The Implementation of English Language Teaching

1. The Implementation of English Language Teaching

The implementation of English language teaching is described in six aspects, they are: 1) the objective of the teaching; 2) the syllabus of the teaching;

3) the types of teaching and learning activities; 4) the teacher’s roles; 5) the learner’s roles; and 6) the roles of teaching material

a. The Objective of the Teaching

The researcher formulated the problem from the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta then it is followed by other components of English language teaching. According to the result of data collecting by interview, observation and document analysis, the researcher found some information about the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK NEGERI PEMBINA Manahan Surakarta. From the interview with English teacher of B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, teacher WA, it is known that the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta is to introduce English to the children and to treat children to be able to communicate in English. On the interview, teacher WA said that the objective is “Pengenalan, percakapan secara sederhana, mungkin bisa dikatakan seperti itu. Tapi tentu saja terbatas karena TK ” (Interview with English teacher, WA (03), on October 15 th 2011).

about the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta. She explained that the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta as follows:

“Untuk Inggris lebih dini pada anak. Karena kan bahasa Inggris sekarang kan nganu mbak. Gimana ya... bahasa Inggris itu.. bahasanya lebih anu, apa ya.. emmm.. benar-benar berguna juga. Karena sekarang apa-apa pakai bahasa Inggris. Internasional pakai bahasa Inggris. Jadi lebih dini lebih baik ” (Interview with head of B3 class, SR (02), on September 24 th 2011)

Different from those explanations of the objective of English language teaching, teacher RN, as a head of B4 class, gave other statement about the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta. She stated that the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta is “Untuk memperkaya kosakata anak Mbak ” (Interview with head of B4 class, RN (03), on September 24 th 2011).

Both of statements from teacher WA and teacher SR are similar with the objective of English language teaching stated in syllabus. In standard competence of teaching English in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, on the first and the second semester, it is clearly mentioned that the objective of English language teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta especially in B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta is oriented to treat children to be able to speak English well in some ways of English language teaching process in the classroom.

“ Standar Kompetensi : Setelah menyelesaikan tema atau pokok bahasan yang telah ditentukan ini, siswa mampu memiliki keterampilan awal berbahasa Inggris lisan. Keterampilan berbahasa meliputi menyimak dan berbicara”. ( Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester)

Pembelajaran, there is an explanation about the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta.

“Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris ini memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Pelatihan ini bersifat praktis berupa latihan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan penekanan agar siswa mampu melafalkan kata-kata secara benar. Namun demikian, perintah-perintah dan percakapan sederhana juga diberikan dalam pembelajaran ini, yaitu pada saat latihan berlangsung yang diberikan secara induktif dan kontekstual...” ( Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester)

From those information, it can be concluded that the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta is: 1) to introduce English to the children; in this case, one of the implementation is in enriching the vocabulary of the children, 2) to treat children to be able to communicate in English moreover they are able to make a simple conversation using English. It is in line with the result of observation conducted by the researcher. The researcher found some activities in the classroom that have close relation with the information above. She found that English is not used fully in English language teaching process. Teacher still used Indonesian in teaching English in the classroom but she stimulated them by using some English utterances and activities dominated by English use. The researcher found some activities happened in the classroom as an observation result, they are:

a. The teacher usually greeted and gave instructions using English In English language teaching, teacher used some English utterances in greeting and giving instructions to the children. In every English lesson, teacher always used it in getting interaction in the classroom. Some of them are good morning students, how are you?, count, sit down there, put down there, hands off, clap one, clap two , etc. According to the researcher’s observation, those greeting and instruction from the teacher are responded a. The teacher usually greeted and gave instructions using English In English language teaching, teacher used some English utterances in greeting and giving instructions to the children. In every English lesson, teacher always used it in getting interaction in the classroom. Some of them are good morning students, how are you?, count, sit down there, put down there, hands off, clap one, clap two , etc. According to the researcher’s observation, those greeting and instruction from the teacher are responded

“...Guru WA menyapa dan menanyakan kabar para siswa dengan menggunakan ungkapan “Good morning students.. how are you today?”, lalu para siswa menjawab “Good morning miss.. I’m fine...”. (01) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

“...Dengan tegas, guru WA menegur siswa dengan ungkapan “Don’t touch”, karena ada beberapa siswa yang langsung memainkan komputer tanpa menunggu perintah guru. Para siswa segera menghentikan tindakan mereka dan mengarah kepada guru WA yang mulai menjelaskan cara menggunakan program yang akan digunakan untuk belajar angka pada hari itu...”. (04) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

b. The teacher used English song in opening and closing of the lesson One activity applied in classroom is singing a song. The teacher usually invited students to sing together in the opening and closing. The students look interesting in singing the song together; even the teacher encouraged them to sing it with action. Some songs usually used are Tomy thumb, head, shoulders, knees and toes, good morning, little elephants, bingo, goodbye, etc. The researcher found some singing activities in the classroom.

“...Kemudian guru WA mengajak para siswa menyanyikan lagu “Good Morning”. Melihat beberapa siswa belum bersungguh-sungguh bernyanyi, guru WA lalu menghentikan kegiatan bernyanyi tersebut...”. (02) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

“ WA mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama “There are the Frog” dengan gerakan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan lagu Bingo dan Goodbye. Lalu guru WA memberi salam Goodbye dan bersalam-salaman dengan siswa...”. (03) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

c. The teacher introduced and shared the material using various techniques Some materials taught in classroom are numbers, animals, and colors. Those c. The teacher introduced and shared the material using various techniques Some materials taught in classroom are numbers, animals, and colors. Those

“...Guru menjelaskan cara menggunakan program yang akan digunakan untuk belajar angka pada hari itu. Setelah selesai menjelaskan petunjuk penggunaan program tersebut. Guru WA mempersilakan siswa untuk mulai mengerjakan task-task yang disajikan oleh program tersebut. Masih ada beberapa anak yang kebingungan sehingga guru harus menjelaskan lagi.

