Compliance with Country Requirements Compliance with IIF Progress of On-going ProjectsActivities

IIF- SEMS - Annexes 146

21.2.4. Hierarchy within the unit

6. Band width available and the adequacy of capacity to manage on – going projects as well as supervise projects with current exposure by IIF. 7. Process clarity and channels of authority and communication within the unit.

21.3. Compliance by IIF with the Social and Environmental Requirements as

specified in the shareholders’ agreement

21.3.1. Compliance with Country Requirements

8. Level complexity and number of on-going projects 9. Compliance with local and international health and safety laws and regulations 10. Compliance with occupational health regulations 11. Extent of oversight of the on – going projects; 12. Level of personnel and the documentation and feedback mechanism for the same; 13. Frequency of inspection of projects; 14. Instances where IIF has noticed non-compliance and significant adverse regulatory impact on account of fines and penalties extreme cases of operation closure or other restrictive action 15. Changes in regulation at the national or international level 16. Impact of such changes on the projects financed by the IIF and the extent of such impact 17. Preparedness of IIF clients to face comply with such regulatory changes, the costs and the social impact of such actions

21.3.2. Compliance with IIF

’s Safeguards Requirements 18. Ability of the project to fit in with the minimum requirement as prescribed by the SEMS of IIF 19. Specific projects in sensitive sectors and the level of exposure of IIF to such projects 20. Public issues that may have been raised due to non-compliance on certain projects and corrective steps taken to mitigate the risks

21.3.3. Progress of On-going ProjectsActivities

21. Investment Pipeline IIF- SEMS - Annexes 147 22. List of on-going projects that are being evaluated for investment and wherein the approval has been given but disbursement has not taken place 23. Out of this projects that may have an  Environment impact;  Involuntary Resettlement issues;  Indigenous people ethnic minority impact 24. Extent of Social and Environment Issues addressed in terms of:  Resettlement plans  Environment impact mitigation measures 25. Where projects came to IIF after land acquisition and resettlement phase, compliance with IIF standards and open issues if any; 26. If non-compliant with IIF policies, extent of gaps and steps being taken to reduce the gaps 27. Interim risks both operational and reputational to IIF. 28. Active Investments Environmental Progress 29. Provide a summary of the progress of implementation of the project including description, status, and completion timetable for environment-related items. Describe the status of permits and approvals. Summary information should include: i Overview of the sub-projects activity ies, including progress against schedule; ii Design changes to the sub-projects activity ies adopted during the reporting period and reasons for those changes; iii Environmental issues and complaints arising during the reporting period; iv Information on any unanticipated environmental impacts, and remedial actions that have been taken; v Any unresolved environmental issues or grievances; and vi Status of compliance with environmental requirements national, local, IIF or instances of non-compliance.] Social Progress IIF- SEMS - Annexes 148 30. Provide a summary of the progress of implementation of the sub-projectsactivityies, including description, status, and completion timetable for social-related items. Summary information should include: i Overview of the sub-projectsactivityies including progress against schedule; ii Alternative designs considered to avoid or minimize involuntary resettlement impacts and impacts to indigenous peoplesethnic minorities; iii Social issues and complaints arising during the reporting period; iv Information on any unanticipated impacts, and remedial actions that have been taken; v Any unresolved social issues or grievances; and vi Status of compliance with social requirements national, local, Strategic Investors’ or instances of non-compliance.]

21.4. Summary of Safety Performance and Any Corrective Actions