Reflection The Implementation of the Cycle II

72 R : Kira-kira asyik gak kalo nulis bebas gitu ga pake topic? What do you think if you free write a text without the topic? S :Iya mbak. Jadi nulisnya bisa bebas kan mba mau tentang apa aja, tapi ngajar disini harus sabar mba, anak-anaknya kayak gitu hehe. Yes, Miss. I can write a text about anything, but you need to patien to teach students here hehe. The interview transcript 6 From the interview transcript above, the researcher found that the students have no difficulty in writing a recount text. They were able to understand the generic structure of recount text. Also the implementation of free writing technique without the topic helped student generate their ideas to begin write a fist sentence.

c. Reflection

The result of the post-test in the second cycle showed that students’ writing skill improved. Their result was satisfactory because the technique and media assistedthe technique helped the students to develop their idea and their ability in writing. It could be seen from several aspects when the researcher conducted the second cycle. First, they can arrange and make some sentences use suitable grammatical feature. Second, they can improve their ability and generate their ideas to make a recount text coherently and cohesively. The third aspect is the students can create good atmosphere in teaching and learning process and cooperatively with the researcher to make the implementation of this technique work out. They showed positive attitude to the activities of the research. 73 However, using this technique is only one of some ways to improve students’ writing ability especially writing a recount text. Since the teacher rarely used the media in teaching writing, the researcher has to develop her ability in teaching showed to the students about the benefit of this technique and some assisted media in writing a recount text. In conclusion, the use of free writing technique could improve students’ writing skills of a recount text in terms of generate the ideas. In addition, their writing ability was improved in the aspect of grammatical feature. Then, the students’ attitude towards teaching was positive and they could construct the paragraph coherently and cohesively. Therefore, the researcher took a decision to stop in this cycle. After conducting the second cycle, the researcher came to the teacher to discuss the result of the second cycle. The interview transcript below showed the result of the second cycle. R :Menurut pak Avanza setelah melihat hasil siswa di cycle ini, apakah siswa sudah mengalami peningkatan setelah menggunakan free writing technique dan beberapa bantuan media? After looked the result of second cycle, do you think that students’ ability improved after implementing free writing technique and some assisted media? ET : Iya dari hasilnya sih bisa dilihat kalau siswa sudah mengalami peningkatan. Yes. It could be seen from the result of the second cycle that the students’ ability in writing is improved. R :Menurut bapak, apakah saya masih perlu perbaikan? Should I conduct the next cycle? ET :Menurut saya ini sudah cukup mbak,khan kita sudah melihat kalau siswa sudahmengalami peningkatan dari yang sebelumnya I think it’s not necessary. It is good enough because we can be seen that students’ writing skill is improved rather than the previous cycle. The interview transcript 7 74 Based on the interview transcripts above, the researcher and the teacher discussed to stop the implementation the action in this cycle. From the discussion the teacher thought that students’ ability is improved after implemented the action in this cycle. In conclusion, the second cycle was successfully achieved the learning indicators.

4. The Score of The Student