Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

25 In doing the interview, the writer selected break time when the research participants already finished their Microteaching class. The interviewees answered the questions asked by the writer, and the writer records all the answers. If it was necessary, the writer would ask follow-up questions to obtain clarification and details. After the questionnaires were administered and the interviews were conducted, the next step was to compile all the data that had been collected. The purpose of compiling the data was to put it into a form that would later be useful for storing, accessing, sorting and analyzing it Brown, 2000. The answers written in the questionnaires can be considered as written record. The answer in the interview was recorded. The writer would transcribe them into written form and compile the notes, so that it could be accessed easily.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In this research the writer uses two kinds of instruments. The first one was questionnaire and the second one was interview. The questionnaire consists of two types of questions. They are opened-response questionnaire and closed-response questionnaire. To make the data in the questionnaire become useful form, the writer should transform the data using certain strategies. The process of transforming and compiling survey information into usable data is quite different for closed-response and opened-response question. For closed-response questions, the range of possible answer is usually fairly circumscribed. For opened-response 26 questionnaire, the range of possible answer is broader than closed-response questionnaire. The first instrument is questionnaire. After the questionnaire was completed, each response option was assigned a number of scoring [e.g. ‘strongly agree = 4, ‘strongly disagree’ = 1]. In the questionnaire, the writer would find the central tendency of the data. Central tendency could be defined as the typical answer of a particular group of people. In survey research, the commonly reported central tendency statistics are the mean, mode, and the median. Brown, 2000:118 The most widely used measure of central tendency was the mean. According to Brown 2000:119 the mean of any set of numbers is similar to what you probably know as the arithmetic average. To calculate the mean, you add up whatever numbers are involved and divide them by the total number of numbers. The mean used to show the average answer given by the participant toward the questions. The mean measurement was done by computer using Excel program. After the central tendencies were found, the data analysis process would be continued with data interpretation. The mean would show the reader the average answer from the research participants. The writer would present the percentage of the answer using tables. The tables were used to make the data easier to understand. The questionnaire also consisted of opened-response questions. To analyze the answers from opened-response questions, the writer would write down all the answer with no exception and categorized the answer. The categorization was meant to make the comparison with interview data easier. 27 The second instrument is interview. After the interview was completed, the writer would transcribe the recording into written form. The transcript would show the overall answer given by the interviewee. Categorization also occurred here. After the transcription, the writer would compare the answer with the answer from opened-response questions. The data from opened-response question and interview would support the answer from closed-response question.

F. Research Procedure