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Beyond engagement:Toward a framework and operational definition for employee work passion. Human Resource Development Review; 83, 300-326. Universita Sumatera Utara 116 LAMPIRAN Universita Sumatera Utara 117 LAMPIRAN A HASIL UJI COBA SKALA KESIAPAN BERUBAH HASIL UJI COBA SKALA KOMITMEN ORGANISASI HASIL UJI COBA SKALA EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Universita Sumatera Utara 118 OUTPUT UJI DAYA BEDA ITEM SKALA KESIAPAN BERUBAH Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 100 100.0 Excluded a 0.0 Total 100 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .927 40 Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N item1 3.7300 .61718 100 item2 3.8500 .65713 100 item3 4.0300 .65836 100 item4 3.9800 .58569 100 item5 4.2900 .64031 100 item6 4.2000 .66667 100 item7 3.5400 .74427 100 item8 3.2100 .83236 100 item9 3.3300 .97499 100 item10 3.7000 .67420 100 item11 3.4200 .94474 100 item12 3.9900 .61126 100 item13 3.4400 .84471 100 item14 3.7500 .65713 100 item15 3.8000 .88763 100 item16 4.2800 .72586 100 item17 3.6300 .92829 100 item18 3.8800 .96693 100 item19 3.9200 .83702 100 Universita Sumatera Utara 119 item20 3.4500 .89188 100 item21 3.7500 .80873 100 item22 3.7300 .91954 100 item23 3.5800 .90095 100 item24 3.4900 .98980 100 item25 3.7600 .83024 100 item26 3.8700 .67652 100 item27 3.8600 .75237 100 item28 3.9800 .71038 100 item29 3.7400 .97047 100 item30 3.8800 .67090 100 item31 3.5100 .87033 100 item32 3.9600 .60168 100 item33 3.9000 .78496 100 item34 3.8000 .76541 100 item35 3.7000 .81029 100 item36 3.8700 .70575 100 item37 3.7800 .84781 100 item38 3.6900 .93954 100 item39 3.9100 .77973 100 item40 3.8100 .59789 100 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted item1 147.2600 254.538 .247 .927 item2 147.1400 251.940 .356 .926 item3 146.9600 248.221 .537 .924 item4 147.0100 251.586 .423 .925 item5 146.7000 249.687 .479 .925 item6 146.7900 251.461 .373 .926 item7 147.4500 255.159 .171 .928 item8 147.7800 249.749 .355 .926 Universita Sumatera Utara 120 item9 147.6600 245.338 .442 .925 item10 147.2900 251.966 .344 .926 item11 147.5700 246.894 .404 .926 item12 147.0000 248.646 .559 .924 item13 147.5500 246.896 .459 .925 item14 147.2400 249.800 .460 .925 item15 147.1900 247.852 .399 .926 item16 146.7100 252.208 .306 .926 item17 147.3600 242.738 .560 .924 item18 147.1100 239.230 .656 .923 item19 147.0700 249.419 .366 .926 item20 147.5400 243.099 .571 .924 item21 147.2400 242.225 .672 .923 item22 147.2600 241.811 .599 .924 item23 147.4100 245.861 .464 .925 item24 147.5000 241.667 .557 .924 item25 147.2300 240.745 .712 .922 item26 147.1200 246.531 .602 .924 item27 147.1300 251.508 .323 .926 item28 147.0100 250.495 .391 .926 item29 147.2500 249.361 .309 .927 item30 147.1100 246.422 .613 .924 item31 147.4800 243.666 .565 .924 item32 147.0300 251.201 .431 .925 item33 147.0900 247.881 .457 .925 item34 147.1900 243.832 .643 .923 item35 147.2900 242.915 .642 .923 item36 147.1200 246.248 .589 .924 item37 147.2100 246.854 .458 .925 item38 147.3000 242.152 .573 .924 item39 147.0800 249.084 .410 .926 item40 147.1800 250.109 .493 .925 Universita Sumatera Utara 121 Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 1.5099E2 259.788 16.11793 40 Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 100 100.0 Excluded a 0.0 Total 100 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .928 