Intimacy vs. Isolation Suwen’s Personal Development

39 Suwen never shares her problems to others and she keeps her problems and stories in her mind. Furthermore, she also does not have many best friends in her life and she only has Nica, Jan, Zul, and also Mark as her best friends. Nica sometimes tries to make her share her problem but it often fails. Suwen is also described as a well-educated woman in the novel. Her mother sends her abroad in order to get a good education there. She has a brilliant idea of her painting which makes her one of the best artists. Furthermore, her well –educated character is shown by her reaction towards her friend’s anger. Suwen’s motivation in keeping her virginity is affected by her childhood and bad experience. Her parents do not play their role well and guide her during her childhood. In other words, she has lost the figure of her parents since she was a child. Due to the fact that her parents do not play their roles well, she fails to make a good interaction with others, especially men. Suwen’s basic mistrust towards her mother, her friends, and others is arisen as the effect of her relationship with her mother. Because she fails to trust her own mother as a good mother, she fails to trust others, including herself. Her basic mistrust also makes her distrust any men and it makes her keep her virginity. Her bad experience also influences her motivation in keeping virginity. When she tries to regard her stepfather as her own father, her stepfather tries to rape her in her room. Unfortunately, her mother blames her for that incident. Due to that fact, Suwen fails to get a figure of a father in her life. In addition, that incident makes her isolate herself from men. In other words, she avoids making a special relationship with men because of her bad experience. 40

B. Implications

Asian literary works contain many moral values which can be learned by the readers. The moral values can also teach the readers to be better after they have read the novels. In addition, Asian literary works also have the important role and contribution for education. Suchen Christine Lim’s Fistful of Colours tells the readers that the role of parents is important in forming an individual’s characters and personalities in the society. The reason is that parents have a responsibility in teaching their children moral values and guiding them to do the right things. In addition, parents should also love and take care of their children well so that their children will feel the feeling of being loved by their parents. When parents are able to take care of their children well and show their love, the basic trust will be developed in their children’s life. The children can also show their respect to their parents and trust their parents as the good figures in their lives. In addition, children are able to interact with others in the society and find a good relationship with others. Children also trust and respect others and themselves as the individuals who have some strength and weakness so that they will be confident in interacting with others. Parents can show their love by kissing and hugging their children more often. For instance, parents kiss and hug their children before the children go to school. These simple things can make the children feel the feeling of being loved by their parents. In addition, the children may respect other people because of those simple things. 41 The children will not isolate themselves from others and avoid interacting with others if the basic trust is developed well. So, parents should give their time for their children even though they are busy to work. For instance, parents can spend their weekends or holidays with their children to make a good relationship with their children. Furthermore, parents also read some stories for their children before their children sleep at night and help their children do the homework. Parents can also have dinner with their children and share about their children’s activities. By having dinner with their children, parents can listen to their children’s stories about their activities in the school. Parents can also give some suggestions and advice to their children when their children have some problems. In other words, parents become the good listeners for their children so that children enjoy telling their activities in school. In fact, parents are also responsible for guiding and teaching their children moral values. In other words, parents have an important role in giving a basic education to their children. Children may understand about what bad things and good things are in their lives so that they will avoid the bad things. Moreover, children will memorize what their parents have taught to them in their childhood and they will do the things that their parents have told them. Thus, it is important that parents should play their roles in their children’s lives well and become a good figure for their children. 42

C. Suggestions

The future researchers can analyse this novel from the cultural historical perspectives. The reason is because this novel also tells about the history of Singapore in the past when this country was colonized by England. Furthermore, this novel also tells about the culture and social norms of Singapore, including the culture of India-Chinese, Singaporean-Chinese and Chinese people who live in Singapore. The future researchers can compare and contrast those ethnics’ culture as revealed in the novel.