General Findings and Discussions


C. General Findings and Discussions

This research study was conducted from 12 th April to 18 th May 2016. The objective of this research was improving students’ speaking skills of grade VIII students of SMP N 2 Sewon through communicative activities. The implementations were done in two cycles. The English teacher and the researcher had discussion and decided to discontinue the research at the end of Cycle 2. This was done because the objective of this research had been achieved and the implementations of communicative activities were successful to be done. These are served the general findings of the implementations of communicative activities in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Table 8: The Improvements in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 The Plans Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Using communicative activities  Acting from a script succeeded to gain more confidence for students to speak.  Students got opportunities to practise speaking through acting  Through fun activities, most students gained more confidence.  Drilling pronunciation was applied in two meetings and helpful to R : Hahaha. Oke. Kemarin ada game yang setiap orang nanti kalo dapet boneka lumba-lumbanya itu baca kalimat, nah itu membantu kamu buat pengucapannya lebih bagus? Hahaha alright. There was s game when students got the dolphin doll they read sentences. Does that help you to pronounce well? S14 : Iya, sangat membantu. Yes, that’s very helpful. Interview 14 - Appendix 73 from a script.  Most students still mispronounced words.  There lacked fun activities.  Some students still lacked confidence.  Drilling was needed for students to pronounce words correctly.  Students’ fluency improved. pronounce words for students.  Students had chances to pronounce words.  Only a few students still mispronounced sometimes.  Students’ fluency improved almost thoroughly. Giving feedback to and appreciation for students’ performance  Students lacked confidence and were shy to speak English.  After getting feedbacks, students knew their improvement.  Students became more appreciated after getting rewards doing  Students became more enthusiastic and appreciated after getting compliment and gifts.  They were not shy and felt more confident to speak and perform as appreciated. 74 acting from a script. Conducting reading aloud  Pronunciation was still the main problem found after Cycle 1.  Reading aloud was not implemented maximally in Cycle 1.  Students got a few chances to practice reading aloud.  Reading aloud was conducted in two meetings so that students got chances to practise pronunciation.  Most students could read and pronounce words correctly. Conducting acting from a script  Acting from a script succeeded to provide fun activity.  Students could gain more confidence because they spoke fluently.  Students were also willing to work in groups and to perform in front of the class. - 75 Conducting drilling pronunciation through fun activities -  Fun activities used to conduct drilling pronunciation were whispering ghost, and dolphin doll game.  Students both learnt and played at the same time.  Students got opportunities to practice pronunciations so that their pronunciations improved. Beside the qualitative data seen from observations and interviews, there was supported also by quantitative data through pre and post tests. To avoid subjectivity of assessment, researcher and the English teacher as the collaborator assessed the students in the pre test and also the post test. The English teacher was as Assessor 1 and the researcher was as Assessor 2. The English teach er and researcher assessed students’ fluency, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary through speaking assessmemt rubric. The scores for each skill of the students were processed to get the mean scores in the pre and post tests. The mean scores from Assessor 1 and 2 in pre test and post tests were to find the final gained mean scores. Table 9: The Result of Pre Test Assessor Fluency Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Assessor 1 2,34 2,38 2,30 2,11 76 Assessor 2 2,42 2,26 2,15 2,23 Gained Mean Score 2,38 2,32 2,22 2,17 Table 10: The Result of Post Test Assessor Fluency Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Assessor 1 2,76 2,61 2,42 2,34 Assessor 2 2,92 2,65 2,30 2,46 Gained Mean Score 2,84 2,63 2,36 2,40 Table 11: Students’ Improvement Scores of Pre Test and Post Test Test Sum Fluency Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pre 26 2,38 2,32 2,22 2,17 Post 25 2,84 2,63 2,36 2,40 Final Gained Scores 0,46 0,31 0,14 0,23 Students’ fluency improved 0,46 from 2,38 in pre test to 2,84 in post test after implementing communicative language teaching activities. Pronunciation also obtained 0,31 for the improved score. Students’ pronunciation mean score was 2,32 in pre test. It improved to 2,63 in post test. Grammar also improved 0,14 from 2,22 in pre test to 2,36 in post test. Students’ vocabulary mastery gained 0,23 as well. It was 2,17 in pre test and improved to 2,40 in the post test. From the discussion above, it could be concluded that student’s speaking skills improved through the implementations of communicative language teaching activities. Those improved skills were fluency, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. 77


This chapter presents conclusions, implications and suggestions of this research. The descriptions of each part will be presented below.

A. Conclusions

This research was carried out at grade VIII D of SMP N 2 Sewon, Bantul in academic year 20152016. This was done from 12 th April to 18 th May 2016. The objective of this research was improving students’ speaking skills of grade VIII students of SMP N 2 Sewon through communicative language teaching activities. Regarding to the research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, this can be concluded that implementing communicative language teaching activities was proven to improve students’ speaking skills. First of all, by conducting communicative language teaching activities, speaking skills could be taught equally in the classrooms since they provided speaking activities needed. That made speaking activities frequently conducted. Through communicative activities, the focus of learning in the classroom was not only for writing and reading skills, but also for speaking skills. Secondly, the speaking activities in the classroom became varied. Communicative activities offer various speaking activities. The English teacher had choices to conduct speaking. Thus teaching and learning processes turned into learner-centred instead of teacher-centred. Communicative activities also gave opportunities for students to practise speaking since speaking is a productive skill. Thirdly students were motivated and willing to participate in the activities. They gained more confidence to speak as their speak-up fluency improved as well as their pronunciation. Through c ommunicative activities, students’ speaking skills improved.