Task 1 Gambar cacing yang ada di program komputer menunjukkan sebuah angka. Siswa harus mencari angka yang tepat pada papan jawaban sesuai dengan angka bilangan yang ditunjukkan. Jika benar, maka program tersebut akan menunjukkan sejumlah binatang sesuai dengan jumlah yang disebutkan sebelumnya (dengan menghitung dari 1... dan seterusnya) Program komputer memberikan ucapan selamat dengan ungkapan “Great” (01)

(Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

In this semester, the students are introduced with some kind of animals and colors. In teaching it, the teacher used story which contains of some name of animals and colors, such as elephant, lion, rabbit, dog, butterfly and grey, brown, white, red, black, yellow.

“...Selama bercerita, guru WA memperagakan beberapa gerakan hewan. Juga menunjuk beberapa barang yang sesuai dengan warna hewan yang bersangkutan. Misalnya: Grey itu seperti celananya Andra (sambil menunjuk celana Andra yang berwarna bau-abu) Lion warnanya brown (sambil menunjuk celana Rasyad) Rabbit warnanya apa? White (sambil menunjuk baju siswa yang berwarna putih) Kalau dog, black and white (sambil menunjuk beberapa rambut dan baju siswa) Butterfly.. red dan yellow” (03) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

It is similar with the standard competency stated in the syllabus. The teacher usually inserts some simple sentences in conducting English language teaching in the classroom. According to the result of observations, researcher found some evidences which can be explained with these followings.

“...Selama bercerita, guru WA menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan juga menyisipkan beberapa kalimat sederhana bahasa Inggris. Seperti : He walks He meets a lion Hi, lion Hi, elephant Look, i’m grey Lion walks, elephant walks Elephant meets rabbit Then, meets dog Butterfly warnanya bagus There is a helicopter “ (03) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

From the result of observation, related with the previous information, it can be concluded that the objectives of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta are: 1) to introduce English to the children; in this case, one of the implementation is in enriching the vocabulary of the children, 2) to treat children to be able to communicate in English. Moreover they are able to make a simple conversation using English. Those objectives are decided based on the background of English language teaching and parents’ demand about the competence of English language teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta. Teacher WA explained those reasons in the interview conducted by the researcher on October 15 th 2011; she explained about how the objectives of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta are decided.

Manahan Surakarta One of the school committees gave the background of the English language teaching in TK Pembina Manahan Surakarta that is the students in this school are expected to know English phrases and instructions. He expected that students will get more English knowledge that useful to be applied in their daily life. Teacher WA explained it on the interview.

“...Karena salah satu anggota komite ini adalah Pak Budi Waskito yang kebetulan juga mengajar di Sastra Inggris dan beliau ini juga memberikan latar belakang untuk TK ini yaitu bahwa diharapkan anak- anak itu minimal bisa mengenal frasa kemudian kalimat-kalimat perintah. Juga everyday English seperti itu. Jadi misalnya kalau ditanyai, gampangnya begini saja, misalnya kalau ditanyain “how are you?” jawabannya tidak selalu “I am fine” gitu. Seperti itu. Jadi everyday English yang benar-benar benar-benar berguna begitu. Class-full English.. jadi lebih kemana-mana”. (Interview with English teacher, WA (03), on October 15 th 2011)

b. The parents’ demand about the competence of English language teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta Firstly, the English language teaching in TK Pembina Manahan Surakarta is focused on introducing of things. Students only learn about the things in around them. Further, their parents sent a claim that they want their children get more English knowledge. Thereafter, English phrases and instruction are added to the English teaching process. Teacher WA explained it on the interview.

A : Berarti tujuan tadi diambil dari latar belakang? WA : Iya betul. Dulu pertama memang hanya benda. Jadi waktu pertama dimulainya bahasa Inggris disini. Saya kan hanya meneruskan dari teman saya, dia hanya mengajarkan benda.. benda.. benda.. benda.. begitu. Terus lama-lama tuntutan orang tua murid, mosok anak saya hanya hapal benda. Nanti kalau di SD kelas satu, kalau mau dimasukkan kelas-kelas SD RSBI terutama. Itu kan tuntutannya sudah tinggi. Makanya mulai ditambah frasa kemudian sedikit- sedikit kalimat-kalimat perintah.

(Interview with English teacher, WA (04), on October 15 th 2011) (Interview with English teacher, WA (04), on October 15 th 2011)

SR : O.. pengenalannya..kalau saya lihat untuk mengenalkan itu ya sudah tercapai. Untuk mengenalkan benda-benda, angka-angka, hari-hari, warna yo yang simple-simple aja. Kan anak-anak ya sudah tahu. Jadi kalau ditanya itu tahu. Ini maksudnya, bendanya, apa pengucapannya gimana.

(Interview with head of B3 class, SR (03), on September 24 th 2011)

RN : Tercapai. Ya. (Interview with head of B4 class, RN (04), on September 24 th 2011)

Meanwhile, teacher WA commented that the objective has not been achieved completely. Teacher WA stated that the objective achievement couldn’t reach one hundred-percent done. She gave statement about it, as follow:

“Kalau seratus persen tidak. Karena kan e. asupan.. apa ya namanya.. anak-anak yang masuk itu juga, input dari sekolah itu kan pengaruh ya. Pernah suatu ketika, beberapa tahun lalu, inputnya diberlakukan sangat ketat. Pendaftarannya dikenai tes. Hasilnya juga memang lebih baik. Tapi kan juga dari segi tujuan pendidikan itu juga tidak tepat... . Dan itu tidak hanya butuh intelektual tetapi juga kematangan emosional, kestabilan emosi itu sangat penting. Jadi e. saya tidak berani mengatakan seratus persen tercapai...” (Interview with English teacher, WA (10), on October 15 th 2011)

In conclusion, the objective of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta has been achieved but not completely. It is because of the input of the students which is not same in each student. Teacher WA, in this case, as a main evaluator in English language teaching said that it gives a big impact in objective achievement. She stated that the objective achievement is not one hundred-percent done.

