroom are conducted by the teacher by using syllabus as a reference and lesson plan to manage the sequences of classroom activities. Orientating to the syllabus helps the teacher to work the English language teaching to not get out from the criterion material, so the English language teaching process does not deviate from the standard material what should be taught.

Sixthly, the teacher also took a role as a motivator. The teacher motivated the students by giving acknowledgment for who can answer the question correctly. For example, the teacher commend her students by saying “Good” to the students which do the task well. The teacher also gives reward to the students to stimulate them to learn well and try better.

Seventhly, in conducting the English language teaching in the classroom, the teacher usually used some English structuring comments in greeting and giving instructions to the children. In every English lesson, the teacher always use it in getting interaction in the classroom. Some of them are good morning students, how are you?, count, sit down there, put down there, hands off, clap one, clap two , etc. Those greetings and instructions always applied by the teacher in opening and teaching process.

Eighthly, the teacher did not always be a tutor, but sometimes she acted as a guide. If there is a difficult faced by the students, she was ready to help and guide them to solve the problem. The teacher gave opportunity to the students to answer the task but still in teacher’s guiding. The teacher helped students to remember and think independently in guiding them to answer the teacher’s task.

Lastly, lack of criticism can not be found directly in the field. According to the context of the research object, that is the children who are still categorized as young learners, of course, it is impossible to find the evidence about criticism.

(1990: 1-4), on the range of five to seven years old, children cannot decide for themselves what to learn. They only receive what is brought by their teacher. Even sometimes they did not realize that they were learning. The teacher’s confession about the students’ enthusiasm in joining English language teaching in the classroom can be used as an indicator that there is lack of criticism in English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta.

Finally, it can be concluded that the implementation of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012 is effective because it has fulfilled all categories of effective teaching.