The Place and the Time of Research

C. The Population and the Sample

Population is the whole subject of the research; it can be said as the population research when someone wants to research all the elements that exist in that research area. 3 While for sample, Arikunto defined sample as part or representation of the population being researched; if we just research a part of population, the research can be said as the sample population. 4 The population of this research was the whole second year students of SMP AD- DA’WAH, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng. The total of the second year students was 98 people. There were three classes comprising VIII-A, VIII-B, and VIII-C. The writer used purposive sampling technique to determine the sample, so he just took two classes based on the recommendation of English teacher. The sample of this research was two classes. Those were VIII-B which consisted of 32 students as the control class and VIII-C which consisted of 34 students as the experiment class. When the writer gave the students pre-test in experiment class, there were only 30 students who came and did the assignment that were given by the writer. On the other day, there were only 28 students who came and did the assignment when the writer gave them post-test. Meanwhile, when the writer gave the students pre-test for the control class, there were only 27 students who came and did the assignment that given by the writer. And the other day, there were only 28 students who came and did the assignment when the writer gave them a post-test. In fact, the writer saw that there were only 25 students who came in both pre-test and post-test in experiment class, and there were only 27 students who came in both pre-test and post-test in control class. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were some students who absent in both experiment class and control class when he did pre-test, treatment, and also post-test to complete his research. Thus, the writer only took 25 students in both experiment class and control class as a sample in this research. 3 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010, p. 173. 4 Ibid., p. 174.

D. The Instrument of the Research

To obtain the data in this research, the writer gave the students pre-test and post-test for both control class and experiment class. The instrument that was used for this research was test which was developed by the writer for both control class and experimental class. The material of test that was used for pre-test and post-test was developed from syllabus of English lesson at the second year students of junior high school, and then it was expanded by the writer into several points of indicator to make the test, it can be said as test specification or kisi-kisi 5 . The test consisted of 25 questions in multiple choices. 6 The score per items was 4. It means if students could choose the answer of 1 item correctly, they would get 4 score. And if they could choose the answer of 25 items correctly, they would get 100 as the highest score. The test that was used for both pre-test and post-test was taken from the same test specification, and the writer divided the test specification into three general materials that consisted of several indicators. And from each indicator, the writer made a number of questions based on the content of its indicator. The first material talked about Positive Degree which consisted of two indicators; to show the sentence in positive degree form three questions and to choose the appropriate adjective in positive degree sentences three questions. The second material talked about the Comparative Degree which comprised three indicators; to identify the sentence of comparative degree correctly three questions, to choose the appropriate adjective in sentence of comparative degree three questions, and to differ the adjective that uses suffix -er and additional more correctly three questions. And the last material talked about Superlative Degree which also consisted of three indicators; to identify the sentence of superlative degree correctly three questions, to choose the appropriate adjective in superlative degree sentence four questions, and to differ the adjective that uses suffix -est and additional most correctly three questions. Thus, the total of questions was 25 items. 5 See Appendix 1. 6 See Appendix 2.