General Classification The Reflection of Teachers’ Beliefs in Teaching Grammar in Classroom

This part of the section discusses the reflections of teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar in the classroom practice at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java. The result discussed here came from the analysis of the classroom teaching observation only because there are no syllabus and lesson plans applied in the process of teaching learning at BEC. The ideas supported to this segment consist of four interests. They are the general classification, the types of activity, samples and exercises, and error correction of grammar teaching in classroom practice. Because of the limitation of time, the writer only can explore three teachers who teach grammar at BEC Pare Kediri. The writer assumes that those three teachers can be suitable representatives of all teachers in BEC who teach grammar in their speaking class since each teacher taught the different level of study; BTC, CTC and TC. Here, for the ease of reference, the writer symbolizes the teachers who become the representatives as TX, TY, and TZ. The short descriptions of teachers can be seen in table 4.4. Table 4.4: The Teachers‘ Description of Classroom Practices Teachers Symbol Sex Level Experience Topic 1 TX Female TC 20 years Gerund 2 2 TY Male CTC 16 years Gerund 1 3 TZ Male BTC 7 years Noun Phrase and Passive

a. General Classification

commit to user From the data which has also been described in the previous section, all the teachers in BEC who were interviewed agreed that grammar played the most important part in learning English. Because these three teachers are also joined in the interview, it can be concluded that the teachers believe that grammar is the main priority of studying English at BEC Pare Kediri East Java. Grammar is taught as stand-alone subject that mostly support the speaking skill. Based on the classroom observation of three grammar classes, the writer found that the teacher has different style in teaching grammar. The first teacher TX seems to be more interactive with the students. She transfers the materials in a way of Communicative Language Teaching CLT method. This method influences on the ease of the learning material since both of the teacher and students share their minds and ideas freely in the class. The students are very enthusiastic and active in the class even sometimes they make the wrong answer or examples. Sometimes the teacher related the material of gerund with the hot issues in the teenagers live, such as love. It makes the class blows up, fun and enjoyable. Related to her grammar teaching, she realizes that the grammar plays the important part in the speaking activity. Because of that reason, she applies CLT method in her teaching. By this method, there is no doubt that students will practice to produce spoken sentences a lot rather than written. So, TX has been succeeded in teaching grammar, not only as the formula but also as the product since the students directly produce the examples in their speaking. Different with the first teacher, the second teacher TY is a kind of serious and calm man. He seems to apply the old method of teaching grammar. commit to user That is Grammar Translation Method GTM. As Richard, J.C Schmidt, R. 2002: 231 stated that Grammar Translation Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. The typical presentation of this method is the teaching learning process started with presenting the formulas, followed by giving the examples and translating the examples. Based on that literature, it can be concluded that TY teaches his students in a way of GTM. He first presents the formula, after that he presents the examples. Then he and his students translate the examples into Indonesian. The last teacher TZ is the teacher of the first level in BEC Kediri East Java. He teaches the Basic Training Class BTC. In his teaching, he uses Indonesian to explain, ask, and talk to the students. He also uses Javanese language in East Java dialect for many times. Based on the video of teaching, the writer thinks that TZ applies the Direct Method of teaching learning. He first present the formula of arranging the words into a correct noun phrase. He then presents the examples. After that, he asks his students to produce other examples of noun phrase. For the second material, Passive Voice, he presents the oral text production. He speaks the active sentences, and the sentences are directly changed into passive voice by the students. It is also can be regarded as the Drilling Method. He drills the students with many types of tenses in active sentences and asks the students to make into passive. It is repeated for many times so that the students are used to answer the questions fast and correct. This idea is very good to apply in the grammar teaching class because it can improve both of grammar commit to user and speaking skills together. The disadvantage is that the students cannot be evaluated in detail since they speak the answers together.

b. Types of Activity