Teaching Vocabulary Theoretical Description

6. Main field testing

It is conducted in 5 to 15 schools with 30 to 100 subjects. Quantitative data on subjects’ pre-course and post-course performance are collected. Results are evaluated with respect to course objectives and are compared with control group data, when appropriate.

7. Operational product revision

The revision of product is suggested by main field-test results. 8. Operational field testing It is conducted in 10 to 30 schools involving 40 to 200 subjects. Interview, observational and questionnaire data collected and analyzed. 9. Final product revision The revision of product is suggested by the operational field-test results. 10. Dissemination and implementation The report on product is at professional meetings and in journals. Work with publisher who assumes commercial distribution. Monitor distribution to provide quality control.

3. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching is an activity that involved teacher or instructor, students and environment during the learning process. According to Gagne Learning theories for teacher: 149, a teacher is a designer and manager of instruction and an evaluator of student learning. It means that teacher has a big role in conducting a good instruction during the learning process that would affect the students’ in gaining the knowledge. a. The Nature of Vocabuary Vocabulary can be defined as the words we teach in the foreign language Ur, 1996:60. Lado also gives his definition of vocabulary as a form of expression which is associated with the content of meaning 1996:114. According to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, vocabulary is all the words that a person knows or uses. Other meaning of it is all the words in particular language page1506. In learning English or other languages, vocabulary is the most fundamental aspect that needs to be learn before learn other skills, listening, speaking, reading, writing. Burton stated that vocabulary is the range of world that can support the students to learn other aspect of language 1982:98. Krashen in Natural Approach: language Acquisition in the Classroom” also emphasized that vocabulary is basic to communicate and also very important for the acquisition process. Learning vocabulary is not only matter of words and its meaning. There are some aspects that need to be taught, they are pronunciation, spelling, and the form of the word. Why it is important? Because when a person learns English, he or she would not always use the written form. A person learns English in order to be able to speak and to communicate using it, with verbal or written form. Because of Indonesian background, people have completely different dialect of language with English native speaker. That is why pronunciation and spelling are needed to be taught. The last aspect that needs to be taught is the form of words. When a person using language in written form, they should know the form of the words they have used. Forms of words are the structure of the words simple tenses, complex tenses and the functions of it adjective, adverb, modals, nouns, and verb. There are many ways to improve vocabulary, an English teacher has to find vocabulary building to be a fun and educational activity. b. Vocabulary Selection The teacher needs to consider so many things before doing hisher vocabulary teaching. One of the most important things is to do the selection toward the words she is going to teach. It is because vocabulary dealt with words which have numerous units to choose from. Besides, it is difficult because there are differences in linguistic analysis on which they were based, as stated by Mackey 1965:195-196: 1 Some have considered any two forms as two different words. For example: “mouse” and “mice” are counted as two words by some and as a single word by others. 2 There is the difference in meaning necessary to make some from a different word. For example: Is the “claim” and the “claim” made by his lawyer the same word or two different words? 3 Classified whether the structural word to be counted as vocabulary or as structure? If they are counted separately, how about words like “have” and “get”, which can be classed as both structural and content words? 4 If words are listed under separate part of speech, how about those words like “round” which can function as any part of speech? Seeing on these things, the teacher expected to consider the difficulty of the words and tried to select and classify the words. In this study, teaching vocabulary for the sixth grade students focused on the use of realia as the teaching media. Therefore, the vocabulary to be taught mainly would be the concrete nouns since they were easy to learn by them. Since the designed materials were vocabulary materials, the writer needed to know the theories of teaching and learning vocabulary. It will be explained below: c. The Principle of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary The teacher should know the principle of teaching and learning vocabulary before teaching and learning process because it might be used to manage the learning so that the learners really know words in the target language. There are eight principles of teaching and learning vocabulary presented here. Mostly from Wallace’s ideas 1982; 27-35: 1 Aims The teacher has to be clear about hisher aims such as how many of things listed the teacher expects the learner to be able to do and with which word. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Quantity Deciding on the quantity of the vocabulary to be learnt might be started by asking a question like how many new words in a lesson the learners can learn. 3 Need The teacher has the responsibility to choose the vocabulary to be taught to the students. The vocabulary should be relevant with the students’ needs and interests. 4 Frequent Exposure and Repetition Repetition is needed to ensure whether the students have learnt the target word or not. Since the learners are exposed to a large number of words, the words which the learners need to remember should crop at regular interval in later lesson. 5 Meaningful Presentation Learners must have a clear and specific understanding on what the words denote or refer to, so the appropriate choice of word is needed. 6 Presentation in Context The words should be presented in context. The word must appear in its natural environment as it was and among the word it normally collocates with. 7 Learning Vocabulary in the Mother Tongue and in the Target Language The ability of the learners’ second language might acquire equally well to the first language. 8 Inference Procedure in Vocabulary Learning The meaning of words can be found by guessing. We guess the meaning of words by hearing them used in a certain situation, or by reading them in a certain context and guessing their meaning from the context. After knowing the theories of vocabulary, the writer had to find the technique which would be used to teach it. As stated before, the writer used realia as the teaching media. Considered the importance of media, it will be discussed below.

4. Media

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