Deinitions Continued employability Documentation References Relevance Compilation

17 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP Version 3.1 LA11 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings.

1. Relevance

Programs for skills management allow organizations to plan skills acquisitions that will equip employees to meet strategic targets in a changing work environment. A more skilled and aware workforce enhances the organization’s human capital and contributes to employee satisfaction, which correlates strongly with improved performance. For those facing retirement, conidence and quality of work relations is improved by the knowledge that they will be supported in their transition from work to retirement. The goal of lifelong learning is to promote the development of knowledge and competencies that will enable each citizen to adapt to a rapidly-changing labor market and to participate actively in all spheres of economic life.

2. Compilation

2.1 Do employee training or assistance programs to upgrade skills provide any of the following? • Internal training courses; • Funding support for external training or education; and • The provision of sabbatical periods with guaranteed return to employment. 2.2 Do transition assistance programs to support employees who are retiring or who have been terminated provide any of the following: • Pre-retirement planning for intended retirees; • Retraining for those intending to continue working; • Severance pay; • If severance pay is provided, does it take into account employee age and years of service; • Job placement services; and • Assistance e.g., training, counseling on transitioning to a non-working life.

3. Deinitions Continued employability

Adaptation to the changing demands of the workplace through the acquisition of new skills. Career endings Retirement by reaching statutory national retiring age or termination in the face of restructuring. Skills management Policies and programs that focus on developing employees’ skills to meet the evolving strategic needs of the organization andor the industry. Lifelong learning Acquiring and updating abilities, knowledge, qualiications, and interests throughout life, from pre- school years to post-retirement.

4. Documentation

Potential sources of information include organizational procedures for termination and employee records.

5. References

• ILO Convention 142, ‘Human Resources Development Convention’, 1975. • ILO Convention 168, ‘Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention’, 1988. 18 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP © 2000-2011 GRI LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender.

1. Relevance

Appraising employee performance against common targets aids the personal development of individual employees and contributes to both skills management and the development of human capital within the organization. Employee satisfaction can also be enhanced, which correlates with improved organizational performance. This Indicator indirectly demonstrates how the reporting organization works to monitor and maintain the skill sets of its employees. When reported in conjunction with LA12, the Indicator helps illustrate how the organization approaches skills enhancement. The percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews broken down by gender demonstrates the extent to which this system is applied throughout the organization and if there is inequity of access to these opportunities.

2. Compilation

2.1 Identify the total number of employees broken down by gender. The total number of employees should match that reported under LA1. 2.2 Report the percentage of total employees by gender who received a formal performance appraisal and review during the reporting period.

3. Deinitions Regular performance and career development