One of important things in teaching-learning process in the school is syllabus. Syllabus is a teaching-learning plan in a certain group or subject containing some teaching-learning components that will be applied in the classroom. According to the interview with teacher WA, generally there is no syllabus in English language teaching for kindergarten. On her statement, she said:

“...Tapi guru TK itu.. karena.. itu saya pilih jadi guru TK, tidak ada silabus dari pemerintah, tidak ada SKKD dan yang lain sebagainya, belum ada. Setahu saya belum ada...” (Interview with English teacher, WA (10), on October 15 th 2011)

Teacher WA informed that English language teaching which is conducted in the classroom is not based on national curriculum from the Indonesian government. In conducting the English language teaching in the classroom, teacher WA used a syllabus arranged by her own perspective. Teacher WA arranged the syllabus based on up to date-information about syllabus and English education for kindergarten, her own teaching experiences, and the principles of arranging syllabus in Indonesia.

a. Up to date-information about syllabus and English education for kindergarten Teacher WA used the information as a reference in arranging the syllabus, and then developed it by using her creativities. Teacher WA selected the information which can be used as raw material that shall be adopted with kindergarten students’ characteristic. She said that:

“...Saya selama ini mencari dari web dan juga artikel, kemudian paper yang dari internet, yang dari TEYL, misalnya seperti itu. Jadi tidak ada yang dari pemerintah, belum ada. Nah tetapi itu malah menjadi sebuah ladang bagi saya untuk berkreasi jadi lebih bisa.. oya, kalau menurut saya anak-anak itu harus bisa ini, oke, saya baca bukunya, kemudian bikin sendiri yang seperti ini dan itu bisa saya jalankan, tapi saya tidak tertekan, maksudnya dalam artian tidak harus bisa ini harus selesai. Tidak. Bagi saya yang penting anak-anak itu bisa. Kita kejar sebisanya bukan silabusnya itu harus selesai”. (Interview with English teacher, WA (10), on October 15 th 2011)

From her previous experiences in teaching English in different level, teacher WA got beneficial experiences to understand the students, such as the students’ ability in learning English, up to date development in education, and the condition that will be faced by the students in the next level. Those experiences gave a contribution for the teacher in arranging the syllabus for teaching English in her classroom.

“...Kebetulan juga dulu saya pernah ngajar di SMA, SMP, SD. Jadi tahu o. nanti di SD itu mereka misalnya seperti ini, meskipun saya tidak bisa mengikuti SD, karena ada SD RSBI yang sangat sulit bahkan untuk anak kelas satu bikin pola simple present dan lain sebagainya. Suruh nulis dan lain sebagainya. Tapi paling tidak o. mereka tahu kata bendanya ini, itu bisa digabungkan dengan kata seperti ini, membuat frasa yang tepat paling tidak jangan sampai ada anak yang mengatakan apple red, seharusnya red aple, brown lion.. brown lion tadi yang pelajaran yang tadi. Jangan sampai lion blue, lion’s blue.. kalau misalnya lion’s brown. Karena teryata tadi ada yang menjawab lion green.” (Interview with English teacher, WA (11), on October 15 th 2011)

c. The principles of arranging syllabus in Indonesia In arranging the syllabus, the teacher does not create it without rules, but she also used the principles of arranging syllabus in Indonesia. She realized that arranging syllabus needs clear principles. In arranging the syllabus, teacher WA adopted the form of national syllabus because it has to be sent to the National Education Department of Indonesia.

“Eeee.......prinsip-prinsipnya jelas. Karena saya juga belajar lagi. Ada dasar-dasarnya dari mata kuliah – mata kuliah yang saya ambil kan ada. Maksudnya kan nggak ya bikin sendiri. Saya kan kebetulan memang membandingkan silabus yang dari luar negeri dengan di dalam negeri gitu ya. Tapi untuk di TK ini, karena ini TK negeri, saya pakai yang dipakai di dalam negeri. Begitu.. karena apa, karena silabusnya itu masuk sampai ke tingkat Diknas, jadi memang meskipun ekstrakurikuler tetep ada silabusnya seperti apa, contoh RPP-nya juga. Nah itu saya buat berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah silabus dan RPP orang Indonesia yang biasa untuk SD sampai perguruan tinggi. Tidak saya ambil dari luar.

Teaching English to Young Leaners...” (Interview with English teacher, WA (12), on October 15 th 2011)

As National Education Department of Indonesia decided TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta as an ideal kindergarten, it has to send the report about the teaching-learning process in each academic year to National Education Department of Indonesia, including the English language teaching syllabus. Although, the syllabus is arranged by the teacher, but the teacher makes sure that her syllabus is competent and comprehend to be applied in the classroom. It is proved by that syllabus which is received by National Education Department of Indonesia without revision. Teacher WA explained about it in her statement below.

“...Iya, jadi berdasarkan semua itu, tanya-tanya, kebetulan kan juga belajar lagi juga, baca-baca dan yang lain sebagainya. Jadi bagaimana caranya supaya sekalipun belum ada garis yang jelas dari pemerintah saya tidak keluar dari jalur...”

“...Tapi karena peraturan yang ada di Indonesia, seperti yang ini, maka yang saya ambil yang ini, mengingat nanti masuknya ke Diknas. Kalau saya ambil silabus yang dari luar, mungkin mereka akan langsung ditolak, suruh ganti dan sebagainya, dan itu akan menyusahkan TK juga. Pedoman dan silabus ala Indonesia yang sudah disetujui dan disepakati oleh pemerintah dan ternyata saat itu begitu masuk langsung tidak ada revisi dan lain sebagainya itu tidak ada.”

