2. ASPEK INVOLVEMENT KMO and Bartletts Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .659 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 169.263 df 21 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item3 item4 item8 item10 item13 item14 item20 Anti-image Covariance item3 .570 .102 .102 -.123 -.278 -.155 .082 item4 .102 .856 -.034 .056 -.130 -.190 -.018 item8 .102 -.034 .631 -.011 -.048 .050 -.291 item10 -.123 .056 -.011 .722 -.113 -.122 -.072 item13 -.278 -.130 -.048 -.113 .535 .040 -.133 item14 -.155 -.190 .050 -.122 .040 .688 -.175 item20 .082 -.018 -.291 -.072 -.133 -.175 .510 Anti-image Correlation item3 .574 a .147 .169 -.192 -.504 -.248 .152 item4 .147 .634 a -.046 .072 -.192 -.248 -.027 item8 .169 -.046 .600 a -.017 -.082 .075 -.512 item10 -.192 .072 -.017 .829 a -.182 -.172 -.118 item13 -.504 -.192 -.082 -.182 .673 a .066 -.255 item14 -.248 -.248 .075 -.172 .066 .699 a -.295 item20 .152 -.027 -.512 -.118 -.255 -.295 .636 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Communalities Initial Extraction item3 1.000 .769 item4 1.000 .254 item8 1.000 .706 item10 1.000 .522 item13 1.000 .640 item14 1.000 .457 Universita Sumatera Utara 151 item20 1.000 .745 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained Com pone nt Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 2.638 37.687 37.687 2.638 37.687 37.687 2.200 31.429 31.429 2 1.455 20.782 58.469 1.455 20.782 58.469 1.893 27.040 58.469 3 .941 13.448 71.917 4 .698 9.972 81.890 5 .577 8.246 90.136 6 .387 5.529 95.665 7 .303 4.335 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotated Component Matrix a Component 1 2 item3 .850 -.216 item4 .135 .485 item8 -.061 .838 item10 .703 .166 item13 .750 .277 item14 .576 .353 item20 .258 .824 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations. Universita Sumatera Utara 152 KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .732 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 76.297 df 6 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item3 item10 item13 item14 Anti-image Covariance item3 .660 -.121 -.275 -.115 item10 -.121 .741 -.170 -.172 item13 -.275 -.170 .647 -.078 item14 -.115 -.172 -.078 .823 Anti-image Correlation item3 .706 a -.173 -.421 -.156 item10 -.173 .769 a -.246 -.220 item13 -.421 -.246 .696 a -.106 item14 -.156 -.220 -.106 .797 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Communalities Initial Extraction item3 1.000 .611 item10 1.000 .540 item13 1.000 .623 item14 1.000 .414 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Universita Sumatera Utara 153 Total Variance Explained Compo nent Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 2.188 54.691 54.691 2.188 54.691 54.691 2 .743 18.570 73.262 3 .613 15.323 88.585 4 .457 11.415 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Component Matrix a Component 1 item3 .782 item10 .735 item13 .789 item14 .643 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted.

3. ASPEK LOYALITY KMO and Bartletts Test