Background of the Study

suitable in the stages of teaching in genre based approach. The steps in PWIM technique such as selecting pictures, identifying pictures, labeling words on the pictures, reading the words aloud, classifying words, arranging sentences, and developing paragraph can be applied orderly in the each stages of teaching in genre based approach.

B. Identification of the Problems

As it has been stated before, the writing ability of the VIII D grade students of SMP N 3 Mlati was low. It was caused by some factors. The factors were the students and the teaching techniques used in the writing teaching and learning process. The first factor is the students. They faced many problems in writing such as generating ideas, organizing the text, using appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. They said that they had difficulties to convey their ideas. They found it difficult because they did not know how to express their ideas in English. Moreover, their writing works indicated that their vocabulary mastery was very low. The low vocabulary mastery was represented in their word choices. They used words in their writing without considering the context and meaning. They often asked the teacher and their friends how to translate some words in Bahasa Indonesia into English language. Because the students focus on translating words into English by asking their teacher, they did not pay attention on how to organize their idea into a good organization. As the result, their paragraphs were not well sequenced. Moreover, they did not master grammar well. They often made mistakes in writing sentences especially in past tense. They also were confused in using pronouns and articles in their writing. Moreover, they often ignored the writing mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Moreover, the students also did not show any interest towards English. They thought that English is a difficult subject. They often did not understand the materials. They even gave up before they started to write. Some of them even just wrote three sentences in composing a story. During the teaching and learning process, students were bored towards the lesson. They did not pay attention to the teacher because they are talking each other. In conclusion, the students were unmotivated to join the English class because they thought that English is difficult. The next factors were the activities used in the teaching and learning process which were not sufficient to attract the students’ attention and interest. The blackboard was the tool that was mostly used by the teacher in the class. The students only listened to the teacher’ explanations and did the tasks. The materials were transferred through explaining about the examples of narrative text without giving interesting activities to engage students’ interest in the writing process. When the researcher observed the class in the teaching and learning process, the students were talking to each other. They did not pay attention to the teacher explanations. Some students also did not do the task given by teachers. At the beginning of writing process in the class, there was no pre-writing step such as brainstorming activities. As a result, the students spent too much time to think about the topic and to start their writing. When they had a topic to write, it is difficult for them to arrange the sentences into good writing. There was no strategy that helped them to arrange text using correct generic structure. They also could not fluently write because they lacked of vocabulary mastery. At that time, the strategies of teaching vocabulary was not applied. Actually, activities such as labeling words in the picture, spelling the word aloud and memorizing words helped students to improve their vocabulary mastery. Related to the aspect of language use, the students were still confused although the teacher has given some grammatical exercise. It seems that learning grammar such as verbs agreement, prepositions, pronoun, and articles were confusing for the students. Moreover, there is no specific activity to minimize students’ errors and mistakes in writing mechanics before the research was conducted. In conclusion, an appropriate teaching technique was needed to improve the students’ writing ability.

C. Limitation of the Problems

The researcher limited the problem areas into a more specific problem which focused on the lack of students’ writing ability. The research focused on the use of Picture Word Inductive Model PWIM technique to improve the students’ ability in writing narrative texts at Grade VIII D, SMP N 3 Mlati in the academic year of 20142015.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem was formulated as follows: How could the Picture Word Inductive Model PWIM technique be implemented to improve the Grade VIII D students’ ability in writing narrative texts at SMP N 3 Mlati?

E. Objective of the Research

This research aimed at improving the grade VIII D students’ ability in writing narrative texts through the use of Picture Word Inductive Model PWIM at SMP N 3 Mlati in the academic year of 20142015.

F. Significance of the Research

It is expected that the research could give the theoretical and practical benefits. 1. Theoretically a. For English Department of Yogyakarta State University, the researcher expects that the result of this study can be a reference related to the topic of writing ability and the use of Picture Word Inductive Model PWIM to improve writing ability. b. For the future researcher who will conduct similar study, the results of this research study can hopefully be a beneficial reference for them in conducting their study. 2. Practically a. For the teacher, especially the English teachers in SMP N 3 Mlati the results of this research study are expected to help them in improving the students’ writing ability.