(Interview with English teacher, WA (11 & 12), on October 15 th 2011)

In arranging the syllabus, the teacher used the rule of arranging national syllabus. Based on the document analysis, the syllabus contains of the identity of the subject, the standard competence, the basic competence, instructional material, teaching method, teaching and learning instruments, evaluation, and sources of material (See appendix V.1 & V.2: Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester). Furthermore, the teacher used it as a basis in arranging lesson plan of English language teaching in the classroom (See appendix V.3: Lesson Plan of English Language Teaching).

classroom are based on the lesson plan which refers to syllabus.

c. The Types of Teaching and Learning Activities

After discussing the research finding about the objective and the syllabus of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, the researcher describes the types of teaching and learning activity in the classroom. The teaching and learning activity in classroom is a real implementation of English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta. Certainly, the type of learning and teaching activities has a close relation with the subjects discussed before those are the objective and the syllabus.

English language teaching is implemented by using many kinds of activities. Specially, in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, English language teaching is integrated with computer. TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta merged both of them to get effective English language teaching for the students. Teacher WA explained about it in the interview, she said that:

A : Berarti e. itu apa ya, berkaitan dengan komputer juga ya? WA : Iya, bahasa Inggris sendiri memang dicantolkan begitu.. (Interview with English teacher, WA (08), on October 15 th 2011)

“...Di TK ini memang untuk bahasa Inggris dan komputer itu diarahkan untuk supaya anak-anak itu bisa e. bekerjasama. Misalnya kalau di dalam kelas, tanpa komputer, nanti ada games, buat kelompok, mereka perlu kerjasama dengan kelompok supaya jawabannya paling hebat dibandingkan kelompok yang lain.” (Interview with English teacher, WA (07), on October 15 th 2011)

Besides the use of computer in English language teaching process, teacher WA also used many kinds of activities in English language teaching. Teacher WA selected the activities based on the material which want to be taught in the classroom. She told that in teaching English, she used many activities such as activities using pictures and flash card, singing a song, listening to the story.

WA : Aduh.. banyak sekali. Apapun yang terpikir. Jadi kalau, kalau saya, misalnya mau mengenalkan sebuah materi baru itupun caranya juga macam-macam. Angka kemarin dimulai dari nggambar, nggambar kemudian kita berhitung kemudian mengenalkan angka dan sebagainya. Jadi nggambar di kelas tidak selalu nggambar angka, ya nggambar hewan, nggambar apapun juga pensil dan yang lain sebagainya. Kemudian bisa juga dengan flash card. Lalu seperti tadi mulai mengajar lagu juga dengan gambar. Gambarpun sebenarnya untuk mengajar angka dan hewan. Jadi jembatan antara angka mau menuju ke hewan. Karena disini saya rencananya mau lanjut ke hewan, begitu. Plus mengingatkan mereka pada warna. Makanya tadi cerita, dalam cerita ada warna, hewan dan angka. Termasuk feeling mulai masuk. Supaya nanti di akhir semester 2 feeling mereka sudah tahu, happy.. sad.. yang seperti itu sudah oke, gitu.

(Interview with English teacher, WA (13), on October 15 th 2011)

It is similar with the statement told by other informants, they are the head of B3 class, head of B4 class and each student of both class. They stated that in English language teaching, teacher used many kind of activities, as follows:

RN : Kalau itu kan yang mengajar guru bahasa Inggris. Jadi kalau guru bahasa kelas cuma membantu aja. Misalnya kegiatannya menyanyi, mewarna, warna dibahasa Inggris-kan itu. Bilangan itu ada.

A : O ya.. RN : Ya sama komputer. (Interview with head of B4, RN (05&06), on on September 24 th 2011)

A : Itu kegiatan-kegiatan di kelas belajarnya lewat kegiatan apa aja? SR : Belajarnya lewat bercerita bahasa Inggris, percakapan pakai bahasa Inggris, yang tadi, komputer, lewat permainan-permainan juga. Kadang-kadang kalau permainan..”yuk, kita main, main katak lompat” (guru SR memberi contoh bagaimana guru mengajak anak-anak untuk bermain) pakai bahasa Inggris sama Bu WA.

A : Kalau misalnya ni kan anak TK masih kecil, misal bermain apa gitu? Nanti gurunya juga mengemas kegiatan belajar bahasa Inggris gitu pakai permainan gitu?

SR : Gurunya? Iya.. he’e.. (Interview with head of B3, SR (04 & 05), on September 24 th 2011)


V : Nyanyi. (Interview with student of B3, V (08), on September 23 th 2011)

A : Pinter ya. Kalau di kelas pelajaran bahasa Inggrisnya apa aja?

G : Angka, binatang, angka.

A : Kalau di kelas pas pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu ada permainan? Ada ya?

G : Ada.

A : Trus nyanyi-nyanyi gitu ya tadi ya? (G hanya mengangguk) (Interview with student of B4, G (09 & 10), on October 15 th 2011)

From those statements, it can be concluded that the activities in English language teaching consist of some activities like activities using computer program, pictures and flash card, singing a song, listening to the story, and games. Moreover, teacher WA also said that games is a technique which is dominant used in the classroom. Teacher WA used games to teach them so that they don’t feel bored in joining teaching and learning process in the classroom. Though it is in the form of the games, but teacher still keep it effective for them to learn, because teacher used games with English.

A : Apa benar kalau di TK pembelajarannya memang dominan permainan begitu?

WA : Bisa dibilang iya, karena sebenarnya TK itu kan bukan sekolah yang formal. Kalau TK itu sebenarnya umumnya panduan itu tidak belajar membaca. Tidak belajar menulis. Tapi karena tuntutan SD seperti itu mereka kita berikan pelajaran membaca dan menulis juga tapi bukan dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah membaca dan menulis itu. Tapi caranya bagaimana, dengan bermain, supaya tidak, mereka tidak bosen... . Itu mereka sudah, apalagi kelas B nggak usah diatur sudah langsung bisa. Jadi memang mungkin, memang karena kita tidak bisa mengatur cara bermain. Saya menang lagi karena bahasa Inggris memang, segala macam permainan bisa masuk. Tapi dalam bermain pakai bahasa Inggris. Misalnya untuk mengajarkan anggota badan dengan TPR, trus anak-anak memegang anggota badannya sendiri-sendiri...

