Regulatory and Planning Framework Impact Identification and Prediction

IIF- SEMS - Annexes 158 consultation requirements consultant borrower must, at a minimum, communicate the project impacts and proposed mitigation measures with the affected people means people who may be beneficially or adversely affected by the project and provide them with the opportunity to participate in the social and environmental assessment process. 4. The final submission will be based upon these Terms of Reference and issues raised during the public consultation process.

23.3. Regulatory and Planning Framework

5. Identify the relevant legislation, policies, and approvals applicable to the review of the Project as well as Principles of IIF. Discuss the primary focus of each regulatory requirement, such as resource allocation, environmental safeguards, resettlement and land acquisition, land use development including use of land and resources owned by indigenous peoples, and the elements of the Project that are subject to each regulatory requirement. 6. Address other regulatory approvals including customary laws that exist or will be required for the Project under provincial, municipal and applicable Indonesian government requirements.

23.4. Project Description

7. Provide detailed description of the Project, the key environmental, social, resource management and economic issues that are important for a public-interest decision and the results of the Environmental Assessment. Describe who will be responsible for the development, management and operation of the Project. 8. Describe the project components including infrastructure and activities at the anticipated development stages e.g., construction and operations, project schedule and timing of the key construction and operational activities. Discuss the site alternatives considered, the potential effects that activities and infrastructures may have on the environment, the people and the natural resources to be used for the Project. 9. Review of engineering aspects of project component, both construction method and operation.

23.4.1. Project Need and Alternatives

10. Discuss the need for the Project, the technical and operating systems considered for the project and the rationale for those ultimately selected for the application. Include a discussion of the implications of not proceeding with the Project or delaying the Project. 11. Address the following:  An analysis of the alternatives considered for carrying out the Project, including the social and environmental effects of utilizing these alternative, with the criteria and rationale for selecting the proposed option; IIF- SEMS - Annexes 159  The analysis shall cover comparisons in relation to siting, design, technology selection, construction techniques and phasing, and operating and maintenance procedures;  Identify whether additional development phases will be considered at this site in the future and how the proposed plans for the Project take this into consideration.

23.4.2. Project Components and Site Selection

12. Describe the development of the site, and the nature, size, location and duration of the components of the Project including, but not limited to the following:  The project area ;  The design capacities of the Project;  The process components of the development focusing on material inputs and outputs. As appropriate, provide material balances energy and water, flow diagrams and descriptions of the processes to be used. Indicate any shared facilities with existing developments at the site;  Buildings and infrastructure, transportation, utilities and access routes;  Major operational components of the Project and a project layout showing the linkages among these components;  A project development schedule;  The rationale for selecting the proposed site and how technical, geotechnical and environmental criteria and stakeholder input were considered in decision-making.  Need for land acquisition, changes in land use and restricted access to land, assets and natural resources and the extent of involuntary resettlement impacts i.e. full or partial, permanent or temporary loss of housing, land, access to land, assets and resources, wagesincome from any affected businesses, impacts on non-titled users, women, indigenousethnic minority householdscommunities and vulnerable people.  Presence of indigenous peoples who may be affected by the project livelihoods, cultural, economic, ecological and social patterns. 13. Provide maps of appropriate scale showing:  All existing seismic lines, access roads and other linear corridors e.g., pipelines, utility corridors, etc.;  The location of the development relative to all terrestrial components e.g., soils, topography, watercourses, vegetation, wildlife habitat, watersheds, wetlands, etc.. IIF- SEMS - Annexes 160

23.5. Baseline Information

14. Provide a comprehensive understanding of existing physical, biological and socio-cultural environment and land use of the project area. The information should be collected from secondary sources that are relevant to understanding the baseline conditions and mitigation of impacts due to projects as well as enhancement measures. 15. On physical environment, baseline information on ambient air quality, noise level, water and soil quality of the project area should be delineated. Where relevant, baseline information to assess the visual as well as severance impacts should be provided. The information gaps should be covered from primary data collection survey. Care should be exercised to cover environmentally sensitive locations and locations likely to be significantly impacted during the primary survey. The baseline environmental quality stations should be carefully identified and covered to provide data that can be compared with the data collected during the project construction and operations to assess the actual impacts as well as to assess the efficacy of the mitigations measure.

