Religion The Influence of Setting of Social Circumstances on Malala’s Resistance

toward Ziauddin in breaking Taliban’s rules on the prohibition on women’s education. When Taliban give him a warning not to continue the school, he does not listen to them. Moreover, he and Malala are together in resisting against Taliban’s rules. Therefore, by shooting Malala, Taliban believe that it can payback Ziauddin and Malala’s action in supporting women’s education. They believe that it can make them silence and stop in doing their campaigns on women’s education which are perceived as infidel. “They wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Kill Malala and silence me for ever” Yousafzai, 2013: 115. Surprisingly, even if she has already been shot by Taliban and moved to Birmingham, UK, she still continues her campaign on women’s education and gets a Nobel Peace Prize by United Nation. Actually, Malala does her campaign because she realizes that education is an individual right not only for western people but also Muslim, “The Quran says we should seek knowledge, study hard and learn the myster ies our world” Yousafzai, 2013: 73. Second, in the Taliban’s rules on public, women are prohibited to go outside without their mahram because it creates defamation Yousafzai, 2013: 56. Therefore, when there is a woman who goes outside everywhere alone, like going to market, Taliban always shout at them and threatened them until they go and stay at home. Women should be accompanied by their mahram because men can protect them from danger and it avoids women from defamation. Actually, this interpretation contradicts Muhammad’s example, in which the first wife Muhammad, Siti Khadijah was a businesswoman Yousafzai, 2013: 54 and she was doing trading goods to Syria. It shows that Muhammad believes that women can go outside alone and even work outside home. He believes that she will act within the limit of Islam. If Taliban still blames women for going outside alone, Taliban actually should realize that in the past Muhammad let her wife work outside home. If it is wrong, Muhammad directly prohibits his second wife to work outside. Furthermore, it is not stated in the Holy Quran that men should go outside and women should stay at home Yousafzai, 2013: 54. It can be concluded that the reason why Taliban prohibit women to go outside alone is contradicting Sharia. As a form of her resistance, Malala still goes outside, like she goes to Cheena Bazar which is banned by Taliban. Then when women are prohibited to be blown up with public things, like TV, DVD, and CD, Malala still watches TV with the volume low and she moves it into a cupboard to make it safe Yousafzai, 2013: 53. Malala writes her story using pen name, Gul Makai Yousafzai, 2013:74. She writes her journals in British Broadcasting Corporation BBC about her daily life under Taliban’s regime in order to voice out her aspiration in public. The titles for her journals are Night Filled With Artillery Fire, I May Not To Go To School Again, The Maulana Goes On Leave, No Firing Or Fear, Do Not Wear Colorful Dresses, I Have To Go To School, and I am Afraid. She shares her stories are not only through her blog but also become a guest in Power 99 radio station, ATV Khyber, and Geo TV.