(Interview with English teacher, WA (14), on October 15 th 2011) (Interview with English teacher, WA (14), on October 15 th 2011)

“...Berkaitan dengan itu, maka dalam pembelajaran ini digunakan berbagai macam metode pembelajaran, sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran, topik pembelajaran, dan kondisi siswa... . Oleh karena itu, beberapa metode yang direkomendasikan untuk pembelajaran ini antara lain adalah flash cards presentation, TPR (Total Physical Responses), learning by doing, role play, discovery learning, dan collaborative learning”. ( Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester)

In fact, not all methods recommended are used by the teacher in the classroom. The teacher selected the activities based on the material that will be taught. She oriented to how children could learn well and master the material, not to work and finish the syllabus. She stated: “ ..Tapi karena tujuannya itu adalah bisa, bukan selesai sesuai silabus, saya nggak begitu cema s.. “ (Interview with English teacher, WA (13), on October 15 th 2011). Of course, it is permitted because on the syllabus also stated that those methods can be used appropriately based on the objective, topic/material and also students’ condition. Furthermore, based on the result observation, the researcher found some kind of activities that tune with the informants’ statement before. The researcher found some types of teaching and learning activities in the classroom.

a. Doing computer program

“ WA yang mulai menjelaskan cara menggunakan program yang akan digunakan untuk belajar angka pada hari itu. Setelah selesai menjelaskan petunjuk penggunaan program tersebut Guru WA mempersilakan siswa untuk mulai mengerjakan task-task yang disajikan oleh program tersebut.

angka. Siswa harus mencari angka yang tepat pada papan jawaban sesuai dengan angka bilangan yang ditunjukkan. Jika benar, maka program tersebut akan menunjukkan sejumlah binatang sesuai dengan jumlah yang disebutkan sebelumnya (dengan menghitung dari 1..dan seterusnya) Program komputer memberikan ucapan selamat dengan ungkapan “Great”” (04)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

b. Singing a song

“...Guru WA membimbing siswa untuk bernyanyi bersama. One little two little three Little elephants Four little five little six Little elephants Seven little eight little nine Little elphants Ten little elephants ” (01)

(Observation of B3’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

c. Games (number games using flash cards)

“Guru WA membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok. Kemudian beliau mendrilling siswa nomor 1-10 dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Seusainya guru WA menjelaskan tata cara games yang akan dilakukan pada jam itu. Guru WA menyuruh para siswa maju ke depan (meja yang berisi kertas-kertas yang bertuliskan nomor 1-10 dalam bahasa Inggris) dan mencari angka yang ditunjukkan oleh guru WA secara bergantian... ” (01) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

d. Listening to the story (by teacher) supported by pictures

“Guru WA menceritakan sebuah cerita kepada anak-anak. Di dalam cerita itu, terdapat beberapa tokoh hewan yaitu gajah, singa, kelinci, anjing dan kupu-kupu yang juga digambar di whiteboard tampaknya hal tersebut juga untuk membangun fokus anak dalam mendengarkan cerita...” (03) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on October 15 th 2011)

in the classroom, because she knows the condition of the classroom entirely. Actually, teaching kindergarten students is different from teaching students in its upper level. The clear difference is shown by the characteristic of the students which the students of kindergarten is still categorized as young learners. So in designing the activities in the class, the teacher has to pay more attention to select and choose the correct activities that can be effective used in teaching English to the children. In TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, teacher WA arranged the activities by using some principles. She doesn’t arrange it by her own rule but also take some consideration. There are some criteria used by teacher in designing the activities in the classroom explained by teacher WA.

A : Berarti ini kegiatannya dengan sederhana ya? WA : Sederhana, tidak boleh terlalu lama, tidak boleh monoton.

A : Juga disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa begitu? WA : Iya, masing-masing kelas berbeda. (Interview with English teacher, WA (16&17), on October 15 th 2011)

Teacher WA also added that in English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, there is no writing activity. It is because of the learners’ conditions which is still child so they don’t have writing ability. Writing activities isn’t suitable with children characteristics generally. Teacher WA said that:

A : Berarti kegiatannya tadi, kalau untuk menulis memang agak diminimalkan? WA : Kalau untuk bahasa Inggris sama sekali, bisa dikatakan nol

persen. (Interview with English teacher, WA (15), on October 15 th 2011)

Finally, it can be stated that the activities for English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta have to be simple, not too long time, various, accord with students’ capability, and no writing activities. Those criteria help the teacher in managing all classroom activities to be applied effectively in the classroom. From all explanation above, it is clear that the types Finally, it can be stated that the activities for English language teaching at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta have to be simple, not too long time, various, accord with students’ capability, and no writing activities. Those criteria help the teacher in managing all classroom activities to be applied effectively in the classroom. From all explanation above, it is clear that the types

d. The Teacher’s Roles

A teacher has an important role in the classroom, because she is the main

source of the teaching learning process. From the result of the research, it can be seen that the English teacher in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta adopts many roles in implementing English language teaching in the classroom. From the interview with teacher WA, it is known that the teacher has to do many things to make the class effective enough for children to learn. It is explained by the conversation as follows:

A : Kalau misalnya peran guru di kelas ketika pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, guru berfungsi sebagai apa?

WA : Motivator, sumber juga, sebagai pembantu juga, sebagai macem- macem. Masalahnya di TK, termasuk kadang-kadang juga sebagai ibu, sebagai apapun juga yang dibutuhkan oleh anak. Tapi dalam kasusnya untuk membantu pembelajaran ya berarti fasilitator untuk membantu anak-anak untuk belajar.

A : Memberi contoh penggunaan bahasa Inggris yang tepat itu sudah pasti ya bu ya?

