Research Methodology Teacing passive voice of present progressive tense by using communicative aproach : An experimental study at the secon year of SMK Islamiyah Ciputat-Tanggerang


A. Research Methodology

1. The Subject of Research The subject of the research was the second year students of Accountancy Department of “SMK Islamiyah Ciputat – Tangerang”. They were divided into two classes called experiment class and controlled class. Experiment class was a class where the writer taught Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense by using Communicative Approach class 2 Ak II and controlled class was taught by using Audio-Lingual Method class 2 Ak I. 2. The Place and Time of Research The research was held at “SMK Islamiyah Ciputat – Tangerang”, located on Jl. Kihajar Dewantara No. 23 Ciputat Tangerang. The research started on January 18, 2008 till February 16, 2008. 3. The Population and Sample In this research, the population of this study was the students in the second year of “SMK Islamiyah Ciputat – Tangerang”. The number of the whole second year students was 428 students. They were not entirely involved in the research. By taking 10 of them, it is expected that the sample may represent the remains. According to Anas Sudijono, “Sampel adalah suatu proporsi kecil dari populasi yang seharusnya diteliti, yang dipilih atau ditetapkan untuk keperluan analisis”. 63 Or, sample is a small proportion from a population which should be examined, chosen or established for analysis requirement. It is simply understood that the result which is obtained from the sample may generalize the final conclusion. 63 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005, p. 280. The students were from two different classes, whereas the samples are 40 students, where 20 students were from class 2 Ak II experiment class and 20 students were from class 2 Ak I controlled class. 4. The Instrument of Research To complete the research, the writer added the instrument of research included tests. He gave pre-test before the teaching process and post-test after it. The teaching was done four times for both classes. He compared the achievement of pre-test and post-test; to identify the effectiveness of using Communicative Approach in teaching the passive voice of present progressive tense. To direct the achievement of pre-test and post-test, the writer made the lattice work of both tests see appendix. Each lattice works contains the description of the tests; the general instructional objectives, the subject matters, the indicator of questions, the form of tests, and the specification of questions. The general instructional objectives, the subject matters, and the indicator of questions are based on the four language skills which are involved. They should be synchronized in order to have the appropriateness with the questions. 5. The Teaching Procedures The teaching was done for delivering the material to the students. It was conducted in four occasions. The further descriptions for each meeting will be shown bravely as follows: a. In the first meeting, the students were given a dialog which involves the structure of passive voice of present progressive tense. The students were expected to try to recognize the sentence pattern. They probably had already known it or not before. The teacher asked and directed them to have the understanding about the dialog given. Moreover, the students, in group, were presented an opportunity in order to share their ideas which related to the dialog by involving the use of passive voice of present progressive tense in every idea they produced. b. The second meeting was the developing concept of teaching process from the previous meeting. Here, the students were given a certain theme or topic which should be discussed in group. They were expected to express what they knew about the material. The discussion was also possible to be done by one group to another. The teacher kept on focusing them to employ passive voice of present progressive tense and guided to have the comprehension of its use and function. c. In the third meeting, the teacher delivered a certain text which was derived from a magazine, a newspaper, or another mass media by regarding its sentence form that should contain passive voice of present progressive tense. The students were asked to analyze about the kind of text and the use of structure in the text. They had to answer the questions based on the text and the answer would become a new paragraph arrangement in different format. Moreover, they were asked to change the form active sentence into passive sentence and vice versa. All the activities here were done in group. d. In the last section, the teacher made 4 to 5 groups of students. They were requested to arrange the jumbled words into the correct sentence. Those sentences, then, had to be changed into active or vice versa. The teacher provided a picture which contained some activities. The students were asked to create a sentence based on the activities in the picture. The sentence should be in passive voice of present progressive tense. 6. The Technique of Data Collecting The technique of data collecting used in this research is: a. Observation Before doing research, the writer first of all observed the location where the research would be carried out. The observation was done by visiting the school to search about the students of second year, the English teacher, the English curriculum, and the English teaching learning process in the classroom. b. Experiment The writer acted as a teacher in the teaching passive voice of present progressive tense by using Communicative Approach to the experiment class and by using Audio-Lingual Method to the controlled class. The teaching process was conducted in four times for each class and systematically arranged in a lesson plan see appendix. Every lesson plan, at least, illustrates the general objectives and instructions, the method of teaching, and the detail steps of teaching. c. Test pre-test and post-test The test was done for obtaining the data of students’ achievement in mastering passive voice of present progressive tense by using Communicative Approach in experiment class and by using Audio-Lingual Method in controlled class. The format of both tests was same. Each test consists of 20 questions on the subject matter of passive voice of present progressive tense by engaging four language skills and its question format is 20 multiple choices see appendix. Each correct question is multiplied by 5. 7. The Technique of Data Analysis In analyzing the data, the writer used the comparative technique. The comparative technique is an analyses technique to evaluate hypothesis concerning differences between two variables examined statistically. In the comparative technique, the variables are compared to recognize whether differences are significant. The writer used t-test to know whether the students’ achievement from the experiment or controlled class in learning passive voice of present progressive tense is significantly different or not. The formula is as follow: M D1 – M D2 t o = SE MD1 – SE MD2 64 M D1 = Mean of Difference of Experiment Class M D2 = Mean of Difference of Controlled Class SE MD1 = Standard Error of Experiment Class SE MD2 = Standard Error of Controlled Class

B. Research Finding

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