This chapter presents the conclusions, implication and suggestions derived from the results of the research.

A. Conclusion

The m ain purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers‘ beliefs towards grammar teaching at Basic English Course BEC Pare Kediri East Java. The detailed findings of the study could be classified into four parts as the research questions have been proposed in the beginning. 1. BEC teachers believe that grammar is defined as structural patterns or rules which construct a language and their arrangements. They also believe that correct grammatical structure is a must to be applied both in spoken and written form. The grammatical units being taught are mostly about tenses and other sentence structures such as conditional sentences, passive voice, gerund, etc. The teaching grammar place the highest level of importance. The error in grammatical structures will be corrected directly by both teachers and students. Those kinds of beliefs have been influenced by some factors, such as: Mr. Kalend doctrine, teachers‘ experiences, teachers‘ teaching goals, and the use of references. Moreover, the steps of teaching consist of opening, explanation, examples, exercises, and practices. The teachers also believe that the steps of teaching could be applied in the commit to user formal school as the students had the high motivation to study and practice English. 2. There are four principles underlie the teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar at BEC Pare Kediri, East Java. They are the beliefs about the role of grammar instruction, the beliefs of grammar pedagogy, the beliefs about error correction and the beliefs about the feedback approaches. First, teachers of BEC believe that grammar is the most important component in language learning and English classes should allocate plenty of time to teach grammar rules and students can learn grammar through experiencing language in natural use. The teachers of BEC also believe that the grammar should be taught explicitly deductively in which teachers should analyze structures, tell students the rules and then let them do related exercises. In addition, the teachers believe that grammatical correctness is one of the important criteria by which language performance should be judged and students‘ spoken and written grammatical errors should be corrected immediately with focusing on form correction. 3. The classrooms observation showed the teachers‘ practices in teaching grammar. Generally, the teachers applied the method of teaching, such as Communicative Language Teaching CTL, Grammar Translation Method GTM and Drilling Method with the stages of teaching and learning process are opening activities, main activities and closing activities. In the main activities, the teachers gave a big chance to their students to make commit to user examples and produce their own spoken sentences. Meanwhile, the errors made by the students were corrected directly. 4. The last is about the learners‘ perception towards teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar at BEC Pare Kediri East Java has brought into three points of views: the learners‘ experiences, the learners‘ impression and the learners‘ view of teaching and learning grammar process. Far different with the previous experiences of studying in formal school which was form-oriented , learners‘ experiences of studying grammar in BEC Pare Kediri is practice-oriented . The students are not only taught about the pattern but have the wide chance to practice speaking with correct grammatical patterns. They have a strong motivation to study and good impression to the teachers‘ way of teaching. Finally, the students participated in the interview agree that there is a close relationship between teaching grammar and speaking. They feel no worries if the teachers or their fellow friends corrected their errors directly. In addition, the steps of teaching which consist of opening, main and closing activities are very suitable to be applied in the classroom.

B. Implication