Compilation Deinitions Parental Leave Documentation References Relevance Compilation

8 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP © 2000-2011 GRI LA15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender.

1. Relevance

Many countries have introduced legislation to provide a speciic length of parental leave. However, the application of legislation will vary according to interpretation by government, employers and employees. The aim of the legislation is to allow employees to take leave and return to work to the same or a comparable position. However, many women are discouraged from taking leave and returning to work by employer practices that afect their employment security, remuneration and career path. Many men are not encouraged to take the leave to which they are entitled. Equitable gender choice for maternity and paternity leave, and other leave entitlements, can lead to the greater recruitment and retention of qualiied staf, and boost employee morale and productivity. Men’s uptake of paternity leave options can indicate the degree to which an organization encourages fathers to take such leave. More men taking advantage of leave entitlements has a positive efect for women in taking such leave without prejudicing their career path.

2. Compilation

2.1 Report the number of employees by gender that were entitled to parental leave. 2.2 Report the number of employees by gender that took parental leave. 2.3 Report the number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended, by gender. 2.4 Report the number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended who were still employed twelve months after their return to work, by gender. 2.5 Report the return to work and retention rates of employees who returned to work after leave ended, by gender.

3. Deinitions Parental Leave

Leave granted to men and women workers on the grounds of the birth of a child.

4. Documentation

Potential sources of information include the human resources departments.

5. References

• ILO Convention 156, ‘Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention’, 1981 • ILO Convention 183, ‘Maternity Protection Convention’, 2000. 9 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP Version 3.1 LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.

1. Relevance

Freedom of association is a human right as deined by international declarations and conventions, particularly ILO Core Conventions 87 98. Collective bargaining is an important form of stakeholder engagement and particularly relevant for reporting guidelines. It is a form of stakeholder engagement that helps build institutional frameworks and is seen by many as contributing to a stable society. Together with corporate governance, collective bargaining is part of an overall framework that contributes to responsible management. It is an instrument used by parties to facilitate collaborative eforts to enhance the positive social impacts of an organization. The percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements is the most direct way to demonstrate an organization’s practices in relation to freedom of association.

2. Compilation

2.1 Use data from LA1 as the basis for calculating percentages for this Indicator. 2.2 Binding collective bargaining agreements include those signed by the reporting organization itself or by employer organizations of which it is a member. These agreements can be at the sector, national, regional, organizational, or workplace level. 2.3 Identify the total number of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. 2.4 Report the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.

3. Deinitions