Theory of Setting Review of Related Theories

4. Theory of Resistance

According to Stellan Vinthagen in Understanding “Resistance”: Exploring definitions, perspectives, forms and implications, “Resistance is an act done by someone subordinate, that is response to power, do challenge power, and contain at least a possibility, that power gets undermined by the act” Vinthagen, 2007: 7. Power here is a matter of subordinate and super-ordinate or a hierarchy. “Thus resistance is the kinds of actions which dissolves, undermines, questions or challenges such subordination and ultimately, produce non- subordinate relation” Vinthagen, 2007: 7. Still based on Vinthagen, there are two forms of resistance which are nonviolence and constructive resistance. Firstly, nonviolent resistance is an act which is against violence without using violence. There are seven basic forms of nonviolence resistance, they are Discursive resistance example: fact finding, Competition example: building the new society and social system that we want instead of that which we resist, Non-cooperation example: boycotts, Selective cooperation example: by helping your opponent with relief work during a sudden natural catastrophe, Withdrawal example: by escape to other countries or areas, Hindrance example: intervention, and Humoristic undermining self-irony Vinthagen, 2007: 12. Secondly, constructive resistance is a resistance that creates new and different social relation and institutions, not only hindering or undermining them Vinthagen, 2007: 12. In the end, resistance not only responds and challenges the power but also creates a new social structure which negates power logic Vinthagen, 2007: 13.

C. Review of Related Backgrounds

1. Pashtunwali

Society in Swat valley, Pakistan, is dominated by Pashtun tribe and every member of the tribe should follow their tribe’s norm and custom, in this case it is Pashtunwali. According to Ghulam Shams-ur-Rechman in Pashtunwali and Islam: The Conflict of Authority in the Traditional Pashtun Society, Pashtunwali is a set of unwritten codes about the individual and communal conduct for Pashtun tribes who live in the mountain territory of Hindukush and Sulaiman mountain along the Durand line or around Afghanistan and Pakistan Rechman, 2015: 298. It can be an identity of Pashtun people because the codes are based on their way of life. Pashtunwali consists of the concepts of honor nang, revenge badal, chivalry and bravery gayrat, hospitality melmastia, and gender boundaries purdah and namus Rechman, 2015: 299. By doing these codes of conduct, Pashtun people can maintain a good relationship with the member of the society. He added, “Pashtunwali is not limited only to the legal sanctions, but also has many ethnical commandments in order to lead specific way of life in specific tribal environment” Rechman, 2015: 299. Meaning to say, Pashtunwali is about not only Pashtun codes of conduct but also the punishment for them who violate these codes. However, in the case of violation and disagreement, Jirga or a council of the Pashtun at village has the right to value and determine the punishment of any matters according to the condition of Pashtun community Rechman, 2015: 299.

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