20 come to her house in the evening. She shows off all of her sketches to Suwen. When she realizes that the nude model of the sketches is Mark, she is getting angry to Nica. Unfortunately, Nica insults Suwen’s choice to keep her virginity but Suwen does not try to argue her. She only argues Nica in her mind while Nica still insults her. In the end of the story, Suwen decides to leave Singapore and she goes to a small town in Malaysia. She also leaves her mother who feels so sad because the mansion is sold and her stepfather is bankrupt. She leaves all of her life in Singapore but she brings her big dream, loneliness, feeling betrayed, and sadness to Malaysia.

B. Approach of Study

The psychological approach is employed to analyse this study. This approach is used to understand the influences of Suwen’s childhood towards her relationship with others and her motivation in doing something as revealed in the novel . How Suwen interacts with others and how Suwen reacts towards others’ action isfound and easy to be understood by using this approach. This approach also helps the researcher analyse the characteristics of Suwen in the novel deeper.

C. Method of Study

This study applied library study to analyse Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours. Library study is applied because books have given the important information to help the researcher in analysing this study. There are two kinds of 21 sources used in this study, namely the primary resource and the secondary resources. The primary source of this study is a novel entitled Fistful of Colours. The secondary sources are obtained from some books related to theory of character and characterisation, theory of motivation, and theories of psychoanalysis. Some references were taken from the electronic sources since the researcher could not find those in the library. Some theories were taken fromsome books which were written by Barry 2009, Murphy 1972, Weiner 1980, Freud 1969, and Erikson 1963. There are some steps in accomplishing this study. The first step is reading the novel Fistful of Colours as the primary research. After finishing, the researcher tried to find the problems in the novel and noted them. Then, the researcher re-read the novel again and again in order to dig the problem deeper. Finally, the researcher found Suwen ’s characteristics and her motivation in keeping her virginity in the novel are influenced by her childhood and bad experience in the past. The next step is the researcher collected the data from some books and references from the electronic sources as the secondary resource in analysing this study. After collecting the data, the researcher analysed the problem formulations by using the theories which are found from the secondary resources. And the last step is drawing a conclusion of this study. 22


This chapter consists of two main parts which answer the problems formulation of this study. The first part analyses the character and characterisation of Suwen in the novel by using the theories of character andcharacterisation. The purpose is to answer the first problem of this study. The second part analyses Suwen’s motivation in keeping her virginity by using the theories of motivation. It will answer the second problem of this study.

A. Characterisation of Suwen

The character is a person which appears in a dramatic or narrative work and delivers some moral values and messages which are expressed in the dialogue and action in the dramatic or narrative work Abram, 1985.In Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours, there are some characters which influence the plot of the story and also help each other to build the characters and personality. Suwen is the main character of the novel and she becomes the focus of the story. There are some supporting characters that underline the characters of Suwen in the novel; they are Mark, Nica, Jan, Zul, Suwen’s mother, and Suwen’s stepfather. In this novel, Suwen is described as a daughter, a woman, an art teacher of a college, and also a painter. Furthermore, Suwen has some characteristics which are revealed in the novel; they are insecure, introvert, well-educated, and obedient. Those Suwen’s characteristics are found after the researcher analysed how she