Vietnamese EAP English for Academic Purposes Teachers’ Belief about Exploring Tensions between Teachers’ Grammar Teaching Beliefs and

teachers to develop valid and coherent personal-practical theories that match with the reality.

4. Vietnamese EAP English for Academic Purposes Teachers’ Belief about

Grammar Teaching Van Canh and Barnard 2009 The finding of the study conducted by Van Canh and Barnard 2009: 246- 259 under the heading ‗Vietnamese EAP Teachers‘ Beliefs about Grammar Teaching‘ indicated that like the teachers reported in 2002 and 2008 studies, EAP teachers in Vietnam appreciate the centrality of grammar in their language teaching and have a critical awareness of many of the problems and issues involved. The findings suggest that the teachers favor a discourse, rather than a de-contextualized approach to the presentation of grammar and there is an emphasis on systematic practice of grammatical forms and the correction of grammatical errors.

5. Exploring Tensions between Teachers’ Grammar Teaching Beliefs and

Practices Phipps and Borg 2009 Phipps and Borg 2009 carried out the study which explored the tensions between teachers‘ grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The analysis indicated that, while at one level teachers‘ practices in teaching grammar were at odds with specific beliefs about language learning. In another level, these same practices were consistent with a more generic set of beliefs about learning. The latter, it is hypothesized, constituted the teachers‘ core beliefs and it was these, rather than commit to user the more peripheral beliefs about language learning, that were the most influential in shaping teachers‘ instructional decisions. It is argued that attention to the relative influence of core and peripheral beliefs on teachers‘ practice allow more complex understandings of tensions in teachers‘ works. Claims are also made here for the benefits of grounding the study of tensions between stated beliefs and classroom behaviors in the qualitative analyses of teachers‘ actual classroom practices.

6. Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Grammar: A Qualitative