Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

patriarchy. “Radical feminism focuses on the roots of male domination and claims that all forms of oppression are extensions of male supremacy” Humm, 2012: 231. Rosemarie Tong strengthened this idea by saying that radical feminism claims that patriarchy characterized by power, dominance, and hierarchy. In order to get women’s liberation, radical feminist should be uprooting or breaking its root, not only patriarchy’s legal and political structures but also its social and cultural institution especially family and organized religion Tong, 2009: 2.

C. Method of the Study

In this study, the writer used library research method. The primary source of this study was I Am Malala, which was written by Malala Yousafzai and co- writer Christina Lamb. Other sources were taken from printed and electronic books, previous undergraduate theses, and journals discussing the similar topic to the study. In order to analyze the study, the writer used some steps. First, the writer read the autobiography I Am Malala to get more understanding about the plot of the story. Second, the writer re-read the autobiography carefully, gave the highlights even took some notes to some important information. Third, the writer read some theories in order to strengthen the analysis. For example, when the writer wanted to prove that setting could influence Malala’s resistance toward Taliban’s rules. The writer read the theory of setting in Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams 1993 and A Handbook to Literature by Holman and Harmon 1986. From those theories, the writer understood that setting of social circumstances, like religious, mental, moral, social, and emotional condition could influence the character’s thought and action in a story. However, in this study, the writer would only focus on the tradition, religion, and family. Therefore, when the writer re-read the autobiography I Am Malala, the writer only focused on those three aspects. Another example, when the writer wanted to analyze Malala’s reasons and actions that could be categorized as her resistance against Taliban’s rules, the writer read the theory of resistance by Stellan Vinthagen in Understanding “Resistance”: Exploring definitions, perspectives, forms and implications. From this theory, the writer understood that resistance is an act done by someone subordinate that is response to power like by challenging or opposing the power. Therefore, the writer re-read the autobiography to find Taliban ’s rules that contradicted Pashtun’s tradition Pashtunwali, religion Sharia, and Malala’s family. Then, the writer also re-read the autobiography to find Malala’s actions that contradicted Taliban’s rules. Fourth, to support the writer’s knowledge about historical background of Taliban and their rules about ideal Muslim women in Pakistan, the writer also read some journals related to it. For examples, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and The Taliban by Nasreen Akhtar 2008 , One Girl’s Fight for Women’s Education in Pakistan by Sudip Bhandari, Emma Keiski, Siri Ericson, Grace Freeman and Katie Studer 2014. Militancy Conflicts Displacement in Swat Valley of Pakistan: Analysis of Transformation of Social and Cultural Network by Noor Elahi 2015. The Taliban, Women, and the Hegelian Private Sphere by Juan R. I. Cole 2003. 25


In this chapter, the analysis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on describing the setting of place, time, and social circumstance in I Am Malala. The second part focuses on how the setting of social circumstances influences Malala’s reasons and actions to resist against Taliban’s rules on ideal Muslim women.

A. The Description of setting in I Am Malala

According to M.H. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms, setting consists of the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs Abrams, 2003: 330. In this part, the writer analyzes the setting in I Am Malala. The analysis of setting is divided into three parts. They are setting of place, time, and social circumstances in which the story occurs.

1. Setting of Place

According to Hugh Holman and William Harmon, setting of place is the actual geographical location, its topography, scenery, and physical arrangements Holman and Harmon, 1986: 468. In the autobiography I Am Malala, the story takes place in Swat valley, Pakistan. Swat valley or Swat is an administrative district in the Khyber

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