Type of the Research



A. Type of the Research

Vester 2002 states classroom action research can be done for those who wants to take action to improve students’ learning. Classroom action research is a reflective process that helps teachers to explore and examine aspects of teaching and learning and also to take action and improve. Classroom action research includes qualitative method, although data collected may be quantitative Putranti, 2010. The objective of this research is to improve student learning process in writing, while the situation in the classroom should support the learning process. Action research is not only a problem solving. It involves identifying the reasons for the action related to the students’ performance in the classroom. Moreover, it is also needed to gather and interprete the data to show that the reasons and values were justified and fulfilled. People doing action research usually want to investigate what is happening in their particular situation and try to improve it. They not only observe and describe what is happening but also take action. The reasons why the researchers chose the method of classroom action research in conducting the study due to several factors: 1. The researchers wanted to see and conduct the free writing activity done regularly and continuously. The researchers wanted to see the process of practicing the free writing activity that achieved by students in the writing of 28 each meeting, instead of just seeing the results of students writing. It is supported by Elliot 1991, in McNiff, Lomax Whitehead,1996, “Action research is about improving practice rather than producing knowledge”. 2. When doing observation, the researcher acts as a teacher in the classroom, this provides advantages for researcher to conduct investigation as well as reflect on the cycle that has been done. 3. This method can be performed from primary school to college Murtiyasa,2008. The researchers assumes that in junior high school is a good time to accustom them to do free writing activity in order to make them feel that writing in English is not difficult if they are accustomed. Here in classroom action research, action researchers make their own decisions about what is important and what they should do. They become an investigator of his or her personal teaching context, while at the same time being one of the participants in it Burns,2010. They may make decisions about the research procedures, but they do not make own decisions about the aims of the research.

B. Setting of the research