A. Conclusions

Based on the findings of the study, the use of free writing technique was believed to be effective in improving students’ writing ability. The free writing technique encouraged students to generate ideas in writing the recount texts. During the implementation of the free writing technique, the researcher used some media assissted this technique such as pictures, games, drawing activities, etc. Those media led the students to have positive responses toward the teaching and learning process. They did not show any recultance anymore to be involved in the writing assigments. It also increased their motivation to write during the writing process.

B. Implications

In teaching writing, it is important to implement an appropriate teaching approach. The use of free writing in teaching writing especially a recount texts is an effective way to improve the students’ writing ability. One of the positive points of using this technique is the students can generate the ideas to write a good pargraph. In the Cycle 1 the researcher found that some of indicators have not been achieved, such as grammatical features. However, the students’ generating of ideas in writing is improved. They did not have any difficulty to create a text. In the otherhand, they had difficulty in constructing paragraph coherently and 87 cohesively. The researcher found that the students’ writing still have inappropriate grammatical errors. Therefore, the researcher needed to continue the second cycle. In the second cycle, it can be concluded that students’ writing skill is improved. Their result was satisfying because the free writing technique and some media assisted to the technique helped the students to generate their ideas and their ability in writing. It could be seen from several aspects when the researcher conducted the second cycle. First, they can generate their ideas to make a story. The second aspect is the students’ writing ability in grammatical improved. It could be seen in the result of their writing. The third aspect is the students were coorporate with the researcher make an effective atmosphere in the teaching and learning process and they showed positive attitude to the activities that were conducted by the researcher. Based on the data obtained during the processes of this research study, the free writing technique has been proved to be significant in improving the students‘ writing ability in terms of generating ideas. The students are able to write a recount text better and descrease some grammatical errors by implementing this technique and media assisted. Otherwise, the teacher also has to have a good preparation in lesson plan, media and material. Thus, the improvement will be able to achive in terms of students English writing ability.

C. Suggestions