WA : Iya, jelas.

A : Menganalisis kebutuhan siswa? WA : Iya, kalau tidak saya analisis, bagaimana tadi ada anak yang sampai ke sekian, tapi ada yang hanya sekian. Itu juga jelas. (Interview with English teacher, WA (18,19, & 20), on October 15 th 2011)

The teacher does not only bring the English material, but also has to be motivator, main source, counsellor, facilitator, demonstrator of accurate language production, and also students’ need analyst. Similar with her, teacher SR also stated the same point in explaining the role of teacher in the classroom. She said that:

A : Apakah beliau mungkin menganalisis kebutuhan siswa, o..anak ini kayaknya butuh bantuan apa, atau mungkin memberi motivasi atau memantau atau memberi memimpin atau menjadi konselor

TK itu kan masih perlu bantuan. Kadang salah-salah. Semuanya dibantu dengan peran guru. Apalagi bahasa Inggris, soale bahasa Inggris kan masih pertama kali jadi anak kan masih asing. Anak- anak kan pengen tahu.

(Interview with head of B3 class, SR (08), on September 24 th 2011)

According to her observation during English class happen, she found that the English teacher does some roles as students’ need analyst, motivator, counsellor, monitor of students’ learning, class director. Moreover, teacher RN also gave statement about the role of teacher in the classroom. She said that:

A : Guru ekstra. Guru mata pelajaran. RN : Ya cuma menyajikan materi yang dikuasai aja. Kalau bahasa

Inggris ya bahasa Inggris saja. Lukis ya lukis aja.

A : Kalau misalnya di apa.. Di.. Di keadaan kelasnya apakah guru di kelas itu hanya memberikan materi atau mungkin memberikan saran, memberi motivasi, atau membantu atau memantau?

RN : Semua.

RN : Semua. Yang berhubungan dengan anak didik. Semua. Karena itu untuk laporan ke orang tua, jadi ya perilakunya, perkembangan belajarnya. Memantau, memotivasi, saran. Kan anak-anak kan jiwanya sendiri-sendiri. Punya karakter sendiri-sendiri. Unik. Jadi kita harus tahu cara mengelola anak .

(Interview with head of B4 class, RN (13, 14, 15), on September 24 th 2011)

According to her observation during English class happen, she found that the English teacher does some roles as main source, provider of students input, motivator, counsellor, and monitor of students’ learning. Moreover, it is also appropriate with the role that has to do by teacher in syllabus, stated as follow: “Sementara itu guru berfungsi sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan konselor.” ( Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester)

Finally, it can be concluded that teacher’s roles in the English language teaching process are material source, provider of students input, motivator, Finally, it can be concluded that teacher’s roles in the English language teaching process are material source, provider of students input, motivator,

a. Material source and developer As a teacher, of course, they were a main source in the classroom, because they were people who bring the material to the students. Moreover, the teacher didn’t come to the classroom and bring the material, but they also have to develop it by using correct method and activities so the material can

be transferred well to the students. In every meeting, the teacher did this role; they gave the material and teach it to the students. As an example, on the first observation conducted by the researcher, teacher brought “number material” to the B4 class. (See the appendix III.1: Observation in B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

b. Motivator In the English language teaching process, the teacher always motivated her students. She motivated the students by giving praise by saying “Good” to the students which do the task well. She also gives reward to the students so they are motivated to try better. For example, teacher said “good” to the students which could take a right number like teacher asked. (See the appendix III.1: Observation in B4’s English English lesson on September

17 th 2011)

c. Counsellor and provider of students input The teacher didn’t always be a tutor, but sometimes she acted as a counsellor. If there is a difficult faced by the students, she was ready to help and give input or solution the student to solve the problem.

“...Terlihat ada beberapa siswa yang kesulitan, sehingga guru WA harus membantu mengingat kembali dengan cara membimbing siswa berhitung dari 1 – 10 dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris...” (03)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

The teacher monitored the whole students’ learning, not only during English language teaching happened in the classroom but also the development of the students. In the classroom, this role is getting on toward facilitator role. The teacher gave the material and opportunity the students to learn it by themselves but still in teacher’s guiding. As an example, the English language teaching in the computer room, the teacher explained the use of computer program and let the students do the task by themselves. She monitored and gave help if it is needed. She walked around and checked one student to another. (See the appendix III.3: Observation in B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

e. Demonstrator of accurate language production As an English teacher, teacher WA always be a good model in demonstrating an accurate language. Even, before teacher WA taught them about something, she gave the example on how to produce it.

“Guru WA membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok. Kemudian beliau mendrilling siswa nomor 1-10 dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris” (03)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

f. Students’ need analyst In teaching English, teacher WA also did the role as need analyst. It is proved when she gave opportunity to the students which can finish the task faster than others. She didn’t see all students in the same ways, but she tried to pay attention based on their need and their ability.

“...Selama proses mengerjakan task, beberapa anak terlihat begitu asik dengan program tersebut. Bahkan beberapa anak bisa mengerjakan task demi task dengan cepat sehingga guru mengarahkan anak-anak tsb. untuk mempelajari task yang lebih sulit yaitu penjumlahan...” (02) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

The teacher became the main organizer and controller in the classroom. Teacher WA was the main director who arranged what will happened in the classroom. She designed the students learning process since the class hasn’t been started until the class ended. She made her own lesson plan containing opening, main activity and closing to conduct teaching and learning so that the process can be enable student to learn. It is proved in all English language teaching process in the classroom.

