D. Instrument of the Study

The instrument of this research was test. The test was reading test passage. The tests consist of 17 multiple choice items taken from some reading book and 8 matching question items. The score was 1 for each correct item and 0 for incorrect item. The stud ents‟ total correct answer timed with four in order to get perfect score, a hundred. It was held before treatment and after treatment. In addition the test should be valid and reliable.

1. Validity

A good instrument in research has to be valid. A test is valid if it measure what should be measure. 43 PEARSON analytic through Ms Excel program was used to know validity of the test which consists of 25 multiple choice items and 10 matching task items. Therefore 17 multiple choice items and 8 Matching task items had been valid both of pre-test and Post-test. Each of test items reaches above 0, 48 based on r Person Correlation table.

2. Reliability

Beside valid, a good instrument in research has to be reliable. A test is reliable if it is consistent and dependable. It means if the test is given to the same students or matched students on different occasion the result of the test should be similar 44 . By using SPSS the pre- test reach Conbrach‟s Alpha 0.89 and the Post- Test reach Conbrach‟s Alpha 0.92. It meant both of the tests were reliable.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The research technique for collecting data used was pretest and post-test:

1. Pretest

Pretest was given before treatments are conducted. In addition, the purposes of pretest were not only to know the homogeny ability of experimental class and controlled class but also to know students‟ basic reading comprehension. 43 Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge, 1989, p. 22. 44 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment principle and classroom practices, New York: Longman, 2004, p. 20.

2. Treatment

Treatment was given to experimental group by teaching reading descriptive text using TGT technique. In contrary, researcher thought reading descriptive text in controlled class without TGT technique.

3. Post-test

Post-test was given both to experimental and controlled class in the last meeting. The purpose of posttest was to know the students ‟ reading after being taught and comprehension given treatment.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After getting score from pre-test and post-test, the writer analysed the data by using requirement test before. It consisted of normality test and homogeny test.

1. Test Normality and Homogeneity.

Test of normality in this research were conducted through SPSS 20 version. Normality test was used in order to know whether the distributions from the two classes were normal or not. The test of normality was using Komogorov- Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk. Significant score in Komogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk table should be above 0.05 in order to have normal distributed data. In addition, the homogeneity in this research were conducted through SPSS 20 version Homogeneity test was used in order to know whether the distributions from the two classes were have the same or different variant. The test of homogeneity was using Levine Table. Significant score in Levene table should be above 0.05 in order to have homogeny distributed data. Both of the Normality and Homogeneity test were conducted in pre-test score and post-test Score.

2. Test of Hypothesis

In order to find out the different score of the students‟ reading comprehension, the researcher used pre-test and post-test. After getting result of Normality and Homogeneity test, t-test conducted. The researcher uses SPSS 20 to conduct t-test. t-test was conducted to test whether the means of two samples differ or not.