Hypothesis Test Analysis of Data

4. Effect Size Formulation

The researcher added Cohen calculation in order to know what level the effect size of the research he formulation used was: √ Mean of Group A = 70.84 Mean of Group B = 62.86 Standard Deviation of Group A = 14.51 Standard Deviation of Group B = 16.48 Pooled Standard Deviation = 15.53 = 0.51 The criteria: 0.2 = small effect size 0. 5= medium effect size 0.8 = large effect size Based on the calculation above, it can be inferred that d = 0.51. Based on criteria of Cohen calculation, the result of this research is that using TGT has medium size effect on Students‟ reading Comprehension.

C. Discussion

The study approves that using TGT is effective for teaching reading descriptive text. According to the data analysis both classes showed improvement. However improvement of controlled class is not as high as experimental class. The data above showed that mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 58.97 while in controlled class was 59.03. It means there was no significant difference between them before treatment given. Meanwhile post-test score of experimental class was 70.74 and controlled class was 65.86. Moreover by using data from post-test, t-test analysis showed that significant 2 tailed was 0.37 it is below 0.05 or p α. Moreover, the data also showed that df degree of freedom was 68. The value of with df 68 was 1.668. Then was 2.125, it means that 1.668 2.125. It meant that there was significant different between experimental and controlled class after treatment. In addition, gained score which show the progress of the classes after since pre-test to post-test, there was significant different between gained score of experimental class and controlled class. Based on t-test analysis using gained score data, sig. 2 tailed was 0.002 it is below 0.05 or p α. Moreover, the data also showed that df degree of freedom was 68. The value of with df 68 was 1.668. Then was 3.297, it means that 1.668 3.297. It meant that there was significant different of gained score between Experimental class and controlled class. Based on the data above, it is concluded that using TGT is effective on teaching reading descriptive text. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

This study is quasi-experimental design which is held to get an empiric evidence of the effectiveness of using TGT on teaching reading descriptive text at eight grade students of SMPN 166 Jakarta. Based on statistical analysis and hypothesis after giving treatment, it showed that significance 2 tailed are below 0.05. The result of t-test analysis showed significance 2 tailed based on post-test was 0.037 and significance 2 tailed based on gained score was 0.002. It means p α. Furthermore t-value was higher than t- table at 2.125 and 3.297. It means that null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is significant effect of using TGT on teaching reading descriptive text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research, the researcher would like to give suggestion as follow: 1. Teacher should implement creative techniques to teach reading in class, Such as TGT. implementing TGT teacher should be wise enough in order to choose students work in group. Teacher should pay attention to students‟ emotional aspect. Moreover teacher can use TGT to teach other material such as grammar. 2. Implementing TGT students should cooperate with the other students when doing group work. By cooperating with their friend students not only help their friend but also themselves. 3. Further researcher perhaps can conduct TGT research to teach other major such as grammar. Because it will be more practical and effective when students do group working if students help their friend by teach subject that have formula or exact form rather than teach skill. Moreover the further researcher can do research by using senior high school students as participant, in order to know the response of the higher grade student in TGT technique.