“Sesampainya di ruang komputer, guru WA segera menyuruh masing- masing siswa untuk menempatkan diri pada tempat duduk yang tersedia di masing-masing komputer. Dengan tegas, guru WA menegur siswa dengan ungkapan “don’t touch”, karena ada beberapa siswa yang langsung memainkan komputer tanpa menunggu perintah guru. Para siswa segera menghentikan tindakan mereka dan mengarah kepada guru WA yang mulai menjelaskan cara menggunakan program yang akan digunakan untuk belajar angka pada hari itu. Setelah selesai menjelaskan petunjuk penggunaan program tersebut Guru WA mempersilakan siswa untuk mulai mengerjakan task-task yang disajikan oleh program tersebut...” (04)

(Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

Finally, from the result of the interview, observation and document analysis, it can be concluded that the English teacher at B class of TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, teacher WA adopts many roles in implementing English language teaching in the classroom, they are: material source and developer, motivator, counsellor and provider of students input, demonstrator of accurate language production, monitor of students’ learning and facilitator, students’ need analyst, and organizer and controller of students’ behaviour.

e. The Learner’s Roles

Not only the teacher, but the students also have some roles to be done in the classroom. If both of the teacher’s and the learners’ roles work well, it will result a good and effective teaching in the classroom. Teacher WA gave statement

A : Apakah siswa merancang program belajar sendiri gitu Bu? WA : Kalau siswa merancang program belajar sendiri belum bisa. Tapi saya selalu memberikan apa ya, semacam ini, seperti ini. anak- anak minggu ini.. seperti ini.. apa yang menarik? misalnya begini, animal. Kemarin ada yang pesan memang, lion, oke.. lion.. masuk. Kemudian ada yang pesan juga rabbit. Meskipun mereka pas memintanya tentu saja juga nggak pakai bahasa Inggris, mereka memintanya singa sama kelinci. Anak perempuan yang minta. Ya, masuk. Jadi kalau mereka minta sesuatu yang masih bisa masuk sesuai, itu saya berusaha memberikan, supaya mereka nanti.. wah, aku kemarin minta ini, muncul deh. Nah otomatis kan semangatnya tambah. Tadi di kelas B1, ada yang minta zebra.

A : Kalau siswa-siswanya juga mengevaluasi dirinya sendiri? WA : Mengevaluasi dirinya sendiri? Mereka seperti ini, paling pol-nya, belum kalau saya bilang, tapi maksimal, mereka itu kepengen ngerti, Bu saya kemarin belajar sama mama ini, kata mama ini, benar nggak? Nah kayak gitu. Jadi mereka berusaha mencari tahu apakah yang saya ucapkan, apakah betul apa nggak. Bu saya tahu bahasa Inggris-nya bis.. bus kan? Itu kan mereka mencari betul nggak-nya. Bisa digambarkan seperti itu.

A : Apakah siswa bagian dari kelompok dan berinteraksi dengan teman lain?

WA : Ya, ada saatnya mereka sendiri, mandiri. Ada saatnya mereka menjadi bagian kelompok. Misalnya saat masuk pertama, saat seperti tadi, mengenal baru. Itu kan mereka sendiri.. sendiri.. sendiri. Nanti kalau sudah misalnya, ada permainan kelompok, dimana mereka macem-macem, bisa puzzle, bisa apa, seperti itu kalau kelompok, supaya bisa interaksi sosialnya terasah juga. Jadi nggak.. sekaligus saling bantu.

A : Berarti siswa juga saling ngajari gitu ya? WA : O iya, sangat. Kayak tadi aja misalnya, itu lho yang.. yang itu.. yang itu..kalau temannya nggak tahu, yang telinganya panjang, yang white.. yang white.. gitu kan, mereka saling bantu.

A : Berarti selama proses ini siswa nggak semata-mata belajar dari guru, tapi juga dari temannya?

WA : Dari teman, iya dari lingkungan. Ada misalnya nanti kalau sudah itu semester 2, my school. Nanti nggak di dalam sini tok. Nanti kita keluar. Ada patung apa, misalnya disana ada patung kuda, nah nanti horse akan muncul lagi. Seperti itu. Misalnya ada apa, kita hitung mengapa. Nah nanti angka muncul lagi. Tapi tidak hanya di dalam sini. Semuanya keluar, jalan-jalan kemana-mana gitu.

(Interview with English teacher, WA (22-27), on October 15 th 2011)

Generally, they are a learner, but in specifically they have to do other duties such as be a part of a group and learn from the interaction happened in the classroom, help other learners which get difficulties and learn from everything around them involving their friends, teacher and environment. It is similar with teacher RN’s statement. She also stated that learners have to do some roles like teacher WA’s statement before.

A : Kalau peran siswanya apa saja? Apakah siswa hanya di kelas belajar sendiri atau mungkin siswa ngajari temene atau mungkin apa ya mengevaluasi perkembangan mereka sendiri, begitu Bu?

SR : Peran siswa? Peran siswa itu yo nganu. Peran siswa untuk belajar bahasa Inggris, kadang anak-anak itu bercakap-cakap pakai bahasa Inggris gitu lho mbak. Itu ya..dengan temannya, juga gurunya. Gurunya kan pakai bahasa Inggris lha nanti ikut mengikuti bahasa Inggris gurunya.

A : Kalau siswa dengan siswa yang lainnya apa ya saling ngajari gitu Bu?

SR : Ya kalau ada yang salah. Kalau ditanya. Diajari. “O.. ini mestinya merah”. (Guru SR memberi contoh, bagaimana siswa mengajari temannya)

A : Berarti siswa nggak hanya belajar dari guru tapi juga dari teman?

SR : Iya. Dari teman, lingkungan. Mungkin juga dari orangtua. Dari

orangtua juga sudah diajari jadi kan dah tahu. (Interview with head of B3 class, SR (09, 10, 11), on September 24 th 2011)

Moreover, teacher RN as a head of B4 also gave statement about it. She said:

A : Kalau dari hasil pengamatan Ibu selama ini apa siswa itu saling belajar dari temannya atau gimana?

