Principle about the Role of Grammar Instruction

2. Principles Underlie the Teachers’ Beliefs in Teaching Grammar at “Basic

English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java The principles underlying the teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java can be analyzed by the close- ended statements of the questionnaire that was intended to investigate the beliefs about the four components which represent aspects and key issues of grammar teaching. The components are beliefs about the role of grammar instruction, beliefs in grammar pedagogy, beliefs about error correction and feedback approaches. All component work together in shaping the principles underlying the teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar in BEC Pare Kediri East Java can be described in detail as follows:

a. Principle about the Role of Grammar Instruction

Here, the result of close-ended questionnaire related to the principle about the role of grammar instruction is presented in table 4.1 No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. Grammar is the most important component in language learning and English classes should allocate plenty of time to teach grammar rules. 100 2. Students can learn grammar through experiencing language in natural use. 100 3. Formal instruction helps students to produce grammatically correct language. 75 25 4. Direct instruction in the rules of grammar is crucial if students are to learn to communicate accurately. 75 25 5. By mastering the rules of grammar, students can capably communicate in English. 25 75 6. Mastering the grammar rules of a language does not guarantee the students‘ ability neither to produce nor to use the language appropriately. 75 25 Adapted from Lee Kit 2008, p.81-82 commit to user Statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the first component were meant to investigate teachers‘ beliefs about the role of grammar instruction in language learning at BEC Pare Kediri see table 4.2. Interestingly, all teachers in BEC strongly agreed that grammar is the most important component in language learning and English classes should allocate plenty of time to teach grammar rules. It means that grammar has been the main important part of teaching English at BEC Pare Kediri. In line with the first statement, what makes the result more interesting is that 100 of the teachers at BEC Pare Kediri shared the same belief that it is very possible for students to learn grammar through experiencing language in natural situation. So, there is no doubt that practical use of English becomes the focus of teaching learning process at this well-known English course. Furthermore, the role of formal instruction in helping the students to produce grammatically correct language responded positively with the high percentage of strongly agreed responses 75 compared with not sure responses 25. However, the teachers at BEC Pare Kediri are doubt that the capability of communication in English can be reached by mastering the rules of grammar. It is proved by the result that 25 teachers are strongly agreed and 75 teachers are not sure with the phenomena. The principle underlies the response is that the grammar rules can only helps the students to construct words, but it does help much in improving the students capability in communication. The ability to communicate in English is determined not only by the mastery of grammar rules, but also by the practical uses in the daily activities. For that reason, most of all the teachers 75 agreed that mastering the grammar rules of a language does not guarantee the students‘ ability neither to produce nor to use the language appropriately. commit to user The above findings reveal that the teachers at BEC Pare Kediri belief the importance of grammar in which the formal and direct instruction helps the students to communicate fluently with correct grammar. Conversely, the mastery of grammar rules does not guarantee the students‘ ability to produce and use the language appropriately.

b. Principle in Grammar Pedagogy