Learners’ Impression towards Teaching and Learning Process

mistake in the speech. The other different students would get chance to play a role in a drama or recited Qur‘an.

b. Learners’ Impression towards Teaching and Learning Process

Analyzing the Learners‘ Perceptions toward teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar at “Basic English Course” in Pare Kediri East Java cannot be separate d with analyzing the learners‘ impression toward teaching and learning process at BEC itself. Here, we are going to discuss the learners‘ impression during their study as follows: First of all, the writer would like to put on view the S1 impression of having course at BEC Pare Kediri, especially on the way of teaching grammar. As quoted from the transcript of interview, the finding is below. Kalau menurut saya bagus, mudah ditangkap juga karena bahasa yang digunakan bahasa sehari-hari bukan bahasa yang tinggi, jadi penerapan itu yang tadinya express itu bisa diterima oleh kita. Tapi kalau di sekolah-sekolah materi itu seharusnya dikuasai 2 bulan, tapi kalau disini hanya 2 minggu udah bisa diserap dengan baik. Rely on the statement above, it can be brought to a close view that the student enjoyed the teaching and learning at BEC Pare Kediri. He thought that the teaching strategy applied in the classroom is good and easily understood because the teachers used the daily English vocabularies. Even the materials were a lot, it could not be the matter because the teachers taught the lesson fast. Moreover, the teachers only needed a quarter of the regular time in teaching such kind of grammatical structures. It, for sure, was also comprehended well by the students. perpustakaan.uns.ac.id commit to user Next impression came from the S2. When he was asked about his impression of learning English at BEC Pare Kediri, he said that he was very satisfied. The English teaching and learning were not only taught in a written form to be memorized but also in practice. Because of that reason, their English is good from the point of view of both fluency and grammar. S2 stated as follow: Jadi yang namanya BEC kan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, jadi setiap hari belajar Bahasa Inggris dan belajar grammar. Nah, mereka mengajar grammar tidak hanya tertulis tapi juga practice. Tentu kita Insya Allah kita merasa puas dengan pengajaran mereka. Jadi kita tidak hanya mengetahui rumus dan penggunannya tapi kita juga bisa mempraktikannya. The conclusion of S2‘s learning impression was also proposed by the interviewer or the writer. He interestingly commented and answered “Ya” Extract S2 X32. Baik saya simpulkan mas ya, kalau saya simpulkan secara global kesan anda terhadap guru pada umumnya di BEC kesannya positif kesannya baik, bisa menerima teknik-teknik, metode-metode, langkah-langkah yang digunakan oleh para guru dan yang kedua langkah-langkah yang ditempuh oleh para guru dalam pengajaran grammar pada umumnya dimulai dengan explanation, penjelasan dulu kemudian example ada contoh-contohnya kemudian exercise ada latihan-latihannya kemudian latihan yang lebih mendalam dapat dikatakan production untuk speaking ya..dari awal tadi sampai akhir seperti itu mas ya … After the writer stated his closing statement, the student agreed with true concepts of impression. He could not deny that the positive impressions towards English teaching at BEC came up along with the positive impressions towards the teachers of BEC. The techniques, methods and steps of teaching learning English have been done impressively excellent. The steps of grammar teaching were commit to user started with the explanation, examples, exercises and practice. As the final product of the process is the speaking activity with correct grammar. Furthermore, the third respondent shared her impressions of joining course at BEC Pare Kediri. She stated as follow: Extract S3 Y18, Y19 “… Nah, saya lihat cara pengajaran di BEC dan kursus lain itu bagi saya berbeda. Kalau diluar kan semacam kilat, otomatis praktik, cara pengajaran berbeda. Bagi saya BEC itu, tidak hanya mengajarkan kita structure atau English in use saja, tapi juga mengajarkan pengtahuan dan informasi yang belum kita ketahui. …” Furthermore, she said: Begini pak, kenapa BEC menjadi favorit para siswa karena yang pertama BEC di Pare ini, dan dari BEC ini telah mengeluarkan a lumni- alumni yang berkualitas otomatis mereka gak mungkin sembarangan ataupun gak punya metode khusus untuk mengajar. Itulah salah satu alasan kenapa mereka dan kita milih di BEC. The sort of statement above confirmed that BEC Pare Kediri has much more superiority that the other English Courses at Pare Kediri East Java. S3 had experience of having English course before he entered BEC. According to him, BEC was the best English Course at Pare Kediri since the teaching was not only focused on the ability to speak English fluently with correct grammar in short time, but also the teachers taught the broad knowledge about the world. That‘s why BEC is very popular and many students choose to study at BEC. The unique method of teaching and the special characteristics of all teachers at BEC have led this course to be the most qualified English course around that town. The last student S4 tried to maintain her impressions on having course at BEC Pare Kediri. She is the only one young woman who participated in the interview. Based on her previous experiences of study at BEC, she could share this kind of impressions.Extract S4 X20, Y20 perpustakaan.uns.ac.id commit to user X20 : Bagaiamana kesan anda terhadap cara guru BEC yang mengajar grammar? Y20 : Kesannya alhamdulilah cara pengajarannya mudah dipahami. Disini ada yang berbeda dan saya lebih mudah memahami. Sedikit demi sedikit materi langsung dipraktikkan. Jadi anak setelah mendapat materi dan mantep baru dimasukkan lagi materi. The result of interview showed that the way of teaching grammar at BEC Pare Kediri was very easy to be understood. The material was directly practiced step by step. If the teachers were sure that the material has been mastered well, they would continue to another subject matter. On the contrary, if the teachers felt their students have not grabbed hold of the whole idea yet, they would like to repeat the subject matter until their students were able to practice the grammatical rules in the real communication.

c. Learners’ View about the Subject Matters