Principles of Designing Writing Techniques

1 Product-oriented approach Nunan 1999:272 states that Product-oriented approaches, concerns on the result or the final product of students’ writing, the coherent, and the error- free text. According to Brown 2001:335, a half a century ago the teaching of writing are mostly focused on the final product such as the essay, the report, the story, and what that product should “look” like. Moreover, Brown 2001:335 mentions a list of criteria that students must pay attention in composing their writing product. Every composition must: 1 meet certain standards of English rhetorical style 2 use accurate grammar 3 be organized based on the convention. 2 Process Oriented Approach Nunan 1999:272 states that process-oriented approach focuses on the steps involving drafting and redrafting a piece of work. Students are given chances to experience and practice in organizing idea, planning, revising, and editing their writing. The followings are some designed writing activities to facilitate students in process-oriented approach Brown: 2001:335. a focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product b help students writers to understand their own composing process c help them to build repertoires of strategies prewriting, drafting, and rewriting d give students time to write and rewrite e place central importance on the process of revision f let students discover what they want to say as they write g give students feedback through the composing process not just on the final product as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention h encourage feedback from both the instructor and peers i include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition. In conclusion, teaching writing must focus on product-oriented approach and process-oriented approach. The English teachers must be able to keep balance between the process and the product of writing. They cannot only focus about what text can be produced, but also how to construct a writing text.

d. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

According to BSNP 2006, the purposes of teaching English in Junior High School level is to enable students to have the following competences: 1 Improving communication competence in spoken and written forms to achieve a functional literacy level; a level that allows the students to communicate in spoken and written forms to solve daily problems. 2 Having awareness of English Language Essence and importance to improve the competitive capacity of the notion in global society. 3 Developing students’ understanding of the relationship between language and culture. However, the curriculum in SMP N 3 Mlati is developed based on the School-Based Curriculum. The following tables show the standard competence and basic competence of writing for the VIII grade students in Junior High School which are beneficial to be the guidelines to explore the main materials, the learning activities, and the indicators. Table 1. Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of Writing for the VIII Grade Students in the First Semester Standard of Competence Basic Competence 6. Expressing the meanings through functional written texts and simple essays in the form of descriptive and recount text in order to interact with the surroundings. 6.1 Expressing meanings through simple functional texts by using written language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in order to interact with surroundings. 6.2 Expressing meanings and rhetorical steps through simple short essays in the form of descriptive and recount texts by using written language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in order to interact with the surroundings. Table 2. Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of Writing for the VIII Grade Students in the Second Semester

e. Narrative Texts and How to teach them

According to Anderson and Anderson 1997:1 a text is created when words are put together to communicate a meaning. Therefore, when people speak or write to communicate a message, they are constructing a text. Texts are divided Standard of Competence Basic Competence 6. Expressing the meanings through functional written texts and simple essays in the form of recount and narrative text in order to interact with the surroundings. 6.1 Expressing meanings through simple functional texts by using written language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in order to interact with surroundings. 6.2 Expressing meanings and rhetorical steps through simple short essays in the form of recount and narrative texts by using written language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in order to interact with the surroundings.