Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Grammar: A Qualitative

the more peripheral beliefs about language learning, that were the most influential in shaping teachers‘ instructional decisions. It is argued that attention to the relative influence of core and peripheral beliefs on teachers‘ practice allow more complex understandings of tensions in teachers‘ works. Claims are also made here for the benefits of grounding the study of tensions between stated beliefs and classroom behaviors in the qualitative analyses of teachers‘ actual classroom practices.

6. Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Grammar: A Qualitative

Study Sabiq 2013 This recent study has been accomplished by Sabiq 2013 to fulfill the requirements of obtaining the graduate degree in English Education at Sebelas Maret University. He analyzed five English teachers from two State Senior High Schools in the eastern part of Cirebon Regency. The title of his, „Teachers‟ Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Grammar‟ , is aimed at 1 exploring teachers‘ beliefs in teaching grammar; 2 revealing how those beliefs are reflected in their teaching practices; and 3 figuring out the factors influencing those beliefs and practices. This study was a qualitative research using Grounded Theory method. The data were taken via in-depth-interview, passive participant observation and document analysis. In analyzing the data, the writer conducted the Constant Comparative Method. commit to user The results of this study revealed as follows: 1 teachers believe that grammar is the structural patterns or rules which construct a language, that is more important for writing activities rather than speaking and that the role of grammar teaching in the context of the current curriculum is part of teaching the text; 2 there are two main groups of teachers in terms of practicing grammar teaching which are in line with their beliefs on the importance of grammar in the context of curriculum; and 3 there were five identified factors as influencing teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar: experience, understanding of current curriculum, collegiality, references and workshop training. As the conclusion regarding teachers‘ beliefs and practices, the writer presents three statements which give relevance to this present study. First, grammar teaching remains to be an interesting subject to be studied from different perspectives. Second, there is a strong connection between teachers‘ beliefs and practices. Third, due to the minimal amount of studies conducted and the considerable gap with a number of researches from English speaking countries, there is a need to conduct more research especially in the Asian context about teachers‘ beliefs and practices in teaching grammar. This study is therefore proposed to be a modest contribution to fill the gap and to explore the issue. perpustakaan.uns.ac.id commit to user 56


This study investigated the teachers‘ belief and classroom practices of teaching grammar at Basic English Course, Pare Kediri East Java. Particularly in this chapter, the writer describes the research methodology adopted in this study. It begins by explaining the setting of the study, by providing the place and time of the study. The next part of this chapter is data resources which support the study consists of a brief portrait of research respondents, events and documents involved. It then describes the research design. This is followed by technique of collecting data and a description of the strategies used to enhance the validity and trustworthiness of the data and findings. Overall, this chapter has been completed by a detailed discussion about the technique of analyzing the data.

A. Settings of the Study

In this section, the writer first described the place of the study. Then the writer presented the time of conducting the research.

1. Place

Basic English Course BEC which is situated in Pare, Kediri East Java is chosen to be the place of conducting the research. The course was built for the first time by Muhammad Kalend Osen on Anyelir Street, Singgahan Countryside, Palem Village, Pare Subdistrict 33 years ago. Since there are many people in that village are able to speak English and there are many English Courses grown up in perpustakaan.uns.ac.id commit to user