38 Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N item2 3.8500 .65713 100 item3 4.0300 .65836 100 item4 3.9800 .58569 100 item5 4.2900 .64031 100 item6 4.2000 .66667 100 item8 3.2100 .83236 100 item9 3.3300 .97499 100 item10 3.7000 .67420 100 item11 3.4200 .94474 100 item12 3.9900 .61126 100 item13 3.4400 .84471 100 item14 3.7500 .65713 100 item15 3.8000 .88763 100 item16 4.2800 .72586 100 item17 3.6300 .92829 100 item18 3.8800 .96693 100 Universita Sumatera Utara 122 item19 3.9200 .83702 100 item20 3.4500 .89188 100 item21 3.7500 .80873 100 item22 3.7300 .91954 100 item23 3.5800 .90095 100 item24 3.4900 .98980 100 item25 3.7600 .83024 100 item26 3.8700 .67652 100 item27 3.8600 .75237 100 item28 3.9800 .71038 100 item29 3.7400 .97047 100 item30 3.8800 .67090 100 item31 3.5100 .87033 100 item32 3.9600 .60168 100 item33 3.9000 .78496 100 item34 3.8000 .76541 100 item35 3.7000 .81029 100 item36 3.8700 .70575 100 item37 3.7800 .84781 100 item38 3.6900 .93954 100 item39 3.9100 .77973 100 item40 3.8100 .59789 100 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted item2 139.8700 242.639 .343 .927 item3 139.6900 239.085 .520 .926 item4 139.7400 242.154 .417 .927 item5 139.4300 240.227 .477 .926 item6 139.5200 242.272 .356 .927 item8 140.5100 239.949 .367 .927 item9 140.3900 235.937 .441 .927 item10 140.0200 242.666 .332 .928 Universita Sumatera Utara 123 item11 140.3000 237.202 .413 .927 item12 139.7300 239.330 .550 .926 item13 140.2800 237.436 .459 .926 item14 139.9700 240.575 .446 .927 item15 139.9200 238.418 .398 .927 item16 139.4400 242.229 .325 .928 item17 140.0900 233.376 .559 .925 item18 139.8400 229.530 .670 .924 item19 139.8000 239.919 .366 .927 item20 140.2700 233.755 .570 .925 item21 139.9700 232.999 .666 .924 item22 139.9900 232.394 .601 .925 item23 140.1400 236.000 .480 .926 item24 140.2300 232.239 .560 .925 item25 139.9600 231.473 .710 .924 item26 139.8500 236.856 .614 .925 item27 139.8600 241.899 .326 .928 item28 139.7400 240.841 .397 .927 item29 139.9800 240.000 .305 .929 item30 139.8400 236.903 .617 .925 item31 140.2100 234.289 .565 .925 item32 139.7600 241.619 .434 .927 item33 139.8200 238.432 .456 .926 item34 139.9200 234.418 .644 .925 item35 140.0200 233.616 .639 .925 item36 139.8500 236.593 .599 .925 item37 139.9400 237.471 .456 .926 item38 140.0300 232.938 .568 .925 item39 139.8100 239.590 .410 .927 item40 139.9100 240.547 .496 .926 Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 1.4372E2 250.103 15.81463 38 Universita Sumatera Utara 124 OUTPUT ANALISIS FAKTOR SKALA KESIAPAN BERUBAH 1. ASPEK APPROPRIATENESS KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .771 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 406.719 df 45 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item5 item15 item18 item25 item27 item30 item33 item35 item37 item38 Anti-image Covariance item5 .620 .112 -.241 .013 -.126 -.057 .022 .106 .024 -.167 item15 .112 .524 -.140 .104 .041 -.156 -.214 .071 -.130 .000 item18 -.241 -.140 .512 -.131 .085 -.015 .040 -.079 .030 .026 item25 .013 .104 -.131 .400 -.052 -.105 .002 -.103 -.088 -.043 item27 -.126 .041 .085 -.052 .690 -.115 -.210 .042 -.015 .036 item30 -.057 -.156 -.015 -.105 -.115 .406 -.039 -.122 -.053 .061 item33 .022 -.214 .040 .002 -.210 -.039 .533 .016 .003 -.112 item35 .106 .071 -.079 -.103 .042 -.122 .016 .358 -.010 -.179 item37 .024 -.130 .030 -.088 -.015 -.053 .003 -.010 .593 -.128 item38 -.167 .000 .026 -.043 .036 .061 -.112 -.179 -.128 .412 Anti-image Correlation item5 .624 a .197 -.427 .026 -.193 -.113 .039 .225 .039 -.330 item15 .197 .598 a -.269 .227 .068 -.338 -.405 .165 -.233 .000 item18 -.427 -.269 .762 a -.288 .142 -.033 .076 -.185 .054 .057 item25 .026 .227 -.288 .847 a -.098 -.261 .005 -.271 -.180 -.106 item27 -.193 .068 .142 -.098 .711 a -.217 -.346 .084 -.024 .068 item30 -.113 -.338 -.033 -.261 -.217 .830 a -.084 -.319 -.107 .148 item33 .039 -.405 .076 .005 -.346 -.084 .750 a .037 .006 -.239 item35 .225 .165 -.185 -.271 .084 -.319 .037 .776 a -.023 -.465 item37 .039 -.233 .054 -.180 -.024 -.107 .006 -.023 .887 a -.259 item38 -.330 .000 .057 -.106 .068 .148 -.239 -.465 -.259 .775 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Universita Sumatera Utara 125 Communalities Initial Extraction item5 1.000 .793 item15 1.000 .671 item18 1.000 .559 item25 1.000 .711 item27 1.000 .688 item30 1.000 .666 item33 1.000 .714 item35 1.000 .765 item37 1.000 .585 item38 1.000 .625 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained Com pone nt Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 4.218 42.178 42.178 4.218 42.178 42.178 3.301 33.008 33.008 2 1.555 15.547 57.725 1.555 15.547 57.725 2.175 21.746 54.754 3 1.005 10.053 67.778 1.005 10.053 67.778 1.302 13.024 67.778 4 .827 8.267 76.044 5 .668 6.680 82.724 6 .541 5.413 88.137 7 .381 3.812 91.949 8 .332 3.324 95.273 9 .266 2.663 97.936 10 .206 2.064 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Universita Sumatera Utara 126 Rotated Component Matrix a Component 1 2 3 item5 .316 -.054 .831 item15 .147 .788 -.169 item18 .647 .029 .373 item25 .813 .094 .204 item27 -.031 .612 .559 item30 .603 .528 .157 item33 .150 .821 .132 item35 .872 .067 .017 item37 .624 .428 -.114 item38 .751 .164 .186 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations. KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .851 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 246.986 df 15 Sig. .000 Anti-image Matrices item18 item25 item30 item35 item37 item38 Anti-image Covariance item18 .663 -.144 -.088 -.050 .022 -.043 item25 -.144 .431 -.111 -.136 -.066 -.050 item30 -.088 -.111 .553 -.107 -.156 .037 item35 -.050 -.136 -.107 .397 .007 -.188 item37 .022 -.066 -.156 .007 .640 -.164 item38 -.043 -.050 .037 -.188 -.164 .495 Universita Sumatera Utara 127 Anti-image Correlation item18 .899 a -.269 -.146 -.097 .034 -.075 item25 -.269 .862 a -.227 -.329 -.125 -.109 item30 -.146 -.227 .865 a -.228 -.262 .071 item35 -.097 -.329 -.228 .824 a .014 -.424 item37 .034 -.125 -.262 .014 .855 a -.292 item38 -.075 -.109 .071 -.424 -.292 .823 a a. Measures of Sampling AdequacyMSA Communalities Initial Extraction item18 1.000 .461 item25 1.000 .706 item30 1.000 .580 item35 1.000 .714 item37 1.000 .472 item38 1.000 .601 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total Variance Explained Compo nent Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total of Variance Cumulative Total of Variance Cumulative 1 3.534 58.904 58.904 3.534 58.904 58.904 2 .731 12.185 71.090 3 .600 9.992 81.081 4 .501 8.342 89.423 5 .360 5.996 95.419 6 .275 4.581 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Universita Sumatera Utara 128 Component Matrix a Component 1 item18 .679 item25 .841 item30 .761 item35 .845 item37 .687 item38 .775 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted.