Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Research Objectives Definition of the Key Terms

media. The use of realia as the teaching media was to make the students easier in memorizing the name of the things because it was effective in showing the meaning. There were various kinds of realia, such as: pictures, dolls, toys model, puppet, and other real objects around the students. Therefore, the purpose of realia was to stimulate students’ mind and to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The writer chose Kanisius Babadan elementary school Sleman as a research setting. Having conducted observation in this school, the writer found that the teacher was having the same difficulties, as stated above, in motivating the students to learn English as a foreign language, exploring creativity in teaching and learning activity, and employing a significant approach for teaching and learning experiences. Kanisius Babadan elementary school Sleman was one of the private schools in Yogyakarta which was under Kanisius foundation. It became a research school target by the writer to design her thesis. The English lesson in the elementary school served as a primary lesson. This fact became the attraction and the reason why the writer designed the supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school. The purpose of the designed materials was to prepare and shape the students with a good English vocabulary basic, before they gain the primary English lesson in the junior high school later on.

B. Problem Formulation

The study was intended to design vocabulary lesson using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school. Considering the problem that was presented above, the writer formulated the research problems in this study as follow: 1. What is the design of supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school? 2. How does the design work in teaching supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school?

C. Problem Limitation

Conducting an English learning activity was not easy, especially when the students were the sixth graders of elementary school. The teacher had to create the different atmosphere as interesting as possible. The writer only focused her attention on designing supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school. This study would make a new design in learning vocabulary. The design was made to support the students’ participations, needs, and development in learning English, especially vocabulary. It was hoped that at the end of the lesson the students could achieve the objective of the teaching learning activities. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

D. Research Objectives

In this section, the writer would like to formulate the objectives of her thesis. The objectives were stated as the following: 1. To design supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school. 2. To find out how the design works in teaching supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school.

E. Research Benefits

This study was expected to give contribution to the educational field, especially in supporting the teaching learning activities of vocabulary materials for some parties who were closely related to this study. The benefits were formulated as follows:

1. The English teachers

The result of the study would be beneficial for the English teachers to improve their strategies in teaching vocabulary materials for the students in the sixth grade of Elementary School. The main goal of this paper was to give teachers a new resource of interesting strategy how they could have their students participation and attention in vocabulary activities. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

2. The sixth grade students of elementary school

This study was conducted in order to help the sixth grade students of elementary school to learn English better. Through observation using realia, the students were hoped to be able to improve their vocabulary mastery. The students might join the class with unthreatening condition, so they can enjoyed the class with lots of fun.

3. Further studies

Further studies were needed because the material design still needed to be reconstructed, evaluated and reprogrammed. This study was expected to give the next researchers a new perspective in giving a creative English lesson and find some inspirations especially in vocabulary lesson.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

In this section, the writer intends some of the terms that are used in this study, to avoid misunderstanding of the readers in reading this thesis writing. 1. The term “design”, according to Hornby 1974: 234, it means making such general arrangement or planning of a book. The plan in this study is to design supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials containing of activities to be applied by the teachers to the sixth grade students in the classroom. 2. The term “supplementary material design”, means the adjective form of the verb “supply”. In Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary Hornby, 1995:1200 supply means “to give something that can be added to something else to improve or to complete it”. Thus, supplementary means addition of something to improve something else. In this study, supplementary means that English instructional vocabulary materials were designed to supply the existing materials used in the classroom, so that the materials will be improved and developed. 3. The term “vocabulary”, according to Linda Taylor 1, in order to live in the world, we must name it. Names are essential for the construction of reality for without a name it is difficult to accept the existence of an object, an event, a feeling. Naming is the means whereby we attempt to order and structure the chaos and flux of existence which would otherwise be an undifferentiated mass. By assigning names we impose a pattern and a meaning which allows us to manipulate the world. Vocabulary can be defined as the words we teach in the foreign language Ur, 1996:60. Lado also gives his definition of vocabulary as a form of expression which is associated with the content of meaning 1996:114. There are many ways to improve vocabulary, an English teacher has to find vocabulary building to be a fun and educational activity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4. The term “realia”, refers to real objects or the tools that can represent the real objects. The realia used in this study are pictures, flannel dolls, toys, puppet, puppet glove and other objects around the student’s daily activities and their environment. It will be used as the teaching media to support English language learning process. 5. The term “media”, refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver Heinich, 1982:8. Media are systematic way of designing, doing, and evaluating the entire teaching learning process with a specific goal, according to research about human communication and learning, and using a combination from human and non human sources to gain the effective teaching Wilkinson, 1980:2. 6. The term “sixth grade students of elementary school” refers to the target of learners. The writer in this study chose the students of elementary school as the target learners because it seemed to be important to teach vocabulary as the basic skill in learning English. The students were appropriate to get vocabulary materials using various kinds of teaching media. It was expected that they could improve their vocabulary mastery to learn the four skills listening, speaking, writing, and reading. 9


In this chapter, the writer reviews the related literatures which are divided into two parts: theoretical description and theoretical framework. The first part discusses the related literature used in this study. The second part presents the framework of theories applied in conducting the study.

A. Theoretical Description

The study was based on some areas to concern. Those were the theory of 1 Instructional design, 2 Educational Research and Development RD, 3 Teaching vocabulary, 4 Media, 5 Realia as the teaching media, and 6 A brief description of the school based curriculum KTSP. 1. Instructional Design Instructional material design is a very fundamental part in this thesis because it will provide outlines which finally determines the material design success. Then, a good instructional design can lead to the innovation and improvement of the educational system. Based on Gagne and Briggs 1979:3, we can identify instruction as a set of event which affect learners in such away that learning is facilitated. It may include events that are generated by a page of print, by a picture, by a television by a combination of physical objects, among other things. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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