23.5.1. Baseline surveys:

16. The Consultants will : a Collect data through field surveyssamplings to cover full annual cycle to measure and report the existing environmental conditions at and near the site including ambient air quality, noise, water quality; b Conduct census and socio-economic survey of affected communities c Collect information from secondary sources that are relevant to understanding the baseline, as well as design and mitigation of enhancement measures, as pertaining to physical, biological and socio-cultural environments, d Carry out site visits and investigations of all environmentally sensitive locations and document them on base maps to identify conflict point with preliminary designs including verification of these from authentic sources of information, such as from already existing records, and e Prepare detailed specific maps showing details of sites for environmental enhancements

23.5.2. Additional baseline surveys:

17. The Consultants shall collect information on the existing environmental scenario from secondary sources, and identify gaps to be filled, relevant to the environmental screening needs from primary surveys. The Consultants shall survey the environmentally sensitive locations on and along the project, as well as within the project’s influence area. All regionally and nationally recognized environmental resources and features within the project’s influence area shall be clearly identified and studied in relation to the activities proposed. Typically, these will include environmental and common property resources such as forests, large water bodies, and major physical cultural properties. All these may be depicted using a line diagram or a strip map. IIF- SEMS - Annexes 161 18. All surveys will be carried out in compliance with Indonesian standards guidelines norms as well as IIF Principles. Wherever such guidelines norms are unavailable, the techniques, tools and samples employed for the surveys shall conform to international practices. Whenever directly relevant secondary data is available, these should be used, while indirectly relevant data should be verified through primary survey. Where feasible, use of satellite data and geo-reference maps should be made to provide a record of environmental information for future reference. 19. Environmental quality air, water and noise monitoring shall include an adequate number of samples, as established on a sampling network, so as to provide a representative sample of the entire project. Additional sample data for sensitive environmentalecological receptors, if any, shall be collected such as to analyze and predict the possible impacts to a large degree and precision of acceptable professional standards. Further, additional specialized surveys, such as biodiversity assessment survey, and or hydrological surveys shall be conducted, if and when recommended by environmental scoping. It is recommended that environmental surveys be aligned with social and engineering surveys as far as practical.

23.6. Impact Identification and Prediction

20. The Consultants shall determine the potential impacts due to the project through identification, analysis and evaluation on sensitive areas natural habitats, wetlands, protected areas, sites of historic, cultural and conservation importance, urban settlements and villages agricultural areas. The impacts due to project activities on ambient environment Air, water, soil, wastes, noise etc., natural environment biodiversity, protected areas, landscape, historic sites etc. and socio-economic environment resettlement, indigenous people, livelihood, working conditions, public health etc. needs to be predicted and evaluated using various methodologies or models. These should be classified as significant positive and negative impacts, immediate and long-term impacts, and unavoidable and reversible impacts. The impacts should be quantified in terms of its magnitude and significance, wherever possible. 21. For each impact predicted, feasible and cost-effective mitigation measures shall be identified to reduce potentially significant adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels. The capital and recurring costs of the measures, and the institutional training and monitoring requirements to effectively implement these measures shall be determined. The Consultants shall explore and recommend environmental enhancements for positive impacts. At this stage, it would be important to identify issues that cannot be dealt with during the project preparation stage, but should be undertaken during the implementation stage. 22. Note: Where models are used, document any assumptions used in the EIA report to obtain predictions. Clearly identify the data used in the modelling including sources of error and relative accuracy, and identify the limitations of the models and steps taken to improve the accuracy. Describe the applicability and reasons for using a particular model.

23.7. Environmental Assessment and Cumulative Effects Assessment