Theory of Human Development

16 8 Ego Integrity vs. Despair It is the last stage of an individual when ego integrity against despair. He will respect his past and his life so that he will make his existence meaningful in this world. Furthermore, he creates a harmony between his life and people around him. The ego integrity brings him into happiness so that he will be so happy to face his life. The opposite of ego integrity is despair, when an adult often feels sorry for what he has done in the past. He often feels desperate and rejects his real life because he thinks he has missed many good chances in his life.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are two main problems which are discussed in this study, namely characterisation of Suwen and her motivation in keeping her virginity as seen in Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours. In order to solve the first problem which concerns with the characteristics of Suwen, the researcher uses Murphy’s theory of character and characterisation. The researcher chooses to use this theory because these theories help the researcher analyse the characteristics of Suwen deeply and clearly. Furthermore, these theories also help the researcher to understand how Suwen’s characteristics are characterised by the author in the novel. The researcher uses Freud’s theory of motivation in order to answer the second problem formulation which relates to Suwen’s motivation in keeping her virginity. Psychological approach is used as the approach of this study in order to make the readers easier to understand the novel and help the writer in analysing 17 the novel. In addition , the researcher also uses Erikson’s theory to find the influence of Suwen’s childhood towards her action in keeping her virginity as revealed in the novel. Erikson’s theory is also used to help the researcher to answer the second problem formulation. 18


This part consists of three main sections, namely the object of the study, the approach of the study, and the method of study. In the object of the study, the researcher describes the physical description of the novel. The next part is the approach of the study which states the approach employed in analysing the work, its description, and the reasons for its selection. The third part is the method of study which describes the procedures of the analysis of the work. It also includes the explanation whether the study is a library study or field study.

A. Object of Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled Fistful of Colours which was written by a Singaporean author, Suchen Christine Lim. It was first published in 1992 by SNP international in Singapore and reprinted in 2003 and 2007 by SNP Publishing Pte LTD. This novel also consists of 305 pages which are divided into 8 parts. Furthermore, this novel also won the inaugural Singapore Literature Prize in 1992. The story begins with a sparring of Suwen and her mother about the things that happen in their lives. Suwens wants to have a freedom and escape from the Ong mansion while her mother demands her to stay at there. It becomes so hard for her when she remembers what her stepfather has done years ago. Her suffering is increased since her mother blames her for what happens with her. 19 The next scene tells the past life of Suwen before the betrayal of her lover and her friend happens. She has some best friends who come from different cultures, races, and also beliefs; they are Nica, Janice, Robert, Zul, and also Mark Campbell. Actually, there is a special relationship between Mark and Suwen though they do not show their closeness in the novel. Suwen also loves Mark even though she tries to not admit her feeling to Mark and herself. Mark also loves Suwen but he does not tell his feeling to Suwen because she sometimes avoids talking to him. In the novel, Suwen shows her admire towards Nica since Nica is brave to struggle her fate to get her freedom. Moreover, she can become a confident and inspirational artist while Suwen is not confident enough with her skill and ability. She is also not brave to argue Nica’s thought and she chooses to keep her thought in her mind. Suwen has a big project for her painting, namely a root history painting project. She wants to paint the history of the Ong family, her stepfather’s family. In order to make her project perfect, she interviews some people who know the history of the Ong family and collect some old photos. She also consults her project with Nica because she thinks that Nica is a genius artist so that Nica may give some advices for her. While Suwen is getting busy with her project, Nica is getting closer to Mark. It happens because Suwen rejects to be kissed by Mark, they never talk each other again. Furthermore, Nica asks Mark to become her nude model for her sketches and Mark agrees for that. After making the sketches, Nica calls Suwen to 20 come to her house in the evening. She shows off all of her sketches to Suwen. When she realizes that the nude model of the sketches is Mark, she is getting angry to Nica. Unfortunately, Nica insults Suwen’s choice to keep her virginity but Suwen does not try to argue her. She only argues Nica in her mind while Nica still insults her. In the end of the story, Suwen decides to leave Singapore and she goes to a small town in Malaysia. She also leaves her mother who feels so sad because the mansion is sold and her stepfather is bankrupt. She leaves all of her life in Singapore but she brings her big dream, loneliness, feeling betrayed, and sadness to Malaysia.

B. Approach of Study

The psychological approach is employed to analyse this study. This approach is used to understand the influences of Suwen’s childhood towards her relationship with others and her motivation in doing something as revealed in the novel . How Suwen interacts with others and how Suwen reacts towards others’ action isfound and easy to be understood by using this approach. This approach also helps the researcher analyse the characteristics of Suwen in the novel deeper.

C. Method of Study

This study applied library study to analyse Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours. Library study is applied because books have given the important information to help the researcher in analysing this study. There are two kinds of