Deinitions Energy saved Documentation References Relevance Compilation

11 Indicator Protocols Set: EN IP Version 3.1 EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and eiciency improvements.

1. Relevance

This Indicator demonstrates the results of proactive eforts to improve energy-eiciency through technological improvements of processes and other energy conservation initiatives. Improved energy eiciency can result in cost savings and can lead to competitive advantages and market diferentiation. Supporting eicient energy technology has a direct impact on operational costs, and reduces the reporting organization’s future dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Eicient energy use is one key strategy in combating climate change and other environmental impacts created by the extraction and processing of energy.

2. Compilation

2.1 Identify total energy saved by eforts to reduce energy use and increase energy eiciency. Reduced energy consumption from reduced production capacity or outsourcing should not be included in this Indicator.

2.2 Report the total amount of energy saved in joules

or multiples, such as gigajoules one billion joules or 10 9 joules. Take into consideration energy saved due to: • Process redesign; • Conversion and retroitting of equipment; and • Changes in personnel behavior.

3. Deinitions Energy saved

The reduced amount of energy needed to carry out the same processes or tasks. The term does not include overall reduction in energy consumption from reduced organizational activities e.g., partial outsourcing of production. Conservation and efficiency improvements Organizational or technological innovations that allow a deined process or task to be carried out at a reduced level of energy consumption. This includes process redesign, the conversion and retroitting of equipment e.g., energy-eicient lighting, or the elimination of unnecessary energy use due to changes in behavior.

4. Documentation

Information can be obtained from internal energy measurements and supplier information e.g., energy related speciication of new machinery, light bulbs, etc..

5. References

None. 12 Indicator Protocols Set: EN IP © 2000-2011 GRI EN6 Initiatives to provide energy- eicient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives.

1. Relevance

Energy consumption is a major contributor to climate change since the burning of fossil fuel energy sources ultimately generates carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas. Using energy more eiciently is essential to combating climate change, which is the aim of the Kyoto Protocol. Providing energy eicient products and services is an important part of product stewardship initiatives. These products and services can be a source of competitive advantage by enhancing product diferentiation and reputation. Energy-eicient technologies can also reduce the cost of consumer goods. When initiatives of diferent organizations in the same sector are compared, it can give an indication of likely trends in the market for a product or service.

2. Compilation

2.1 Report existing initiatives to reduce the energy requirements of major productsproduct groups or services. 2.2 Report quantiied reductions in the energy requirements of products and services achieved during the reporting period. 2.3 If use-oriented igures are employed e.g., energy requirements of a computer, clearly report any assumptions about underlying consumption patterns or normalization factors e.g., 10 less energy use per average working day, assuming operation for 8 hours with changing processor load. Refer to available industry standards e.g., fuel consumption of cars for 100 km at 90 kmh.

3. Deinitions