Introduction Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment Report


23.1. Introduction

1. The purpose of this ToR is to identify the works that the consultant has to fulfil and give comprehensive information required by IIF for an Environmental Impact Assessment EIA report. Consultant will prepare and submit an EIA report that examines the environmental and socio-economic effects of the proposed [Infrastructure Project].

23.2. Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment Report

2. Consultant will prepare the EIA report in accordance with these Terms of Reference. The EIA report will: a Assist IIF in understanding the environmental and socio- economic consequences of the Project’s development and operation plans, and will assist IIF in its decision-making process; b Address: i. Project impacts direct and indirect; ii. Mitigation options; and iii. Residual effects relevant to the assessment of the Project. As appropriate for the various types of impacts, predictions should be presented in terms of magnitude, frequency, duration, seasonal timing, reversibility and geographic extent. c Include a discussion on the possible measures, including established measures and possible improvements based on research and development to: i. prevent or mitigate social and environmental impacts and, if required, design social mitigation measures these may include Resettlement Action Plan, Indigenous Peoples Development Plan and other social action plans; ii. assist in the monitoring of social and environmental safeguards; and iii. identify residual social and environmental impacts and their significance including cumulative and regional development considerations. 3. The EIA report will form part of borrower’s application to IIF. A summary of the EIA report and social mitigation measures will be included as part of the application. d Include a public consultation program to assist with project scoping and issue identification. The results of these consultations will be documented as part of the EIA report. To meet the public IIF- SEMS - Annexes 158 consultation requirements consultant borrower must, at a minimum, communicate the project impacts and proposed mitigation measures with the affected people means people who may be beneficially or adversely affected by the project and provide them with the opportunity to participate in the social and environmental assessment process. 4. The final submission will be based upon these Terms of Reference and issues raised during the public consultation process.

23.3. Regulatory and Planning Framework