Setting of Time The Description of setting in I Am Malala

She kept eyeing up the pink plastic pretend mobile phone my father had bought me, which was one of the toys I had... one day it disappeared. A few days later I saw Safina playing with a phone exactly the same as mine. „Where did you get it? I asked. „I bought it in the bazaar,’ she said. I realize now she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do the same to her Yousafzai, 2013: 32. Another example, when Sher Zaman’s family becomes embroiled in a dispute with their cousins over a small plot of forest, he and his two brothers are killed by his uncle. This is because Zaman’s family has already stolen a small plot of forest from them Yousafzai, 2013: 34. Therefore, they kill them as form of revenge. Although some Pashtun people do not believe in badal because it will create violence, some others still believe in it. They believe that if they do something bad to other people, the offended people will take their badal. Therefore, as a form of their preventive action, they prefer not to do something bad to others. In the end, this code becomes a good system to decrease the number of crimes in their areas, “Our people say it is a good system, and our crime rate is much lower than in non- Pashtun areas” Yousafzai, 2013: 34. Third is Melmastia or hospitality. This code obliges Pashtun people to provide their best hospitality to the guests. For Pashtun people, a guest is considered as blessing, “We live as we have for centuries by a code called Pashtunwali, which obliges us to give hospitality to all guests” Yousafzai, 2013: 6. Therefore, when there is a guest in Malala’s house, her family serves him with their best hospitality though at that time her family’s condition is very poor. We lived in a shabby shack of two rooms opposite the school. I slept with my mother and father in one room and the other was for guests. Our home was full of people visiting from the village” Yousafzai, 2013: 9. This is because Pashtun people believe that hospitality is important in their culture Yousafzai, 2013: 9. Sometimes people will take advantages from the Pashtunwali hospitality code for their own benefit, for example in the case of Osama bin Laden. After he does 911 bombing in World Trade Center in 2001 that makes many innocent people die, he comes to Swat and stays in a remote village for a year to save himself Yousafzai, 2013: 40. Another example is when Taliban establish their group in Swat, they force women to wear burqa. Taliban said that wearing burqa can help women to protect their honor Yousafzai, 2013: 57. Then it prevents men from commiting a sin because women are perceived as the source of temptation. For Pashtun people who have already been blinded with their tradition, they directly accept this rule without any question. Under their paradigm, wearing burqa is Allah’ command, like what Taliban said and it will also help them to protect their honor.

b. Religion in I Am Malala

About 96 percent of populations in Pakistan are Muslim, and the other are Hindu, Christians, and Ahmadis Yousafzai, 2013: 42. Sadly, those minority communities are often attacked by Islamic extremist group, like Taliban. For example, Taliban murder Shabana just because she is a dancer and not a Muslim. So people loved to see Shabana dance but didn’t respect her, and when she was murdered they said nothing. Some even agreed with her killing, out of fear of the Taliban or because they were in favor of them. „Shabana was not a Muslim,’ they said. „She was bad, and it was right that she was killed ’. Yousafzai, 2013: 70. As Muslim, they should believe in Allah, do their duty, like praying five times a day and learning Holy Quran.

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