The History of BEC

formal, non-formal, and informal educational settings and that the learning experience can be equally powerful in each of those settings. Non formal education NFE has been defined by Kleis 1973:6 as any intentional and systematic educational enterprise usually outside of traditional schooling in which content is adapted to the unique needs of the students or unique situations in order to maximize learning and minimize other elements which often occupy formal school teachers i.e. taking roll, enforcing discipline, writing reports, supervising study hall, etc. Non formal education is more learner centered than most formal education. Learners can leave anytime they are not motivated. NFE tends to emphasize a cafeteria curriculum options, choices rather than the prescribed, sequential curriculum found in schools. In NFE, human relationships are more informal roles of teachers and students are less rigid and often switch than in schools where student-teacher and teacher administrator roles are hierarchical and seldom change in the short term. NFE focuses on practical skills and knowledge while schools often focus on information which may have delayed application. Overall NFE has a lower level of structure and therefore more flexibility than schools. The following elaboration is about Basic English Course as a Non Formal Education Institution.

a. The History of BEC

Basic English Course BEC was established by Mr. Kallend Osein in 1977. He was from Kutai, East Kalimantan. In 1976, when the man who was born on February 20th 1945 still studied at Pondok Modern Gontor at Ponorogo, an economical trouble struck him so that he decided to get himself out of the school. commit to user Then he resolved to go to Pare Kediri, East Java to be the student of Mr. Achmad Yazid. He wanted to be taught by the man who mastered some foreign languages English, French, Dutch, Germany, Japanese and Arabic by using self-taught method. When studying the languages, he met a woman named Siti Fatimah at Pare. They both finally got married. Therefore, Kallend became the citizen of Pare. He was once to be a teacher at Darul Falah Mosque at Pare Muniroh, 2001:55. One day a native of Pare asked him to teach his son English intensively. Then he looked for five children again to be taught English, too. He was firstly confused of giving them an English intensive teaching. But he finally taught them English at his home on Anyelir Street 8 Singgahan Pare Kediri after arranging an easy and effective curriculum. In the following year, the quantity of students who wanted to be taught by him was increased to be ten people. But his course was not named yet. On June 15th 1977, he eventually named the course Basic English Course the abbreviation was BEC. The building of the course was still a room whose measure was 4 x 6 meters. But this room was not sufficient and conducive to teach and study English because the quantity of his students got increased every year. Since 1990, there were for about one thousand students studying at BEC. That is why he built some classrooms which could be used to teach approximately forty students, an office, a meeting hall, a small mosque, a charity inn for several students, and a café called Twenty One Café on his family‘s privately owned land which was 40 x 60 square meters. But there were not library or laboratory to support the students‘ English learning process Suara Hidayatullah, October 2001. commit to user

b. The Profile of BEC