DIMENSI PEKERJAAN Peranan Komitmen Organisasi dan Employee Engagement terhadap Kesiapan Berubah Karyawan

178 Component 1 item18 .715 item31 .669 item34 .798 item40 .553 item45 .852 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted.


KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .752 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 256.452 df 36 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item19 item24 item32 item37 item38 item41 item42 item44 item46 Anti-image Covariance item19 .623 -.064 -.113 -.102 -.021 -.046 -.191 .195 -.063 item24 -.064 .726 -.051 -.209 .036 -.099 .126 -.041 .031 item32 -.113 -.051 .614 .025 -.229 -.092 .010 -.090 -.023 item37 -.102 -.209 .025 .548 -.036 -.219 -.030 -.112 -.001 item38 -.021 .036 -.229 -.036 .524 .127 -.167 -.068 -.035 item41 -.046 -.099 -.092 -.219 .127 .632 -.057 .017 -.086 item42 -.191 .126 .010 -.030 -.167 -.057 .477 -.148 -.092 item44 .195 -.041 -.090 -.112 -.068 .017 -.148 .628 -.156 item46 -.063 .031 -.023 -.001 -.035 -.086 -.092 -.156 .723 Universita Sumatera Utara 179 Anti-image Correlation item19 .718 a -.095 -.183 -.175 -.036 -.073 -.350 .311 -.094 item24 -.095 .652 a -.077 -.331 .058 -.147 .215 -.060 .042 item32 -.183 -.077 .791 a .043 -.404 -.147 .018 -.146 -.034 item37 -.175 -.331 .043 .752 a -.066 -.372 -.060 -.191 -.002 item38 -.036 .058 -.404 -.066 .742 a .220 -.334 -.118 -.056 item41 -.073 -.147 -.147 -.372 .220 .731 a -.105 .027 -.127 item42 -.350 .215 .018 -.060 -.334 -.105 .758 a -.270 -.157 item44 .311 -.060 -.146 -.191 -.118 .027 -.270 .721 a -.231 item46 -.094 .042 -.034 -.002 -.056 -.127 -.157 -.231 .874 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Communalities Initial Extraction item19 1.000 .393 item24 1.000 .613 item32 1.000 .496 item37 1.000 .689 item38 1.000 .667 item41 1.000 .623 item42 1.000 .673 item44 1.000 .414 item46 1.000 .415 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Universita Sumatera Utara 180 Total Variance Explained Com pone nt Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 3.365 37.384 37.384 3.365 37.384 37.384 2.928 32.538 32.538 2 1.617 17.967 55.350 1.617 17.967 55.350 2.053 22.812 55.350 3 .946 10.507 65.857 4 .802 8.913 74.770 5 .595 6.614 81.384 6 .574 6.373 87.757 7 .419 4.650 92.407 8 .388 4.315 96.722 9 .295 3.278 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotated Component Matrix a Component 1 2 item19 .473 .411 item24 -.125 .773 item32 .678 .190 item37 .297 .775 item38 .811 -.093 item41 .169 .771 item42 .816 .088 item44 .633 .114 item46 .623 .162 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations. Universita Sumatera Utara 181 KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .788 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 126.724 df 10 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item32 item38 item42 item44 item46 Anti-image Covariance item32 .675 -.237 -.046 -.081 -.062 item38 -.237 .558 -.212 -.074 -.018 item42 -.046 -.212 .583 -.131 -.163 item44 -.081 -.074 -.131 .718 -.165 item46 -.062 -.018 -.163 -.165 .748 Anti-image Correlation item32 .791 a -.386 -.073 -.116 -.087 item38 -.386 .743 a -.371 -.117 -.028 item42 -.073 -.371 .779 a -.203 -.247 item44 -.116 -.117 -.203 .842 a -.226 item46 -.087 -.028 -.247 -.226 .820 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Communalities Initial Extraction item32 1.000 .503 item38 1.000 .623 item42 1.000 .627 item44 1.000 .490 item46 1.000 .431 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Universita Sumatera Utara 182 Total Variance Explained Compo nent Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 2.674 53.478 53.478 2.674 53.478 53.478 2 .789 15.785 69.263 3 .595 11.895 81.158 4 .558 11.165 92.323 5 .384 7.677 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Component Matrix a Component 1 item32 .709 item38 .789 item42 .792 item44 .700 item46 .657 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted.

5. DIMENSI INDIVIDUAL KMO and Bartletts Test