Error Correction The Learners’ Perceptions toward teachers’ beliefs and practices in

recommended by BEC Pare Kediri West Java since the focus of teaching and learning English at BEC Pare Kediri West Java is improving the students‘ English skills with minimalizing the use of the mother tongue. So, it would be better if TZ fulled his class with the target language speaking production.

d. Error Correction

The last discussion about the r eflection of teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar in the classroom practice at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java related to the error correction done by the teachers. Here, the researcher presented the way of error correction in table 4. 5. Table 4.5: The Way of Error Correction Class Teacher Examples of errors Error Correction Types A TX I was overtaking pet yesterday I was overtaking pet when…. Overtaking or overtook? I was overtaking pet when my father watched the movie. Directly I will be eating tomorrow I will eat tomoorow. I will be eating fried rice tonight B TY No error correction because the teacher made all of the examples by himself C TZ The rabbits are eating a carrot. Change into passive. Yow A carrot are being eaten by the rabbits A carrot ….\ Carrot-nya berapa? 1 kan? Jadi…. A carrot is being eaten by the rabbits Directly I don‘t like you. Yo u don‘t liked by me Remember… use to be + V3 You are not liked by me commit to user From the table above, we can see how the teachers corrected their students‘ errors and mistakes during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Most of the teachers agreed to rectify the students‘ grammatical errors in direct way. It is very effective because the students will recognize their errors and mistakes, so they can produce the better and correct examples in the next stages of learning. The strange condition happened in class B since there was no single example produced by the students. As the result, the researcher could not find the way of teacher‘s error correction.

d. The Learners’ Perceptions toward teachers’ beliefs and practices in

teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java To answer this last research question, the writer used the data of interview that has been taken from the representatives of students who studied in BEC Pare Kediri East Java. There were four students took part in this research in which their names are anonymously mentioned. The general data can be seen in table 4.6. Table 4.6: The students as respondents in this research Students Sex Origin Level S1 Male East Aceh MS S2 Male Jepara, Central Java MS S3 Male Brebes, Central Java TC S4 Female Mojokerto, East Java TC Here, the learners‘ perceptions toward teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java will be commit to user described into three sections, they are learners‘ experience, learners‘ impression and learners‘ view about teaching and learning grammar. The detailed of data findings of interview can be analyzed through the following explanation.

a. Learners’ Experience on the learning environment