Theory of Patriarchy 5. From the theory above, the writer understands that when men realize their

C. Review of Related Backgrounds

1. Pashtunwali

Society in Swat valley, Pakistan, is dominated by Pashtun tribe and every member of the tribe should follow their tribe’s norm and custom, in this case it is Pashtunwali. According to Ghulam Shams-ur-Rechman in Pashtunwali and Islam: The Conflict of Authority in the Traditional Pashtun Society, Pashtunwali is a set of unwritten codes about the individual and communal conduct for Pashtun tribes who live in the mountain territory of Hindukush and Sulaiman mountain along the Durand line or around Afghanistan and Pakistan Rechman, 2015: 298. It can be an identity of Pashtun people because the codes are based on their way of life. Pashtunwali consists of the concepts of honor nang, revenge badal, chivalry and bravery gayrat, hospitality melmastia, and gender boundaries purdah and namus Rechman, 2015: 299. By doing these codes of conduct, Pashtun people can maintain a good relationship with the member of the society. He added, “Pashtunwali is not limited only to the legal sanctions, but also has many ethnical commandments in order to lead specific way of life in specific tribal environment” Rechman, 2015: 299. Meaning to say, Pashtunwali is about not only Pashtun codes of conduct but also the punishment for them who violate these codes. However, in the case of violation and disagreement, Jirga or a council of the Pashtun at village has the right to value and determine the punishment of any matters according to the condition of Pashtun community Rechman, 2015: 299.

2. The History of Swat Valley, Pakistan

Swat valley is an administrative district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. According to Noor Elahi in Militancy Conflicts Displacement in Swat Valley of Pakistan: Analysis of Transformation of Social and Cultural Network, majority people who live in Swat valley are Pashtun people an ethnic group who live in Afghanistan and North-Western Pakistan. As Pashtun people, they should use Pashtuwali as their life principle Elahi, 2015: 226. However, the use of Pashtunwali should go hand in hand with the use of Islamic and western law. When Swat valley was not part of Pakistan and ruled by Maingul Abdul Wadood as the first king of Swat valley in 1918, Swat’s people were introduced to modern life by their first king. For example, they should use Sharia besides Pashtunwali as their life principles. Then they were also introduced to a modern political system Democracy. The king also had developed some systems, like system of road, communication, education, and health for both men and women in Swat valley. However, the first king handed over his rule to his son in 1947, Mian Jehanzeb, known as Wali Sahib. In his era, he still continued his father’s policies but changed the policy of the distribution of land that used the system of Wesh; where every 10 years land was redistributed to the khans landlord Elahi, 2015: 229. In this case, Wali Sahib did not redistribute the land but allotted permanently to school, hospitals, mosques, other administrative units and the khans that in the end it made khans more powerful. In other side, the common society would be less privileged under this policy. They would only become

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