Technique of Analyzing the Data

the detailed account of field experiences in which the researcher made explicit the patterns of cultural and social relationship and put them in the context. This study employed the rich and thick description to maintain the trustworthiness on this qualitative research. The reason was that this study needed many deep and long descriptions regarding to the teachers‘ belief and the students‘ perceptions towards the grammar teaching in speaking class at BEC Pare Kediri East Java.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

Stern 2008:114 states that Constant Comparison Comparative Method CCM is the process used by the researcher in the collection analysis data for a Grounded Theory GT study. The ultimate goal of CCM in GT is to formulate theory which is ‗grounded‘ in the data. Glaser 2004: 7-14 stated that even though CCM is the essence of the method, it cannot be separated from other aspects, steps and procedures in GT study, such as theoretical sampling, coding, categories, memoing and data saturation. Furthermore, Dick 2000:4 summarizes that a GT study works through the following phases which are mostly overlapping over time. They are data collection, note taking, coding, memoing, sorting, and writing. In this study, the researcher analyzed the data by doing line-by-line analysis as follows: 1. The data coding. commit to user It is the process of discovering and naming the essence of the data, usually in the form of gerund noun noun phrases. 2. The categories concepts The results of coding process are called categories or concepts. They are then used as consideration to determine which participants samples to be investigated next. 3. Theoretical sampling In the GT study, the sampling was not predetermined, but it was conducted according to the results of the previous data analysis. In this way, the theoretical sampling has the similarity with what is usually called the Snowballing technique. 4. Core category concept The categories or concepts from the previous data sets then grouped and constantly compared. This process was repeated until one or more core category concept emerges. The core category becomes the umbrella concept which is able to explain all the variation in the data. 5. Data Saturation The core category comes a point where no more new categories emerged and the explanation of the category is considered complete. This point is called ‗data saturation‘. It is also the time for the researcher to stop from searching the new data. 6. Memoing commit to user Throughout the whole process, the researcher wrote memos which are short notes about conceptual ideas on the grouping and relationship of the categories, the development of the theory, and what happened with the data. All these process is called memoing. 7. Writing The memos, categories and their properties are then sorted, arranged and written into a complete set of theory. Finally, the GT is available through the works of all process. commit to user 77


This chapter is divided into three sections. They are the findings of the research, the discussions from the results of the research and the weaknesses of the research. The former deals with the problems statements which consists of four parts: 1 the teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java, 2 the principles underlying the teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java, 3 the reflection of teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar in the classroom practice at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java, and 4 the learners‘ perceptions toward teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java. The second of this chapter discusses the teachers‘ response to the findings and the theory generated from the results. The last is about the weaknesses of the results of this study which can contribute to the better research in the future. For the detailed informations, follow these brief explanations below.

A. Research Findings

The research findings will discuss four areas of studies. They are the teachers‘ beliefs; the principles underlie the teachers‘ beliefs; the reflection of teachers‘ beliefs in the classroom practice; and the learners‘ perceptions toward teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in commit to user