RN : Iya. Dari lingkungan, dari teman, dari guru. (Interview with head of B4 class, RN (17), on September 24 th 2011)

Those statements in line with what the researcher found in the classroom. According to her observation, she viewed that in daily classroom activities, the students have become a part of the class in where they are learn. In this case, they were a part of B3 and B4 class. It meant that indirectly, they were a part of a Those statements in line with what the researcher found in the classroom. According to her observation, she viewed that in daily classroom activities, the students have become a part of the class in where they are learn. In this case, they were a part of B3 and B4 class. It meant that indirectly, they were a part of a

“...Guru WA segera membagi kelas menjadi 2 kelompok, yang akan bergantian memasuki ruang kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 8 orang...” (02) (Observation of B4’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

Automatically, each student learned from their interaction in that group itself. Moreover, from the observation, the researcher also found that the students of kindergarten tend to help each other when they got difficulties in learning something, especially in English lesson.

“...Guru WA menunjuk beberapa anak sebagai perwakilan kelompok untuk mengambil kertas yang bertuliskan nomor yang disebutkan oleh guru WA pada meja lawannya. Beberapa anak sempat keluar dari kelompok untuk membantu temannya yang ditunjuk oleh guru. Namun, guru WA membimbing siswa untuk berpikir sendiri dan tidak boleh dibantu oleh teman sekelompoknya...” (02) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 17 th 2011)

The students didn’t only learn from their teacher, but also from their friends and their environment, because everyday they always get interaction with both of them. Even they can learn from the program or material in English lesson though it still needs teacher’s guidance. During the research, the researcher ever found some children who learned from the expression said by the program in computer. They tried to imitate the utterance based on their perspective.

“...Ada beberapa anak yang dengan asik menirukan ungkapan-ungkapan yang keluar dari program tsb. Setiap kali mereka berhasil menjawab dengan tepat, misalnya “great, good job”, tetapi kadang mereka masih salah melafalkannya, misalnya “gut ja” (02) (Observation of B3’s English lesson on September 24 th 2011)

Finally, it can be concluded that in the classroom, the learners do some roles: they were a part of a group and learned from the interaction happened in the classroom, helped other learners which got difficulties and learned from

The last point should be discussed is the role of teaching materials. Not only the teacher and the learners, but the material taught is also important to be discussed, because the material is the bridge of the teacher and learner. Briefly, it can be stated that the teaching learning process is a process of transferring material from the teacher to the learners. In this case, of course, the materials brought by teacher also have roles in the classroom. From the result of the research, the researcher found some roles of material. In the interview, teacher WA mentioned some roles of teaching material.

A : Materi itu, mungkin materi yang dibawa itu bisa menjadi sumber kegiatan, sumber interaksi?

WA : Iya. Sumber belajar. Materi itu sendiri bisa menjadi bahan, dari segi materi secara keseluruhan nanti saya bisa memilih, nanti saya mengajarnya bisa dengan cara ini.. ini.. ini.. segala macam. Kalau saya sudah membawa realia atau flash card, bisa saya gunakan dengan seribu satu cara. Jadi flash card tidak hanya.. one, two, three.. tidak seperti itu. Bisa menggunakan dengan konsep hide and seek, match, bisa dengan konsep take it if i want it, dan yang lain sebagainya. Segala macam bisa digunakan.

A : Bisa juga digunakan jadi sumber belajar untuk tata bahasa, kosakata, gitu ya Miss ya?

WA : Tanpa mengatakan ini belajar tata bahasa, tanpa mengatakan ini

belajar kosakata.. iya!... (Interview with English teacher, WA (32, 33), on October 15 th 2011)

Teacher WA said that teaching material can be a resource of learning process, source of activities and interaction, a reference source for learners on grammar and vocabulary, and also source of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities. Teaching material doesn’t only be the object which is transferred by teacher but also be the ideas for the teacher to find the correct method and technique to transfer it. Furthermore, teacher SR and teacher RN added information about it.

A : Materi yang dibawa itu apa bisa jadi sumber kegiatan, sumber belajar gitu Bu?

SR : Iya.

kelas. Sumber untuk siswa berinteraksi? RN : Bisa. Bisa untuk bermain Mbak. Ya...untuk bermain bisa. Seperti permainan kemarin, angka-angka itu. Itu bisa untuk bermain. Semuanya bisa untuk bermain.

A : Juga bisa untuk sumber belajar gitu ya Bu? RN : Bisa. Bermain kan sumber belajar juga to Mbak untuk anak-anak. (Interview with head of B4 class, RN (21, 22), on September 24 th 2011)

Those statement strengthen teacher WA’s statement before, that material is a source of activities, learning, interaction, even playing. It is appropriate with the information about material stated in the syllabus, which is stated: “...Berkaitan dengan itu, maka dalam pembelajaran ini digunakan berbagai macam metode pembelajaran, sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran, topik pembelajaran, dan kondisi siswa.. .” and “...Media pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini beragam, tergantung topik yang sedang dibahas ...” (Syllabus of English Language Teaching in TK Negeri Pembina Manahan Surakarta, First and Second Semester).

Finally, it can be concluded that, the teaching material have some roles in the classroom, they are:

a. Teaching material can be a resource of learning process. Teaching material that brought by the teacher becomes a source for the students to know more about everything around them. It can be a source to develop their conceptual and skill. For example, when the teacher bring number material, so it can be

a source for them to learn about number, moreover they can learn about the kind of number, what it is in English, how to pronounce it, etc.

b. Teaching material can be a source of activities and interaction. Teaching material brought by the teacher becomes a source of activities in which learners practice their language and get communicative interaction with others. On the first observation, in the B4 class, it is clearly seen how they practice in pronouncing the number in English by the interaction in the games served by the teacher.

c. Teaching material can be a reference source for learners on grammar, c. Teaching material can be a reference source for learners on grammar,

d. Teaching material can be a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities. It is very important for the teacher to create interesting activities in the classroom. Besides it can encourage the students’ motivation, it also help the teacher to get effective teaching in English language teaching process. Furthermore, the teaching material can give ideas and image to arrange the classroom activities. It can help the teacher to choose the appropriate method to be implemented and teaching media to be used.