Deinitions Reclaimed Documentation References Relevance Compilation

34 Indicator Protocols Set: EN IP © 2000-2011 GRI EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category.

1. Relevance

The disposal of products and packaging materials at the end of a use phase is a steadily growing environmental challenge. Establishing efective recycling and reuse systems to close product cycles can contribute signiicantly to increased material and resource eiciency. It also mitigates problems and costs related to disposal. This Indicator provides insight into the extent to which the reporting organization’s products, components, or materials are collected and successfully converted into useful materials for new production processes. It also provides insight into the degree to which the organization has designed products and packages capable of being recycled or reused. This measure can be a particular source of competitive diferentiation in sectors facing formal requirements to recycle products and their packaging materials.

2. Compilation

2.1 Identify the amount of products and their packaging materials reclaimed i.e., recycled or reused at the end of their useful life within the reporting period. Rejects and recalls of products should not be counted. Recycling or reuse of packaging should also be reported separately. 2.2 Report the percentage of reclaimed products and their packaging materials for each category of products i.e., a group of related products sharing a common, managed set of features that satisfy the speciic needs of a selected market using the following formula: products and their packaging materials reclaimed within of reclaimed the reporting period products = x100 products sold within the reporting period 2.3 Given potential variations in data sources, report how the data for this Indicator has been collected e.g., data is gathered from an internal collection system or data is provided by external collection systems reclaiming products on behalf of the organization.

3. Deinitions Reclaimed

Refers to collecting, reusing, or recycling products and their packaging materials at the end of their useful life. Collection and treatment can be carried out by the manufacturer of the product or by a contractor. This refers to products and their packaging materials that are: • Collected by or on behalf of the reporting organization; • Separated into raw materials e.g., steel, glass, paper, some kinds of plastic, etc. or components; and • Used by the reporting organization or other users.

4. Documentation


5. References

None. 35 Indicator Protocols Set: EN IP Version 3.1 EN28 Monetary value of signiicant ines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

1. Relevance

The level of non-compliance within the organization helps indicate the ability of management to ensure that operations conform to certain performance parameters. From an economic perspective, ensuring compliance helps to reduce inancial risks that occur either directly through ines or indirectly through impacts on reputation. In some circumstances, non- compliance can lead to clean-up obligations or other costly environmental liabilities. The strength of the organization’s compliance record can also afect its ability to expand operations or gain permits.

2. Compilation

2.1 Identify administrative or judicial sanctions for failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations, including: • International declarationsconventions treaties, and national, sub-national, regional, and local regulations. Include non-compliances related to spills as disclosed under EN23 that meet the criteria for EN28; • Voluntary environmental agreements with regulating authorities that are considered binding and developed as a substitute for implementing new regulations. In certain jurisdictions, such agreements are referred to as ‘covenants’; and • Cases brought against the organization through the use of international dispute mechanisms or national dispute mechanisms supervised by government authorities. 2.2 Report signiicant ines and non-monetary sanctions in terms of: • Total monetary value of signiicant ines; • Number of non-monetary sanctions; and • Cases brought through dispute resolution mechanisms. 2.3 Where reporting organizations have not identiied any non-compliance with laws or regulations, a brief statement to this fact is suicient.

3. Deinitions Environmental laws and regulations