Defense Mechanisms Theory of Motivation

15 who he is, where he belongs or whom he belongs to. In addition, the role confusion may come because of the coercion to choose a partner, ideology, and belief and it will bring him into a weak identity. 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation A young adult will face a problem in this stage when an intimacy against an isolation. He will achieve an intimacy when he is able to develop his responsibility toward his family. Furthermore, the feeling of being loved by his parents, family, and closest people influence his identity where he is able to love and get closer to others. On the contrary, a young adult will be difficult to interact with others in the society when the feeling of being loved does not exist in his childhood. He tends to avoid getting closer to others or making a deep social interaction with others. Furthermore, he chooses to make some adventures with new people without getting closer to them. 7 Generativity vs. Stagnation This stage-middle age is a stage when an adult opens his mind to give a positive contribution for the world and young generation. Generativity is not only found in parents but also in an adult who concerns himself to make a better place for the young generation to live and work. The opposite of generativity is stagnation, where an individual thinks if he is not able to give any contribution for a better life. He tends to feel bored and unhappy during his life and he also feels pity for himself. Sometimes, he loves himself very much so that he feels anxious and he only thinks of his welfare. 16 8 Ego Integrity vs. Despair It is the last stage of an individual when ego integrity against despair. He will respect his past and his life so that he will make his existence meaningful in this world. Furthermore, he creates a harmony between his life and people around him. The ego integrity brings him into happiness so that he will be so happy to face his life. The opposite of ego integrity is despair, when an adult often feels sorry for what he has done in the past. He often feels desperate and rejects his real life because he thinks he has missed many good chances in his life.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are two main problems which are discussed in this study, namely characterisation of Suwen and her motivation in keeping her virginity as seen in Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours. In order to solve the first problem which concerns with the characteristics of Suwen, the researcher uses Murphy’s theory of character and characterisation. The researcher chooses to use this theory because these theories help the researcher analyse the characteristics of Suwen deeply and clearly. Furthermore, these theories also help the researcher to understand how Suwen’s characteristics are characterised by the author in the novel. The researcher uses Freud’s theory of motivation in order to answer the second problem formulation which relates to Suwen’s motivation in keeping her virginity. Psychological approach is used as the approach of this study in order to make the readers easier to understand the novel and help the writer in analysing