b Perbandingan Efektivitas antara Aspirin dengan Madu dan Propolis Sebagai Antiplatelet Berdasarkan Waktu Perdarahan pada Ekor Mencit

ANOVA WaktuPerdarahan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 405761.375 3 135253.792 11.470 .000 Within Groups 330161.500 28 11791.482 Total 735922.875 31 UJI KRUSKAL WALLIS Test Statistics


WaktuPerdaraha n Chi-Square 18.586 df 3 Asymp. Sig. .000 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: NamaObat UJI MANN WHITNEY Placebo dan Aspirin Ranks NamaObat N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks WaktuPerdarahan Placebo 8 4.50 36.00 Aspirin 8 12.50 100.00 Total 16 Universitas Sumatera Utara Test Statistics a WaktuPerdaraha n Mann-Whitney U .000 Wilcoxon W 36.000 Z -3.363 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .001 Exact Sig. [21-tailed Sig.] .000 b a. Grouping Variable: NamaObat b. Not corrected for ties. Placebo dan Propolis Ranks NamaObat N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks WaktuPerdarahan Placebo 8 4.50 36.00 Propolis 8 12.50 100.00 Total 16 Test Statistics a WaktuPerdaraha n Mann-Whitney U .000 Wilcoxon W 36.000 Z -3.363 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .001 Exact Sig. [21-tailed Sig.] .000 b a. Grouping Variable: NamaObat b. Not corrected for ties. Universitas Sumatera Utara Placebo dan Madu Ranks NamaObat N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks WaktuPerdarahan Placebo 8 4.50 36.00 Madu 8 12.50 100.00 Total 16 Test Statistics a WaktuPerdaraha n Mann-Whitney U .000 Wilcoxon W 36.000 Z -3.363 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .001 Exact Sig. [21-tailed Sig.] .000 b a. Grouping Variable: NamaObat b. Not corrected for ties. Aspirin dan Propolis Ranks NamaObat N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks WaktuPerdarahan Aspirin 8 8.25 66.00 Propolis 8 8.75 70.00 Total 16 Universitas Sumatera Utara Test Statistics a WaktuPerdaraha n Mann-Whitney U 30.000 Wilcoxon W 66.000 Z -.210 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .834 Exact Sig. [21-tailed Sig.] .878 b a. Grouping Variable: NamaObat b. Not corrected for ties. Aspirin dan Madu Ranks NamaObat N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks WaktuPerdarahan Aspirin 8 10.13 81.00 Madu 8 6.88 55.00 Total 16 Test Statistics a WaktuPerdaraha n Mann-Whitney U 19.000 Wilcoxon W 55.000 Z -1.365 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .172 Exact Sig. [21-tailed Sig.] .195 b a. 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