Click Finish to complete the Firewall wizard.

CCNA Security All contents are Copyright © 1992 –2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 24 of 43 g. Click OK when the warning is displayed informing you that you cannot launch CCP from the S001 interface after the Firewall wizard completes. h. Move the slider between High, Medium, and Low security to familiarize yourself with what each provides. What is the main difference between High security and Medium or Low security? High security identifies inbound and outbound IM and peer-to-peer P2P traffic and drops it. This prevents these applications from being used on the network. Medium security identifies inbound and outbound IM and P2P for tracking, but does not drop it. Low security does not identify application-specific traffic, but it does inspect it to verify that it was initiated from within the internal network. i. Move the slider to Low Security and click the Preview Commands button to preview the commands that are delivered to the router. When you are finished reviewing the commands, click Close and then click Next. j. Review the Firewall Configuration Summary. What does this display provide? A textual description no commands of what the Firewall wizard does based on the selections that you made.

k. Click Finish to complete the Firewall wizard.

l. When the Routing traffic configuration window displays, ensure that the check box Allow EIGRP updates come through the firewall is checked and click OK. Note: This screen only displays if a dynamic routing protocol is configured. CCNA Security All contents are Copyright © 1992 –2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 25 of 43 m. What would happen if this box was not checked? EIGRP routing updates from R2 would be blocked at the firewall, and R3 would not learn about the or networks. n. In addition to EIGRP, for what other routing protocols does the firewall allow updates? RIP and OSPF. o. In the Deliver Configuration to Router window, make sure that the Save Running Config to R outer’s Startup Config check box is checked and click Deliver. p. Click OK in the Commands Delivery Status window. How many commands were generated by the Firewall wizard? 145 commands with CCP 2.5. q. Click OK to display the message that you have successfully configured a firewall on the router. Click OK to close the message window. r. The Edit Firewall Policy window displays with the Rule Diagram. CCNA Security All contents are Copyright © 1992 –2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 26 of 43 s. In the Rule Diagram, locate access list 100 folder icon. What action is taken and what rule options are applied for traffic with an invalid source address in the address range? Traffic is dropped and logged. Task 3: Review the Zone-Based Firewall Configuration Step 1: Examine the R3 running configuration with the CLI. a. From the R3 CLI, display the running configuration to view the changes that the CCP Basic Firewall wizard made to the router. b. The following commands are related to ACL 100 and class-map ccp-invalid-source. class-map type inspect match-all ccp-invalid-src match access-group 100 policy-map type inspect ccp-inspect class type inspect ccp-invalid-src drop log output omitted access-list 100 remark CCP_ACL Category=128 access-list 100 permit ip host any access-list 100 permit ip any access-list 100 permit ip any c. In ACL 100, notice that the source addresses listed are permitted. The ACL uses permit statements to identify these addresses as a group so that they can be matched with the class-map type inspect match-all ccp-invalid-src command and then dropped and logged by the class type inspect ccp-invalid-src command, which is one of the class types specified for the ccp-inspect policy-map. d. Issue the command show run | beg EIGRP to display the running configuration beginning with the line that contains the first occurrence of the text “EIGRP”. Continue to press Enter until you see all the commands in the firewall configuration that are related to EIGRP routing protocol updates on R3. You should see the following commands: class-map type inspect match-any SDM_EIGRP match access-group name SDM_EIGRP class-map type inspect match-any SDM_EIGRP_TRAFFIC match class-map SDM_EIGRP class-map type inspect match-all SDM_EIGRP_PT policy-map type inspect ccp-permit class type inspect SDM_EIGRP_PT pass class class-default drop Step 2: Use CCP to examine the R3 firewall configuration.

a. Click the Configure button and choose Router ACL Firewall Rules. There should be an ACL