Relevance Compilation Deinitions Formal agreements Documentation References

15 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP Version 3.1 LA9 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.

1. Relevance

This Indicator demonstrates one of the ways in which the health and safety of the workforce is ensured. Formal agreements can promote the acceptance of responsibilities by both parties and the development of a positive health and safety culture. This Indicator will reveal the extent to which the workforce is actively involved in formal, labor-management agreements that determine health and safety management arrangements.

2. Compilation

2.1 Report whether formal agreements either local or global with trade unions cover health and safety. YesNo 2.2 If yes, report the extent to which various health and safety topics are covered by local and global agreements signed by the organization. Agreements at the local level typically address topics such as: • Personal protective equipment; • Joint management-employee health and safety committees; • Participation of worker representatives in health and safety inspections, audits, and accident investigations; • Training and education; • Complaints mechanism; • Right to refuse unsafe work; and • Periodic inspections. Agreements at the global level typically address topics such as: • Compliance with the ILO; • Arrangements or structures for resolving problems; and • Commitments regarding target performance standards or level of practice to apply.

3. Deinitions Formal agreements

Written documents signed by both parties declaring a mutual intention to abide by what is contained in the documents. These can include, for example, local collective bargaining agreements as well as national and international framework agreements.

4. Documentation

Potential sources of information include collective agreements with trade unions.

5. References

• ILO Convention 155, ‘Occupational Safety and Health Convention’ and its Protocol 155, 1981. 16 Indicator Protocols Set: LA IP © 2000-2011 GRI LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee, by gender, and by employee category.

1. Relevance