3. Family

The majority people in Swat are still upholding the idea of patriarchy in which men are perceived more superior than women. Therefore, as inferior, it is inappropriate if they are blown up with public activities. For example, Malala’s mother, Tor Pekai, thinks that the roles of women are staying at home and doing a domestic job. She thinks that education is very useless for her and the one who should pursue education is man. Therefore, she drops out from the school and prefers to play at home. My mother started school when she was six and stopped the same term... There seemed no point in going to school just end up cooking, cleaning and bring up children, so one day she sold her books for nine annas, spend the money on boiled sweets and never went back Yousafzai, 2013: 19. She is a woman who likes the majority of Pashtun women, conservative and obedient to the tradition. She does not do the actions which are prohibited by the tradition and religion though those are sometimes unreasonable. “She herself would never appear in public. She refused even to be photographed” Yousafzai, 2013: 101. In order to make Malala be a good P ashtun woman, Malala’s mother always asks Malala to behave based on the tradition. For example, she asks Malala to hide her face when Malala speaks to the media. Therefore, When Malala’s family moves to Birmingham, the one who gets the difficulty to adapt with the condition there is Malala’s mother, Tor Pekai. This is becasue she has already belonged to her tradition and cannot speak English. “It’s hard for her here as she does not speak any English. Our house has all these facilities, but when she arrived they were all mysteries to her and someone had to show us how to use the oven, washing machine and the TV” Yousafzai, 2013: 143. Although the majority people still uphold the idea of patriarchy, Malala’s father, who values the equality and freedom for both men and women, individually chooses to help and empower women. This is because women are as strong as men, they can taking care everything for the family, like earning money, taking care of the children, and doing domestic job. Pashtun women are very powerful and strong. Her mother, my grandmother, had looked after all eight children alone after my grandfather had an accident and broke his pelvis and could not leave his bed for eight years Yousafzai: 2013: 54. Malala’s father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, always shares and consults everything to his wife, Tor Pekai, when most husbands do not do that. This is because sharing problem with a weak person, like a wife is perceived as an insult for husband. Though she cannot read or write, my father shares everything with her, telling about his day, the good and the bad... Most Pashtun men never do this, as sharing problems with women is seen as weak Yousafzai, 2013: 10. Another example, when Malala was born, Ziauddin Yousafzai makes a celebration for her though in Swat it is uncommon and inappropriate to celebrate a daughter. My Father, Ziauddin, is different from most Pashtun men. He took the tree, drew a line like a lollipop from his name and at the end of it he wrote, „Malala’. His cousin laughed in astonishment. My father didn’t care. He even asked friends to throw dried fruits, sweets and coins into my cradle, something we usually only do for boys Yousafzai, 2013: 6. Based on the sentences above, it shows that Malala’s father makes celebration for her because both boy and girl are blessing for him. Not to mention, Malala as a daughter is never forced to do a domestic job, like cooking and preparing the dishes in which most of daughters always do Yousafzai, 2013: 28. Furthermore, Ziauddin never controls Malala but supports her in any circumstances. For example, Ziauddin always supports Malala’s decision to be a politician though most fathers will prohibit their daughter to be a politician because becoming a politician should be for men Yousafzai, 2013: 6. In empowering women, he and his friend, Hidayatullah, build a school for both men and women Yousafzai, 2013: 23. He believes that with the knowledge they can opt out from the oppression under patriarchy. They name it the Khusnal School that is inspired from his great hero, Khusnal Khan Khattak, who fights against foreign enemy with pens, not sword. However, his action in building his own school gets a warning coming from Taliban and he should close his school. This warning does not make Ziauddin feels afraid. He believes that Taliban’s interpretation on education for women is wrong. That is why he still runs his school and invites Malala who is a woman to study there. Actually, all of actions of empowering women in Swat by her father have already influenced Malala in empowering and helping women to pursue their right and freedom. For this case, Malala chooses to resist Taliban’s rules on ideal Muslim women by doing campaigns on women’s education and doing the actions which are contradicting Taliban’s rules. Not to mention, in doing her resistance, Malala always supported by her parents. For example, when women should wear burqa by Taliban, her parent does not oblige Malala to wear it. When women should stay at home, her parent allows her to go to Chena bazaar alone. Then when women are prohibited to go to school, her father always supports her to go to school. This support is very important because as the daughters, their life in on the hand of their parents. Though the daughters are brave to fight against Taliban, but their parent does not allow them, meaning to say, they cannot fight against Taliban and this condition is very common in Swat. On the contrary, Malala always get a full support from her parents when she chooses to resist against Taliban’s rules on ideal Muslim women. In the case of interview with BBC, for example, Malala and her friends in the past were interviewed by ATV Khyber. However, when they have entered puberty, they are prohibited by their parents to be interviewed. This is because when they have already entered puberty, they cannot show their face in public because they should be in purdah. In other side, Malala’s parent allows and supports Malala to be interviewed about her life under Taliban regime. The media needs interviews. They want to interview a small girl, but the girls are scared, and if they’re not, their parents won’t allow it. I have a father who isn’t scared, who stands by me. He said, „You are a child and it’s your right to speak Yousafzai, 2013: pp. 66-67. Malala’s father always supports her to do the resistance because he realizes that the nature of parents is to protect and support their children in everything. “Malala is free as bird... I will protect your freedom, Malala. Carry on with you dreams” Yousafzai, 2013: 31. Therefore, when Malala wants to resist Taliban because Taliban rules are contradicting Pashtunwali and Sharia, she is always supported by her parent. In doing her resistance, Malala does not only challenge the rules which are the extension of patriarchy but also reconstruct a new paradigm which is contradicting Taliban. “Resistance not only challenges the power but also creates a new social structure which negates power logic” Vinthagen, 2007: 13. In this case, Malala wants to build a new paradigm that women also have rights and

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