Planning The Implementation of Cycle 1

51 explanation of Cycle 1.

a. Planning

In the plan step, the researcher prepared all things based on the identification of the problems which conducted from the observation of the class, the interview, the questioner, and pre-cycle. Those things can determine to the syllabus, the lesson plan about recount text by using free writing technique, drawing activity as the media that will assist the technique, the materials related to the recount texts that have been printed out and gave to each student as handout to make student more easy to follow the lesson, the example of recount text, students’ writing test, the worksheet and answer sheet for students in writing recount text. The learning materials and the lesson plan of this research were designed based on the syllabus and the curriculum of the school applied free writing technique which was supported by the English teacher of Class VIII B in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mlati, as reflected from the interview transcript on appendix. Besides, the activities were designed by the researcher in this meeting are a students got the explanation about the generic structure of a recount text, language features; simple past tense and words showing order, word showing adverb of time, b the students draw something that they love the most in piece of paper, for examples: a flower, a phone, a duck, c the teacher ask the students to exchange their drawing with their table mate, dthe students had to make a sentence using simple past tense based on their drawing, e the teacher remind the student do not forget to use adverb of time, f the students had to write in the whiteboard, g the teacher and students identify their sentences together, h 52 students had to fill the missing word of the recount text based on the related picture, i the students are asked to make a group work consist of 4 up to 5 students, j the student had to make a recount text based on the topic ‘holiday’ using free writing technique without worry about the mistakes, k the teacher and the students identify their rough draft and edit their mistakes together, l the students had to write their final draft of recount text correctly. The last but not least, the researcher designed the activity to evaluate in the first cycle m the students had to produce a story about recount text based on the topic ‘holiday’. In this section, the students had to work individually and they have to submit it in that day. Moreover, the observation checklist and field-notes were designed based on the lesson plan and the learning strategy that used in this research. Writing test was designed which ask students to write a recount text.

b. Action and Observation