Validity and Reliability RESEARCH METHODS


H. Validity and Reliability

As stated by Anderson et al. 1994, in Burns, 1999: 162, there are five criteria to fulfill the validity of a research, namely democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic validity. In this study, all of them were used to indicate the validity of this study. The explanations of them are given below: 1. Democratic validity It is related to the extent to which researcher is truly collaborative. This study tries to fulfill the criterion by doing such interviews with the students and having discussion with the English teacher in finding and selecting problems to be solved. 2. Outcome validity It is related to the notion of action leading to outcomes that are successful within the research context. This research is expected to be able to solve more than one problems in teaching-learning process, for example ones which are related with writing skills, motivation and involvement. 3. Process validity It is related to the extent which raises questions about the process of conducting the research. Observing classroom activities, making field 40 notes during the lessons, interviewing students and the teacher, and having discussion with the school principal in the scheduled time will initiate the process of this study. 4. Catalytic Validity It is related to the extent to which the research allows participants to deepen their understanding of the social realities of the context and how they can make changes within it. 5. Dialogic validity It is related to the extent that parallels the process of collaborative enquiry or reflective dialogue with ‘critical friend’ or other researher. Asking the teacher to act as an observer who observe and report the students‘ reaction during the teaching and learning process will fulfill this criterion.For example, the researcher asked questions to other researchers about possible ways or actions to reduce difficulties met during the study. On the other hand, the reliability of the research was obtained by giving genuine data, such as the field notes, interview transcript and other records. To obtain the trustworthiness, Burns 1999: 164 proposes 4 triangulation techniques, and two of them were used in this research study. The techniques are explained as follows: a. Time triangulation In this research, the data were collected from March to May 2015. During that period of time, this research was conducted in using the free writing 41 technique to improve students’ writing ability. This technique consist of source triangulation and method triangulation. In source triangulation, the data are colleted more than one source of data with different time. Meanwhile, in method triangulation the data are obtained more than one technique. b. Investigator triangulation More than one observer is involved in the same research setting to avoid observer being biased and to provide checks on the reliability of the observation. 42